THE TWIG Newspaper of the Students of Meredith College VOLUME XLIX MEREDITH COLLEGE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA OCTOBER 10, 1974 NUMBER 5 SGA passes judicial board and election reforms Erna Stromsland, the lead of Meredith’s fall musical, ‘’Ap plause”, is supported by cast members, Wade Rochelle,Michael Daugherty, Howard Penny and Ron Davis. Changes in the elections and judicial systems were passed and SGA for sophomores was carried in the October 4 SGA meeting. President Jean Jackson invoked the one-tenth quorum rule so that legislation could be voted on. The election system was revised so that in the first election voters should vote for the exact number of people to be elected to a particular office. Elections will be determined by a two-thirds majority. If this majority includes more than the number to be elected, these candidates will run in the second election. If two-thirds of the votes are cast for less than the number to be elected, the remaining candidates will be voted on in the second election. In the second election, election will be by a plurality of votes cast. A plurality is defined as a margin of one or more votes. A measure was passed granting elections board the supervision of the Spring’s Queen election. Queen can didates will be nominated by the student body at a regular SGA assembly. The candidate receiving the second highest number of votes will be named Maid of Honor. It was also determined that for any election to be valid, one- half of the student body must have voted. The expenses of the elec tions system will be shared equally by the organizations represented in the elections; SGA, MRA, and CCA. Several changes in the judicial system were also passes by SGA. It was deter mined that the judicial board will serve as an appeals board for inter-dorm board decisions. The student government executive committee will no longer serve as the appeals board for judicial decisions. A student may appeal decisions made by die Inter-dormitory Board within one week of the decision to the judicial board, the president of the college and finally to the board of trustees. The president of the day students was granted full voting membership in the judicial board. Applause cast is enthusiastic; ticket sale to begin Oct. 23 A bill was carried granting full SDH privileges to sophomores contingent upon their having completed 25 semester hours, two college semesters and having a quality point ratio of 1.30. Putting together a musical is no easy task but Director Linda Bamford is satisfied with the progress of “Applause”, Meredith fall production. “The cast is, overall, outstanding and enthusiastic,” she said. She thinks that “Applause” has more appeal for the college audience than most musicals. She commented that “the plot is realistic and the music has a contemporary rock beat.” “Applause” will run November 6, 7, and 8. Ticket sales begin October 23 for Meredith students and October 30 for the general public. Student tickets are $1.00 and adult tickets are $2.00. ABC Records describes “Applause” as the “story of the glamorous theatre star and the mousy, adoring girl from the sticks who ingratiates herself into the star’s private world and then systematically attempts to take over her career, her lover and her life.” Erna Stromsland will appear as the glamorous star, Margo Channing. Erna is a senior voice major and has played the female lead in “Carmen” and “Hello, Dolly!” Eve Harrington, played by Robin Rhodes, is the adoring, two-faced girl. Robin is also a senior voice major. She has appeared in productions of “Babes in Arms”, “South Pacific”, “My Fair Lady”, and “Music Man”. Margo’s lover and director is played by Ron Davis. This summer Davis served as set designer and technical director for Raleigh Little Theatre’s “The Golden Goose”. He also designed sets for productions of “The Wizard of Oz” and “The Odd Couple”. Davis has acted in “1776”, “Music Man”, “Star- Spangled Girl”, and “Carousel”. Michael Daughtry will portray Duane, Margo’s hairdresser. Michael has ap peared in numerous produc tions including “The Sound of Music”, “Dames at Sea”, “Oklahoma”, “Music Man”, and “Bye Bye Birdie”. ‘“Applause will equal our production of ‘The Sound of Music’,” she said. Richard Southwich, in structor of music at Meredith, will conduct the 20 piece or chestra. He presently directs the Broughten High School Orchestra and the Raleigh Youth Symphony Orchestra. Southwich also directed the orchestra for Meredith’s 1971 production of “The Sound of Music”. “Applause” opened on Broadway in March 1970 and won four “Tony Awards” that year: Best Musical, Best Ac tress, Best Direction, and Best Choreography. All of the measures passed by SGA will be presented next to the Student Life Committee. An announcement was made that because of the number of honor code violation during the exams last year, our system of self-scheduling exams is in danger. Everyone who feels that this system should be retained should go by to see Mr. Hiott. Buzz Richards, the playwright and Margo’s friend, will be played by Ron Jones who majored in drama at ASU. Jones has also appeared in productions of “Cabaret”, “Butterflies Are Free”, “JB”, and “Antigone”. ^ Buzz’s wife, Karen, will be portrayed by Cathy Bland. Karen is a Radcliffe graduate and never quite fits in with the theatre crowd. Cathy has appeared in productions of “The Miracle Worker”, “Winnie-the-Pooh”, and “Flounder Complex”. Sophomore voice major Andra Knott will appear as Bonnie. Bonnie is the leader of the gypsies, a group of dancers who move from show to show. Beth Leavel, a sophomore at Meredith, is the choreographer for “Applause”. She has had seven years of tap and ballet training and two years of ballroom. A male lead said of Beth’s work: “I have never seen better choreography on the college level than here at Meredith.” Another lead actor added that Beth had “Brought in contemporary movements that haven’t been seen in Raleigh before.” Generally the male actors are impressed with the Meredith actresses and the progress of “Applause”. Music director Jane Sullivan agreed. TWIG newsbriefs CAMPING TRIP Lynn MacArthur will take students on a camping trip during Fall Break. Twelve students will be able to go. The cost and designation will be determined by the students interested. Contact Lynn as soon as possible. The group will either have a base camp and hike out from there each day or will carry a backpack and camp each night along the trail. contact Liza Williams in 311 Faircloth dorm. Involved leaders of the Foundation will be on campus to give further explanation. Make sure you get in on the ground floor and give your time so others may live. FUND-RAISING The N.C. Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation has contacted Meredith College through the N.C. Student Legislature about its fund raising involvement. Each school is asked to have a money-raising project to enable the foundation to continue research for this incurable disease. Cystic Fibrosis is the ac cumulation of mucus in the lungs, pancreas, and intestines. Victims of this ailment don’t usually live beyond 18. FRIEND NEEDED Anyone interested in being a friend to a blind college girl who lives in Raleigh? She is out of school this semester and wants to meet someone who would be interested in going with her to a movie, out to eat, or just to talk. If interested, please contact Mr. Sumner in 220 Joyner. to it and the sacrifices which would be involved in pursuing particular policies, and suggestions to individuals to protect themselves in their savings-investment decisions. A group of eight or ten experts is being invited to participate in this event as speakers and panel discussants. Some of these will be govern ment officials, others will be executives of private financial institutions, and some will be academic economists. The symposium is open to the public. SYMPOSIUM ON ECONOMICS The Department of Business and Economics is planning a Symposium on In flation to be held on Campus November 1, 1974, between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 Local school churches, Jaycees, etc., are asked to sponsor marathons or contests for money for this project. Any interested persons please p.m. Although explicit plans have not been made as to the precise form the symposium will follow, it is envisioned to cover the following areas: The causes of the present in flation, the alternative solutions YDC The Meredith Young Democrats Club will sponsor an absentee voting drive for the November elections. The drive will include provisions of ab sentee ballot request forms, stamps to mail the forms and a ride board to arrange rides home for Election Day. Plans were announced for a series of articles on Democratic candidates and concerns which will run parallel to a similar Republican series in THE TWIG. YDC will meet next on Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. in the Joyner Parlor. mi