THE TWIG IVewtpmpmr mf the SMenU mt IHereMth C«lle«c VOL. LX. NO. 10 RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA 2Y«U NOVEMBER 18, IMl Designer to speak on “Women, Men, Fashion” by Lisa Sorrels Is your closet so clustered with designer labels that you’re afraid they converse in the dark? You can hear the nation’s outstanding designer of men’s fashions speak at 10 o’clock on December 7, in Jones AuditMlum. Alexander Julian, a Chapel Hill native, will discuss the subject “Women, Men, Fashion.” Julian was asked to speak to the Meredith community primarily because women purchase 90 percent of the men’s clothing that is purchased. Furthermore, the designer has won the Coty Award in both 1977 and 1979 for outstanding fashion designs. Julian has more recently won the first Cutty Sark Award for the oustanding men’s fasion desi^er. I^is award, which consisted of a silver replica of the Cutty Sark ship and a $5,000 scholarship to be established in his name at the school of his choice, is presented in conjunction with the Men’s Fashion Association. Since 1975 he has been President of Alexander Julian, Inc., of New York City. Mr. Julian will have a Christmas Dance ’81 by Linda Seilers Would the average Meredith student consider paying $100 or more for an evening with their date? The answer is probably yes. Meredith’s annual Christmas Dance, sponsored by CCA, will be held December 5 from 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. in Belk Dining Hall. The band “Chaser” will provide entertainment for the evening. Traditionally, most Meredith students choose to pay for at least part if not all of the evening for herself and her date. This includes dinner, tickets to the dance, and any outside parties the couples wishes to attend. Many girls also purchase new dresses for the semi- formal affair. “If I had to do it again, I would spend the same amount of money,” stated one student who went to the dance last year. “It’s really worth it.” So, whether you take your date to the Angus Barn or McDonald’s, consider this: Christmas only comes once a year. slide show to accompany his talk. After the convocation, there will be an informal discussion in the Fireside Lounge along with a videotape presentation. Now, confess: when your designer labels go bump in the night, do they gossip about how much clothing you buy for your men? Preregistration changes Nov. 30 - Dec. 11 To make changes from preregistration, fill out the form below and get your adviser to sign it. Bring the form to the Registrar’s Office between8:30a.m.and4:15p.m. November 30 - December 11. You will not receive a new print*out of your spring schedule so you may wish to bring your old one to correct. Students trying to add a closed course will need a permission slip signed by the department concerned in addition to the preregistration change form. These slips as well as more change forms are available in the Registrar’s Office. PREREGISTRATION CHANGES S«t(jniy Number DROP Ldsi Name CODE D«pt. No. Sect. Cr. Hrs. ★ GRADING CHANGE 'if Use th« ollowinK codc: A - Audit C - CRC P - Pass/Fail RD Repeal a D RF - Repeal an F C ^ PE for a Grade ADD CODE Dept- No. Sect. Cr. Hrs. ★ CODE Dept. No. S«ct. Cr. Hrs. * Ad\isor\ Signature Date Official Examination Schedule Fall 1981 MEREDITH COLLEGE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA FALL SEMESTER. DECEMBER 12-19, 1981 The following self-scheduling examination plan has been developed for the Fall Semester, 1981. I. The scheduled examinations will be taken at the time indicated unless a student has two exams scheduled at the same hour or she has three consecutive scheduled exams. If either of these conflicts occur, the student may arrange with her instructor to take the last scheduled exam within 24 hours of the scheduled period. Multisection exams have priority over single section exams. Single section exams are listed below the dotted lines. II. A student may elect to take any of her other exams during any of the 27 examination periods. III. The last exam period for self-scheduled exams is 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 19th. IV. There are no exams on Sunday, December 13th. V. No class may schedule an exam on Saturday, December 12th. This day is reserved for self scheduled examinations. SAT DEC 12 MON DEC 14 TUES DEC 15 WED DEC 16 THURg DEC 17 FRI DEC 18 SAT DEC 19 8:00 A.M. SELF SCHEDULED EXAMS ONLY HIS 101 BUS 220 BUS 330-3 BUS 330-6 BUS 320 PHY 221 MAT 940 PSY 100-1 GEO 204 "*BI0"'2ri” PSY 305 FOREIGN LANG 201 _AW/HEC_306 MAT 211 _ MAT 245 HEC 216 - _ CHE 351 HIS 304 MAT 313 PSY 306 12:00 NOON SELF SCHEDULED EXAMS ONLY ENG 206 ART 7A4 MAT 212 MAT 321 _ MC 230 FRE 30S PSY 201 FOREIGN LANG 101 HEC 335 MAT 220 . CUE 111 BUS 446 ENG 351 HEC 943 _ _WG_111_ . 3:00 P.M. SELF SCHEDULED EXAMS ONLY REL_^Op^Q) BUS 422 PED/MUS 947 _ENG_?ai BUS 432-1 BUS 412-3 BIO 323~ BUS/ECO 499 ENG 365 HEC 944 EDU 234 HEC 115 HEC 355 MUS 494 ” MAT 100 MAT 110 7:00 P.M. SELF SCHEDULED EXAMS ONLY FOREIGN LANG Xp2 bTo"*331 EDU 344 HEC 941 PSY 200 CSC 101 HIS 214 SPA 306 HEC 234 HEC 942 PSY 404 BIO 101 HEC i.24 MUS 140 BIO 102 CHE 221 ENG 202 HEC 214 IDS 944 HEC 245 MAT 340 X