THE TWIG NEWSPAPER OF THE STUDENTS OF MEREDITH (X>LLEGE WDL LXI, NO. 14 Meredith College Februay 28, 1983 Green art exhibit opens season in Jones art gallery by Joy Cox Art is flourishing at Meredith this spring. The first of aght exhibits opened Febmary 20 with the woi1(s of Marla Elena Green. The opening reception was Sunday, Febni^ 20, from 2:00 until 5:00 p.m. where the ^ist was on hand to discuss her works. Marla Green is a Meredith senior who has been interested in art since she was a small child. It seemed inevitable that she expanded her natural talents in college. Maria is in the process of completing her art education and later plans to teech art to the handicapped. Every Meredith art major must compile a collection for ^hibition of their bestworksas judged by a panel of art faculty. Maria's exhibit consists of pttotographs, drawings in pencil and ink, etchings, embossings, aquatints, acrylic paintings and pastels. Still Ijfes in bright colors dominated. Of special note is a pastel entitled “Illustration for Children”. The p^tei depicts various animals l30th exotk: and> ordinary in colorful array. Mc^t of her works are for sale with prices ranging from $10.00 to $85.00. Student art exhibits offer a perfect opportunity for people to purchase original wod(s of art at reasonable prk»s. Be on the k>okout for the other shows which open after spring break and continue through April 20. Brock, Hamlet capture mathematics honors Wtnntrs the 19S3 Freshman-Sophomore math contest are 0 to 0; ienny West, Eliiabeth Brocl, Betsjr Blue, Martha Hamlet. Elizatieth Brock and Martha Hamlet placed, respectively, first and second in the 19^ Fresh man-Sophomore Matfiematics Contest. Jenny West arvj Betsy Blue were each awarded an honorable mention. These four distinguished themselves in a field of twenty* two futrd working students wfio gathered on Saturday morning, January 15,1983, to compete in this annual contest. After three hours of problem solving all admitted that they had been ctiallenged; some conceded that it had been fun. Contest awards were made at the Canady Math Club meeting Drugs, and Delinquency”topic for Akers, visiting Kenan professor "Drinking, lecture by We are experierKing an enjoyable two weeks with Dr. Akers, visiting Kenan Professor in sociolgy, at Meredith. His special areas of concentration sfxxjld seem quite timely as tf>ey have been so recently reflected in news headlines: druga>ntrol policy, alcohol and dnjg abuse, prison over- Dr. Ronald Akers'campus schedule crowding, crime trerxls and crime control. These vivid public concerns all fall within the repertoire of Or. Akers, who received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Ken tucky, 1966. Since tiien, he f>as served on the faculties of the University of Washir>gton, Florkla State University, The University of Iowa, and is currently Chairperson of the Sociology Department at the University of Florida. Ad ditionally, Dr. Akers has t>een a Visiting Fellow at the Boys Town Center for the Study of Youth Developn«nt, wfiere he concentrated on adolescent drug and alcohol use, knowledge and opinion of the law. He has held several offices including President, in the American Society of Criminology, and he has \Continued on Page 8\ Tue. 3-1 7:00-11:00 a.m. 2:00- 3:20 p.m. 5:30- 6:45 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Wed. 3-2 Thu. 3-3 Fri. 3^ Site Visit, Federal Prison at Butner, with SCK3 337 - Zingraff SOC 489, Sociological Theory - Syron Dinner, PDR, with Harris Scholars, International Students and Sociology Club PUBLIC LECTURE. CATE AUDITORIUM “THE 3-D THREAT: DRINKING, DRUGS, AND DELINOUINCr’ 11:00-11:50 a.m. and 12:00-12:50 p.m. PSY 204, Developmental Psycfxjlogy - Homak 2:00- 2:50 p.m. heD 200, First Aid - Allen 7:30 p.m. INFORI»ML DIALOGUE ON CHRISTIANITY AND CRIMINLOGY MEREDITH CHRISTIAN ASSOa ATION INVITES ALL TO ATTEND- CHAPEL COMMONS ROOM 8:00- 9:20 a.m. REL 244, Christian Ethics - Crook 9:30- NOON POL 948, Capital City Semester - Frazier 3:30- 4:50 p.m. SWK 304, Social Wortt Practice - Mackie 11:35 a.m. Departure from RDU airport Visiting Kenan professor Di. RonaM Akers w9l hoM a public lecture on Tuesday. March 1 about drugs, drinking, and delinquency. On Wednesday, March 2, Dr. Akers will tead an informal dialogue on Christianitir and criminology in the chapel commons room. on February 17. Eliz£d)eth Brock, a freshman, was tf>e winner and receives a tuition scholarship of $200. Martt^ Hamlet, a sophomore, receives a $100 tuition scholarship for her second place finish. Both Martha and Elizat>eth intend to focus their studies in the area of mathematics arid computer science. Honorable Mention book awards were made to freshmen Jenny West and Betsy Blue. Jenny holds a nrKisic scholarship at Meredith txJt hopes to squeeze in some study of mathematics on the side. Betsy is still considering irv terests in mathematics, computer science, arxJ ac counting. ly*” First administered in 1982, the contest was organized by the mathematics department both to provkle a special educational experience and hopefully a little fun. This year's cont^t was organized and administered by Professors Taylor and Krair>es, both of wtK>m were quite pleased at tfie results. The Mathenr^ics Department looks forward to again sponsoring the contest in 1964. Outstanding Seniors - 1983 Sarah Craft Julie Henrtls Lee Mabry Kim Metis Julie Michaels Jayne Osborne Cindy Sheiton Nancy ^>arks LMren Starboard Myrtle Turner Joanne Yost These seniors were chosen by classmates and received the most votes out of 25 nominations. These seniors are the ones have worked behind the scenes and con tributed much to classes and the Meredith community. In their own way, each one of these seniors has contributed their time and effort to the functions and activities of tfie Senir Class, and these con- trilMtions have not been un noticed by their classmates. We would //te to say "tfiank you" forbeingsuciiawtal member of our dass.