Special TTl I Special Elections I 1^ I mlu I i ^ Elections Edition III I W W I Edition Kewpmper ot the StudenU »# Meredith College VOL. LX, NO. 18 MEREDITH COLLEGE. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 22. 1982 ELECT10]\S ’82.... ELECTIONS ’82 Student Life Committee Chairman Elaine Jolly Name: Elaine Jolly College Address: 220 Vann Majw: Political Science Secondary Certificate in Education Year in college: St^homore PAST EXPERIENCE: Freshman Class President Sophomore Class President SLC Honor Code Evaluation Sub-Committee (Fresh.) SLC Honor Code Evaluation Sub-Committee Chairperson (Soph.) ICC Representative (Fresh.) SLC Committee to Evaluate Student Advisory Councils SLC Representative (Fresh.) SLC Representative (Soph.) OTHER ACTIVITIES: 1979 Girls State delegate 1981 Counselor at Girls State 1979 Girls Nation delegate 1981 Counselor at Girls Nation 1982 (summer) Counselor at Girls State 1982 (summer) Dean of Junior Counselors at Girls Nation 1980-81 Student Development Leadership Award GOALS & PHILOSOPHY: Serving on SLC for ^e past two years has helped me to recognize the needs and interests concerning life in the Meredith Community. I believe that SLC is where student concerns should be voiced and acted upon to assure a cohesive community. SLC deals with issues such as the need for more outdoor lights, and general campus concerns, as well as acting on major pieces of legislation. Until we open our eyes and ears to the concerns and interests of the student body, there can be no changes or improvements. I hope that you will give me the opportunity of working for you as SLC chairperson. I know that, TOGETHER, we can make things happen!!!! Student Life Committee Chairman Joni Parker Name: Joni Parker College Address: 102 Poteat Major: English Year in college: Junior PAST EXPERIENCE: Student Life Committee Member Subcommittees of the Student Life Committee Budget Evaluation Committee Convocation. Concert and Lectures Committee Student Foundation Member Co^hair of Parents’ Wedcend Worship Committee Vice Del^ate Chairperson of N.C.S.L. Concert and Lectures Committee of C.C.A. OTHER ACTIVITIES: Silver Shield Honorary Leadership Society Colton English Club Meredith Playhouse Cate Center Student Worker (2 years) Cape Fear Valley Hospital Volunteer GOALS & PHILOSOPHY: Every student at Meredith College contributes to the unique reputation of the Meredith Community. However, just as we are individuals, we are also a tody of persons who have the common goal of preserving and improving the quality of life at Meredith. The Student Life Committee should bring together the administration, the faculty, and the students in order to effectively evaluate student concerns and improve the quality of campus life. Cliairman of Judicial Board Mary Alexander Name: Mary Alexander College Address: 106 Poteat Major: Home Economics Year In college: Junior PAST EXPERIENCE: Judicial Board Representative (Freshman Year) Junior Hall Advisor MCA Publicity Chairman OTHER ACTIVITIES Secretary of Kappa Omicron Phi (Home Ec. Honor Society Student Advisor Student Tour Guide (2 years) GOALS & PHILOSOPHY: From the many offices I have held at Meredith, I have learned not only responsibility, but also discipline and organization. As a former Judicial Board representative. I was able to see how vital the judicial system is to our Meredith community; I also realized how important it is to me. I believe that I have a good understanding of Meredith’s Honor System, and I hope to be able to serve you as next year’s Judicial Board Chairman. .Chairman of Judicial Board Bobyn B. Compton Name: Robyn R. Compton College Address: 104 Barefoot Major: Political Science Year in college: Junior PAST EXPERIENCE: Secretary, Judicial Board, 1980-81. Member, Judicial Board, 1979-80 (Freshman representative). Century III Leaders’ Scholarship, 1979, OTHER ACTIVITIES: Member, Meredith College Young Democrats. Volunteer, working with NOW for the passage of ERA. Member, College Federation of Democrats. Member, North Carolina Young Democrats. Employment in various capacities every semester except the present. GOALS & PHILOSOPHY: , ^ ^ „ ... I have always been a firm believer in the judicial system at Meredith. However, there is always room for improvement. I would like to be able to work (Continued on Page 4) Legislative Board Chairman Caroline Bogaty Name: Caroline Bogaty College Address: 409 Barefoot Majw: Psychology Year In college: Junior PAST EXPERIENCE.: Freshman Hall R^resentative (’79-80), Tour Guide (’80-82). Academic Committee (’80-82), Sophomore Hall Advisor (’80-81), Junior Hall Advisor (’81* 82), Student Foundation (’81-82), Committee Selected for Reviewing Student Government Applications (’81). OTHER ACTIVITIES: Worked at the Raleigh Congressional Club (’79-81), make Student I.D. Cards, am presently doing an internship with Mount Vernon School testing the behavior of devienl chilc&en, babysit once a week. GOAU & PHILOSOPHY: As our student body changes and grows, so must the constitution and regulations of our association. My goals, should I be elected to this position, would be to seek out and receive recommendations concerning changes in our constitution, and strive to present valid recommendations for improvement to the Board. I believe that in order for Legislative Board to be effective, we must all work together as a whole, and if elected, I shall strive for that unity. Legislative Board Chairman Kristen Kerfoot Name: Kristen Kerfoot College Address: 221 Poteat Major: Business Administration Year in college: Junior PAST EXPERIENCE: Hall Advisor & Legislative Board Member 1981-82 Tennis Team 1981-82 Professional Communications Committee Vice President Tomorrow’s Business Women’s Clid) Business Advisory Council 1980-81 OTHER ACTIVITIES: P.A.G.E. Program Teacher Astrotekton Service Club Newspaper Deliver GOALS & PHILOSOPHY: Through several of my previous activities at Meredith, my role has been to act as a liason between the student body, administration and faculty. I feel that this role as well as my former leadership positions would qualify me to organize and maintain an effective board. In addition, since I am a Meredith en^usiast, I would strive for the board torpass only legislation that was for the ^tterment of Meredith College as a whole.