THE TWIG JVgirgpgper of hg Stwdgwt# ot Meredith College VOL. LX. NO. « RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27611 OCTOBER 14, Intrigue and Controversy: Meredith has both 1981 audience about the new definition of espimage and about the fact that any government worker in a position of trust is liable to the same penalties as he. Snepp also reiterated that his bode contained no confidential information. Furthermore, he retains his belief in the need Creating for a strong CIA • especially as the agency recovers from Turner's mismanagement. Snepp concluded by saying that the country was harmed just as much as he by the Supreme Court's decision against First Amendment rights. the right impression by Lisa Sorrels (Warning: This article has not been cleared by the CIA. • Ed.) Stating that his topic was that of a fantasy world which would make the listener angry, Frank Snepp, III, blistered his way through the October Convocation. Before he could discuss his case with the Justice Department and the ensuing stru^le for First Amendment rights, he delivered a disconcerting account of CIA ineptitu^ since the early 1970’s. Snepp explained that the trouble began back in 1973 when James Schlesinger began the "family jewels," a tick list which stemmed from by Joy Hundley The Super A’s were victorious once again as the football intramurals came to a close Tuesday, the sixth of October. After two days of fierce competitiwi Jo Fusser, What do an unmarried prince, a beautiful young princess, a castle of long ago, and a pea have in common? A fairy tale, of course! “Once Upon a Mattress", a modern adaptation of ‘‘The Princess and the Pea”, was presented by the Department of Music and the Performing Arts last Thursday, Friday. Saturday, and Sunday in Jones Auditorium. With all the flair and pageantry that usually accompanies such productions, the cast sang and danced its way through this musical comedy. The classic situation of a "once-upon-a- time” kingdom was presented: an overbearing queen and a mute king have a son who is of age to marry, yet a suitable wife cannot be found for him. To further complicate matters, no one in the kingdom can marry before the prince does so. The situation looks hopeless until the arrival of one last princess. The overbearing Queen Aggravain, portrayed by Phyllis Stallings, dominated King Sextimus (Rowell Gormon) and Prince Dauntless (Jeff Hill) and disapproved of every eligible princess in the kingdom, especially of Princess Winnefred, portrayed by the CIA’s involvement with Watergate. Thus for the first time since 1947 the agency's mistakes were open to scrutiny. This idea of congr^sional investigation was new because the CIA had never been required to give true accountability for its actions. The actual destruction of the CIA mystique occurred when Richard Helms violated the gentlemen's agreement between the CIA and the Justice Department. Helms’ tactic, now known as p'aymall, can longer be used • according to new guidelines (which are presently held in limbo by the Reagan administration). Myrtle Turner, Carol Griffin, Dabney Chakales, Clare Lynn Brock, Mary Stone and Alisa Robertson, otherwise known as the Super A’s, emerged as the champions. Over fifteen teams competed in the doutde Wendy Stanley. Devising a sensitivity test she thought no one could pass. Queen Aggravain placed a tiny pea under a stack of twenty mattresses. If Princess Winnefred were unable to sleep on the mattresses, she would be sensitive enough to marry Prince Dauntless. Much to Aggravain’s dismay, and with much help from the Prince’s friends. Winnefred passed the test. Wendy Stanley portrayed Princess Winnefred superbly, winning the audience with her wife-eyed innocence and excellent performances of such songs as "Shy" and ‘Happily Ever After". Phyllis Stallings portrayed the devious Queen Aggravain with confidence and expertise, while Rowell Gormon splendidly played the part of King Sextimus. MartyPurvis and Timothy Gordon gave beautiful performances of the songs ‘‘In A Little While" and “Yesterday I Loved You" as Lady Larkcn and Sir Harry. The orcheslra, under the leadership of Richard Southwick, gave an excellent performiince, providing Jhe flnal prufessional touch to a successful musical production. Snepp’s book. Decent Interval, was not the only such book on CIA activities written by a former CIA employee. There have been both complimentary and uncomplimentary books by former agents. But Decent Interval appeared Just as Stansfield Turner