THE TWIG NEWSPAPER OF THE STUDENTS OF MEREDITH COLLEGE VOL. iXI, NUMBER 12 Meredith College FEBRUARY 14. 1983 Price of love high on V-Day by Molly McGee Roses are red, We know this is true. But whoever pays for them must surely feel blue! It's really sad someone must feel this way, Especially on an occasion like Valentine's Day. If you think that rhyme is pitiful, wait until you hear this: For your Valentine's Day pleasure - the price of roses can as much as double itself. With the exception of one day, one dozen red roses will sell for $30 to $35 throughout the course of a year. On this specif day, however, a dozen roses wrill cost anywhere from $40 to $60. For those romantics who are a little more practical, spring bouquets and carnation arrangements are ' also Valentine’s Day favorites. Tulips and daisies, too. are popularfiowers to send to the Valentine of your choice. Despite the high cost of flowers, zillions of them are delivered on Valentine's Day. In fact, a goodly number of this number Is delivered ~lo Meredith women. (Has anyone ever thought of sending some to the switchboard operator?). Although flowers may seem impractical because they are expensive, short lived, and unable to match any earth-tone dormroom, not many ladies can resist them, in an informal sun/ey taken in a class of forty Meredith students and one Instructor, one hundred percent of the women said that they liked receiving flowers on Valentine’s Day. Just the sight of a flower tjouquet brings about freshness, beauty, and above all; a visual message of love. mSIDE Candidates for school offices Notes from Career Services Cape Cod Summer Op portunities Letter to the Students Symphony Benefit to fie held at Meredith Valentine's Day has always Iseen a popular affair at Meredith, as seen, in this 1979 photo. Jury duty taken very seriously at Meredith As a citizen of the l^eredith community, you have certain responsibiities, such as representing the college with dignity, upholding the Honor System, and appearing when sumnxined for j u ry d u t y . Unfortunately, many students do not take this last responsibility seriously, but failing to appear for jury duty is a serious offense. Before ^ch Judicial Board hearing, 25 students are chosen from a computerized list as prospective jury memtjers; from these 25 students, 12 are chosen as jurors. If called for jury duty, students must appear. Only in rare ca^s may a student be excused from jury duty. However, a prosp^ive juror may be excused if she believes she cannot be objective' after hearing the accused’s name and the charge. Again, it is your responsibility to the college appear for' jury duly if summoned. For more information, please see page 89 of the 19e^83 Student Handbook. Four actors who portray many characters in the play"Under Milk Wood" at Meredith are clockwise from top: Michael A/ea/ Patrick, Anna Bess Brown. Isabella Cannon, and Skip Mendler. The performance, part of fi^redlth performs 82-63. is b^ng held now. Februaryl2, 17. I8and 19 at 8 p.m. in Studio Tlieatre, lowerlevel, Jones Auditorium on the Meredith campus. Special programs offered Several exchange and special programs are available on campus, according to information from the Student Life Committee. Committee member Linda Sellers reported at the January 25 meeting -that several universities sponsor programs that Meredith students can attend. American University in Washington, D.C,, offers a ."Washington Semester*’ for students who wish to study govemment,' foreign policy, economics, joumalism, urtan affairs, criminal justice, public administration or arts and humanities. American University also has a special study abroad program in London. TTie Washington Center for Learning Alternatives offers a 35-week internship program that includes lectures and special events. For more information on this program, see the Jan. 31 edition of The Twig, Drew University in Madison, N.J.. offers a London Semester that Kristy Kemm, a Meredith senior, is attending this spring. Drew also has a special United Nations Semester that offers nine semester hours. “The cost of most of these programs is slightly higher than a semester at Meredith," Linda reported at the meeting. However, financial aid can apply to these special semesters. Student Life Committee Chair Joni- Partner expressed her concern that many students were unaware of these programs. The Academic Affairs Sub committee offered to check into publicizing them. For nxire information on any of these special programs, contact Dr. Clyde Frazier, Chairman of the Politics Department.