PAGE 2 ■ THE TWig g EDITORIALS / LETTERS TOM EDITORIAL New parking lot needed Parking for iuniors and seniors at Mer^ith is .sometinies aprobieiTi. Usually a place can be found, but it may be a little far ther than one would like to walk. Most fre^mm and sophpnx>res do not have this problem because they do not.have oars.. Freshmen and so[^K>mpres are not allowed to tave care on campus except in special circumstartces. To have a car on cam pus, a freshman or sophomore must go before the Parking Review Board with her request. Special circumstances that ntay wan^nt having acar on campus include fkayif>g a.sick parent, a job, or reg ular visits to the doctor. In the past few years, the Parking Review Board has cut down on the number of fnsshnDen and sophomores with cars oo cam- us. This seems unfortunate, t>ecause some reaily do need thek cars and cannot find others to ride with. As a solution to this problem, it seems that it is 2v>p>t>priate to consider aivsther parkirig lot on campus. Meredith has a large campus, and there Is much space along the back of the campus thart coukl be used. This parking lot should be txiilt anticipating future needs so more concrete will hot have to be poured in the near future. With a new parking lot, more fr^hmen and sophomores could have cars and the Parking Review Board wxild not have to t)e so discriminating in their decisions. And prospective students who need to have their cars on campus might be more willing tp come to Meredith. MLS ^ettenA ^ ^ Dear Editor: This letter is in response to )fOia editorial "Is Sp^sman- ship Dead?” in the Felxuary 6, 1984 issue. On Tuesday ni^t, January 31. the Meredith Coltege besketball team hosted St. Mary’s In a very exciting and hard-fought contest. Never in our memories has the gym been 90 filled with enthusiastic spec* ttfors. Meredith students turned out in record numbers to encourage us with their cheers. Sure, acontest had been staged to entice students to come to the game - Meredith women were' asked to dress as St. Mar/s students. The contest was intended to t)e a caricature. There is no reason to interpret this as unsportsmanlike be havior. Neither is there any war rant for comparing the actton of THE TWIG nefo^ ocfiqg? RALBQH, NORTH CAfK)UNA 27611 Editor-in-chief Linda Sellers Managing Editor Staff Reporters Business Manager Columnist liiyout Staff Sports Editor Exchange Editor PfK>tograpf>er Advertising Manager Advertising Staff arculation Managers Circulation Staff Proofreader Amy James Anne White Julia Smith Lee Eggleston Kathy Seeger MtoheleCheny Kelli Falk Anna Clark Sally Woolard Linda Cheek Beth Madren Becl^ Smith , Amy James Sheila Grady Qlen Austin, Laura Payrte Patty Atkinson Amy Avery Advisors Dr. Thomas Panamore Ms. Rhoda Sowers The TWIG welcomes comment and will give prompt corvsicteration to any criticisms submitted in wilting a^ sign^ by the w^ter. STal TuMCP FoRle OLYMPicS- Trie OFRCiaL OLVMPiCS OF Trie I98H- OLVMPicg! these students with that of those wfio «Jm derogatory com ments at individual piayers (i.e. as your convnents about the behavior of Duke students); To be derisive isid abusive of indfvkluals is unsportsman like. The Meredith spectators were spirited and vocal, but they were in no way, derisive or abusive. They came to support our team, not to degrade the opponents. We were proud of our fans sod very rriuch appre ciated the opporturR^ to'^ay bafdre^ "p^ed'-ho^.” We beg to differ with ttie statement, ■This mocking attitude on behalf of the students, is not very constructive for the teem.” The support and enthusiasm of the students, their attitudes of encouragement, v«re most inspiring. If a "contest” planned in fun and wltt>out any Intentton of offending any indivkluai or group was responsible for the .tendance, then so be it. Sportsmanshipis not dead at Meredith College. Our fans proved that with their behavior on January 31st. To all of those who were present that rtlght, we say a sincere “Thank You.” Sinoamly, Merfa ChanMe and Qlrtger Barfletd, Coaches Members o/ the 1983~1B84 Meredith College Basketball team: TIsh Bondurant, Gare Lyim Brpck, Oallr^ Dunn, Rose Hopkins. 4U Humberger, ^ Karen Mann, Ginger Reidlff,' Fannie Rowland, and Becky Smith Dear Editor: i wish to congratulate the TWIG staff on the Fetxuary 6 edition'. I was glad to read ab^ Alibe and Who’s Who and I ap preciated your editorial on Sportsmanship. But the two things that prompted this letter are Kathy Seeger's article on (^x)peration sind Anne Whites Calendar of Eyents. VVe ftave heard a grBat deal recently,about the diffteulty our norwBSldMt studmts haw in canpus conimunk^tion. I fiope the Calendar of ,Even.ts will, be a regular coitinv), notone jiist for special we^. If the entire cacrpus can join with Anne in getting all im{x>rtant items in a calendar, we c»i indeed be pnxid of our cooperation and our communication. I think the TWIG would be instrumental in nnaklng' this Sprt^g 'as Kathy saki, ‘% "tim& ot giowth- and flowering for all of us at Mere dith." Sincerely. AnneC. Dahle Continuing Education Where are the women at Meredith? By Kelli Falk This week marks Founder’s Day week. FourxJer’s Day is a time for alumnae, students, and faculty to look back at Mere dith's past. It is also a time for our Soiard of Trustees to meet. I want everyone to get out their Meredith Student Handlxxjk 1983-84 and turn to page 2. On this page. It states Meredith's purpose. “Dedicated totheedu- catkxi of women for leadership, citlronship, and sen^ through, the ideals of intellectual integ rity, pwsonal development, and spiritual growth. D^lcated to the value of women's education and participation on all levels in society {ind in government,..." Having- such a. strong stated purpose, Meredith College should strive to practice it. But Meredith, which is dedicated to making us better women is mn tty men! Do not get me wrong, all of the men are fine men; howrever. I find it strange that men are running our school that dedi cates Itself to making us better. Frankly, how does a man know how to better a wontan? ' Look at your Meredith Catalogue 1983^ starting on page 119. Nottoe that £dl of the corporation officere (except Dr. Sandra C. Thomas), are men. The list of ttw Board of Trustees are full of men. On the Execu tive Committee there are five wonten. However, one woman's term expired in 1983 and another womb’s term expires this year. Three women are left on the Executive Committee. We should start asking questiof>s. First, are the spired term women going to be re placed t>y womeri? Second, how are the Bo^ of Trustees selec ted? iThirdiy,: why are the worheh . po^ represented? Excluding the Alumnae Association, no vKtman holds any high office in any associa- tton. The only exception is Dr. Sandra -C. Thomas. Thank goodness Meredith was smart enough to get her. Do you still think "Meredith’s Purpose" has backing? These questions came to my mind last year wfien I at tended ttie Parents' Weekend dinner. After the meaf, we heard speeches conceming Meredith, i listened to three speakers. I realized th^ the spe^ers were having difflulty relating to our parents what was going on at Meredith. I am sure it was tie- ' cause these men did not spend time with us women. I was al most embrassed wt>en I realized ' that there was prot»bly no ; woman to speak vt^ related to : us, except Dr. Sandra Th»nas and Dean Dorothy Sizemore. I think as students we should be concerned about our represen tation. We should also ask questions, which I plan on doing and will report in the next issue of the TWIG.