was "naively" cleaning house at the agency. The timing of the publication made Snepp an “almost inevitable whipping boy.” Even while recounting the failures of the agency to meet the world’s latest crises, Snepp affirmed the need for the Freedom of Information Act and for congressional oversight. He warned his elimination tournament which began Monday, October fifth at 4 o’clock. Thanks to Mr. Simmons of the maintenance department, play was cmducted on two lined off fidds. The championship game was played on field one between the Super A’s and Soft Touch. It remained extremely close until the second half when the Super A’s managed to score the winning touchdown. The air was filled with enthusiasm as MRA awarded the winning team members tickets to the State Fair. Everyone participating seemed to have a wcmderful time, but it would not have been possible without the help of Dr. Page, Dr, Stewart, Nancy Sparlu, Julie Hennis, Mary Stone, Faye Bryant, Jil Humberger and numerous others I have failed to mention. A special thanks is extended to Mr. Simmons and Mr. Crowal of Raleigh Broughton High School for the necessary equipment. All in all, this year’s football intramural program was a trememdous success. by Melody West When you are getting ready for a job interview, remember that the way you are dressed may create either a favorable or an unfavorable impression on your prospective employer, Perhaps you should read through The Women’s Dress for Success Book by John T. Malloy. Until you do, however, here are some excerpts from that book which may be helpful when choosing an outfit for your interview. ... Cho(xse a conservative skirted suit or dress, preferably in blues, greys, or browns. A tailored blazer should be worn to give an authoritarian look. Clothes should be tailored and conservative, no ruffles or frills. ... Blouses should be in soft colors, conservative neckline, bow. or tailored collar with by Betty Meeler On Wednesday, September 30, Kappa Nu Sigma, Meredith’s scholastic honor society, met for its fall induction ceremonies, Ka|^)a Nu Sigma is based on beauty, sound mindedness, and intelligence; membership is determined by grade point average. Each year, the society also presents the Helen Price Scholarship to the scarf or ascot. ... Always wear neutral colored hose, never colors or textured hose. Never, never, never have a run. Wear cIosed>toed conservative shoes; never wear trendy shoes. ... Jewelry should be quiet and simple. ... Makeup should be natural looking and conservative. Use neutral color or clear nail polish. ... Always carry a brief case or portfolio, not a handbag. For on campus interviews, you don't need to carry anything. ... Cologne should be very subtle if worn at all. Never leave the scent following you. ... Clothes should be clean and neatly pressed, hem straight. ... Never wear anything too short, too long, too clingy, too sexy, or too low cut. sophomore and junior with the highest average in their class. This year's scholarship recipients were sophomore Lori Finch and junior Kristina Young. Inducted were seniors Alice Boyer, Lucille Caison, Nancy W. Carolan, Gretchen Derda, Anne Earp, Anne W. Edwards, Ellen Flippen, Susan Foster, and Lynn Powell, and faculty members Carol Kepler and Teresa Cross. Student interest in Christian Fellowship strong We have sorted through all the survey information from the early part of the semester and have found that many people on campus are interested in a Christian Fellowship. Meredith Christian Association is making plans to begin a Fellowship group. Plans are to begin the group on Tuesday, November 3, at 6:30. The group will then meet every- other week. We need some help from those of you who are willing to contribute yoru talents (music, speaking, organization, etc.). On Thuesday, October 22, we will have a meeting in Ginger Barfield’s office on 1st Heilmanat 5:30. This will be a time for you to have some input into the organization of the group and to volunteer your services and talents. We are excited abut the reality of an opportunity for informal Christian fellowship at Meredith. Come and share our excitement as we make plans! Too Ji^nson (828-3808) Manning Winslow {828*0982) Ginger Barfield (ext. 3S7) P.S. If you have suggestiwis or want to help but can't be at the planning meeting, cail one of us or leave your name with Martha Anderson in the Campus Minister’s Office. Super A’s run away with Football Intramurals Musical farce: Smashing success Kappa Nu Sigma inductions