THE JWIG g EDITORIALS / LETTERS FEBRUARY 6, 1984 EDITORIAL Is sportsmanship dead? What has happened to good sportsmanship these days? Is it a decency that has gone tlje way of hula hoops and platform shoes? Example: North Carolina State University’s men’s basketljall team visited Duke a few weeks ago. Duke, well-known for its crowd antics during a game, did not surprise the team. The students waved Domino’s pizza boxes in the the face of Lorenzo Charles, who was charged with stealing pizzas in 1982. They threw a potato on the floor when Anthony "Spud” Webb came out on the floor. Tt»ey chanted one-two-three-four-five when one of the players fouled out of the game. Well, that’s Just Duke, right? Certainly we at Meredith need not even worry about such antics when we treat our opponents with such respect. Ttiink again. Last Tuesday night, Meredith girls were urged to come to the Meredith-St. Mary’s game dressed like a ’‘St. Mary’s girl.” The attire for a St. Mary’s girl iricluded lots of rrake-up, jean jacket, blue jean mini-skirt, athletic socks, clogs, and add-a-beads. Team support should be a priority arrong Meredith students, but there are more positive ways of support than that shown for the St. Mary's game. Can you im^ine going to a Meredith game at St. Mary’s to see all their students dressed as “Meredith girls”? TWs mocking attitude on. behalf of the students is not very constructive for the team. Support Meredith athletics and cheer loudly for the Angels. But remember that who shows the best sportsmanship is the real winner of the game. MLS con- THE TWiG welcomes letters to the editor and tributipns of columns to the editorial pages. ' All contributions should be typed, double spaced, and are subject to editing. Column writers should include their majors and hometowns; each letter should include the writer's name, address, and tele phone number.'Unsigned letters will not be printed. Bring letters and columns by THE TWIG office, or 305 Barefoot. THE TWIG ncT3^ ocfcgp RALEIGH, NORTH CAROUNA 27611 Editor-in-chief Linda Sellers Managing Editor Amy James Staff Reporters Anne White Julia &nlth Lee Eggleston Kathy Seeger Business Manager Columnist MichdeCheny Kelli Falk Layout Staff Sports Editor - ExSiange Editor Photographer Advertising Manager Anna Clark Sally WoolanJ Linda Cheek Beth Madren Becky Smith Amy James Advertising Staff Sheila Grady Circulation Managers Ellen Austin, Laura Payne Circulation Staff Patty. Atkin^n Proofreader ..Amy Av^ Advisore Panamore Ms. Rhoda Sowers The TWIG welcomes comment and will give prompt con-sider^ion to any criticisms submitted in virriting and signed by the writer. SO,YOUR&aODlAMm 5iupeNT,eH?v«eiieK) YoUODMMUreFPoM? J caMPus 1 Risking ...Mrrai(KiN6 sfaoe. ^ Jl Focus needed on cooperation 1 m i by Kathy Seeger As It stands, the spring semester on the Meredith campus is going to be centered heavily in the spirit of cooperation which is a tradition here. Therefore, I feel that these projects which rely so nuch on cooperation from the entire Nteredith community are worthy of mentioning in this column. One activity which is a tradition at Meredith is the hectic Rush Weeks sponsored by the Phis and Astros. These activities seek to Involve the freshmen and transfers as well as upperclassmen. The time of Rush for both societies reminds all Phi and Astro members of their commitment to their societies and to their com munity. in trying to familiarize myself with these societies, I have been very surprised to leam of the enomrK>us contributions v\^ich these organizations make to Meredith as well as to the Wake County area. Rease give them both your support this special time. Because Meredith represents the old traditions as well as the new innovations in education, several classes this spring are involved in smalt group projects of all kinds. This group activity method is being used in several business courses as vwll as in the speech classes. While the skills being taught in each msyorare imp ortant in and of themselves, it is also important to note the value of the skills taught within these groups; Many of these groups are also involved in research projects which directly rely on i^ponses of various members of the student population. I am sure there will be many surveys, polls, and questionnaires circulating around campus. Rease take the time to fill out these items as completely and as accurately as possible. This action on your part will make the tasks of these groups much easier and their results more reliable. Looking forward to Founders' Day and Stunt, it is easy to anticipate the need at this particular time in our college careers for all of us to band together to help one another. This will be a time when the Freshmen can leam a lot from the upperclassmen. Let’s hope that this Spring will truly be a time of growth and flowering for all of us at Meredith. Overcoming first date anxieties by Kelli Falk Have you ever had the “first date” anxieties? You are sitting at the restaurant table playing with your food, wondering if this guy will end up being your boyfriend. Now there Is a new test: Tell your date to repeat the following sayings rapidly three times. They are: (I) Bad blood, good blood; (2) Unique New York; (3) Fruit float. If he can say all three sayings three times with a deep concentration and no problems, this means he is- too stuffy and mature for you. Stop dating this guy im mediately! If he can say the sayings only two times with some difficulty and a little laughter, he is a good sport and can have fun. Keep dating this guy, he shows promise. If he cannot say any of the sayings once, begin to worry. Either it takes him a.Iong time to catch on to anything or he does not speak any English. TTiis test will help you decide the outcome of your first date. There is no reason for girls to experience anxieties just to find out if he is the right one. Give, him thie test! GRAUATE AND PROFES SIONAL FELLOWSHIPS FOR MINORITY INDIVIDUALS AND WOMEN: $4,500 Stipend, all tuition and nonrein^rs^e fees pdd in thirty five fields of study and degree programs at selected In- stitutions In the Southeast. In North Cantina, Duke. UNOOH, NCSU and NCCU are member Institutions. Students In terested in programs not listed in the brochure should contact the Grant Program directly. Programs of study and contact names av^labie in Career Serv/ces. We want your questions. Do you have any questions about Meredith's policies or ^xHJt something going on a'ound canf^s? If so, write It on a sheet of paper, fold it, and write “Twig Questions on the outside. You may sign ymir name or Initials to the question. Then put it in aTWIG drop envelope. They are located In theTWWS office, 2nd Cate, and outside of 305 Barefoot. Your answerswill appear in the TWO In a couple of v/eeks. Rememljer, your questions can be answered. So, If you are wondering about something on campus, please write.