THE TWIG NewBpaper ot the StudenU •f MeredUH C0lle$e VOL IXI, NO. 2 MEREDITH COLLEGE SEPTEMBER 20,1M2 Department. Given New Residence byKtflyEfIrd Among the many changes at Meredfth this year has. been the relocation of the Math Department. The department has been moved from second floor Joyner Halt to the new Shearon Harrts Business Building. Dr. Ed Wheeler, chairman of the Math Department, ttelleves the department to be fully satisfied with the move. Says Wheeler, “I left an office in which students had to sit singie file, like a train. If I was helping more than one at a time. Our new spacious quarters are quite refreshing." When asked how he felt about the color scheme of Ihe interior Wheeler replied, "It may reflect a deficiency in my tastes, but I thoroughly enjoy the color scheme, it reflecis my belief tttat there is fun and excitenwit to learn ing as well as hard work. Besides the aesthetic considerations. I’ve noted that confronting a student by a purple wall at 8:00 a.m. markedly increases her alertness In class." Or. Wtieeler also stated that he la quite pleased with the design and arrangement of the building because rt wHI hoM many people without feeing crowded. He feels that light and space are in most cases used well and that the design is compatible with Ihe goal of creating "a multi-purpoae classroom building with maximum flexibility.” India Trip Called ‘Educational’ by Molly McQee Five Meredith faculty members participated in a Meredith sponsored seminar in In dia this past summer. Professors participating were Dr. Susan QHbert, Assistant Pro fessor, Department of English; Or. Ann Kurtz, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Foreign Languages; Dr. Wilm Ledford, Associate Professor. Department of Foreign Languages; Dr. Dorothy Preston, Associate Professor. Mathematics Department; and Mrs.- Evelyn Simmon^. Assistant Professor. Economics Depart ment. TTiey, along with nlr>e ottter faculty members ot C.R.C., went seven weeks In India studying “The Impact of Science and Tectviolooy on Indian Society." Events on the itinerary includ ed trips to DelN. Bombay, Jaipur, Bangalore, and several ott>er In dian cities. While In Bangalore, the group participated In a two week academic program which involved a series of lectures, field tnps, and a focus on ttte trip's theme. One of Uie trip's highlghts for the group was an audience with In dian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. In this session. Prime Minister Gandhi discussed such topics as expectations of the trip to the U.S., heremphasisontheemploy- ~ment of Indian women and pwula* tion control In India. According to Mrs. Evelyn Simnwns, director for the seminar, ‘‘Gandhi greatly Five Meredith professors and other seminar participants pose wfth Prime Minister QsndhI in India this summer. displayed her selfless attitude, and her political adroitness." Not only dM the professors enfoy the academk; and political aspects of the journey, they also found nw>y of their ventures to be exciting and entertaining. From the m^sty of the Taj Mahal to the beauty of the Kazimir, Ihe group experler)ced much of the culture of India. Tliey even rode on elephants to a Jaipur pa>acel In Bombay, the five Meredith professors enjoyed a day with two Meredith students from India, Kal and Suralna Jhangiani. Although the itinerary was a ful orw.the professors had oppor tunities to pursue their personal In terests, and form their own unique Impressions of Indtei. Or. Ledford found India to be a country whksh painted a picture of an ancient Ume alongside a modern one. Dr. Preston was ex cited to experience a dlffer«it culture, one that shied away from Westernization. The seventeen languages and the languege education of the In dian people were Intriguing to Or. Kurtz, while Or. Gilbert found the essence of tfte Indian culture through seeing and experiencing It. Mrs. Simmons enjoyed Ihe peo- . pie pf India, especlaliy their kind- r>ess and their receptiveness. According to all of the Meredith professors, the journey was a very exciting one, a trip filled with enlightening and educational experiences. Meredith Performers Combine Talent As one turns into the driveway of Meredith, one cannot help but notice the tvight red and white sign aijout Meredith Performs '82-83. This year is going to be a year of new and exciting changes. The Staley Lectures to be Held The Staley Christian Lectures will be held Septemt>er 27 • 29 on the Meredith campus, featuring Robert O. and Margaret C. Blood, Woodrow Wilson Foundation Visiting Fellows. During their four lectures, the Bloods, marriage therapists, will discuss the theme. "A Vision of the New Marriage - Adam and Eve Transformed." For more information, including admission prices, please caH 833-6461, ext. 236. STALEY CHRISTIAN LECTURES RotMrt 0. and Margaret C. Blood “A Vision of the New Marriage - Adam ar>d Eve Transformed” September 27,10:00 a.m., Chapel -The Quest for Authenticity September 27, 7:30 p.m.. Chapel • The Quest for Equslity September 26, 7:90 p.m.. Chapel - The Gift of Your Dlfferentness September 20, 10:00 a.m., Chapel - “How can t ever forgive you for not IWir>g up to my expectations?" biggest and most noticeable change is the new logo. It is the conductor of music, the speaker of theater and ttte dancer. This particular logo was chosen in order to show that the performing arts work together. Another ex citing change is this year’s season. The 1982-83 sesson is the first five performance season at Meredith. These performances in clude The King and I by Rogers and Hammerstein, Amahl and The Night Visitors by Glan-Cail MenotU. Under Mllkwood by Dylan Thomas, Nlehotas NIekelby by Charles Dickens adapted by Tim Kelly and finally the Meredith Dancers ‘'In Concert". The season will begin October 29 and end April 23. Tickets are now on sale for the entire season. Students' season tickets are only $8 and adults are $14. One will t>e able to buy season tickets from now until ttte opening of The King and I in the music office. "This is the finest family entertainment t>argain in town” according to Bob Wharton, director of theatre at Mereditfi Col lege. Performers Associates, the theatre club and' support group, WIN t>e selling buttons and t-shirts promoting the new kigo which they are very excited about. Do yourself a favor and sup port Mwedith Performs. Chapel Dedication The Seby and Christina Jones Chapei will be dedicated Fri day, September 24, at 10:00 a.m. All students, facuHy, and staff are invited and encouraged to attend. INSIDE ■ Cold as Ice (p. 2) ' Help for Weariness d’ Academies (p. 2) ' The real story about Federal grants and loans (p. S) ' Shutter-bugs soon to swarm at Meredith (p. 6) ’ As well as numerous attempts to entice you to take yet another part In the economic prosperity of flalelgh. (I.e. adverllsementsl)