THE TWIG VOLUME LXlll NUMBERS NEWSPAPER OF THE STUDENTS OF MERSaTH CXHIEQE OCTOBER 1, 1984 Bonnie Franklin, surrounded by students Open Days for high school seniors Franklin speaks to students by Jennifer Bruffey and Cynthia Church Bonnie Franklin, from “One Day at a Time," appeared at Meredith Coiiege Fri day, Septemtjer21 in Jones Auditorium to sp^ on Voter Registration and Women's Issues. During hw speech, Franklin declared her support for Gov. James B. Hunt. Jr., a candidate for the U.S. Senate in the '84 e- lection, and discussed voter registration and women's issues. After meeting Hunt at the Democratic Convention in San Francisco. Franklin vol unteered her support and time to Hunt's campaign. This included Franklin taking financial responsibility for her trip to North Carolina. When asked why she s.uppoded Hunt and took special interest in this campaign, Franklin said, “I was concemed. This cam paign is Important." Franklin explained that this election affects the entire country because should Helms win the senate election, he will head ttie Foreign Relations Committee a- gain. Freshmwi Elections were held Tues day. SeptemberlS, with 290 freemen vot ing outof aclassof 385. In the run-off held on Thursday, S^teml5er20, 204 freshmen voted. The results were as follows. Presi- dwt-VanessaGoodman; Vice-President- Bettie Shipp; Secretary - Elizabeth Al mond; Treasurer • Elizatieth Clayton; Comhuskin Co-Chairmen - Elizabeth Cun ningham. Cristina Trevino; Co-Historians “He (Helms) doesn’t vrant to com municate with the enemy and this fright ens me,” Franklin said, Franklin said she supports Hunt's previous record in education. She is im pressed that he and his wife wor1 with stu dents in the school. Concerning voter registration, Frank lin said, "I hope those who weren’t going to vote will and those who are unregistered will register. One vote will make a differ ence," Franklin was given an enthusiastic welcome by both Meredith faculty and stu dents, Becky Auman, a Young Democrat representative,presented Franklin with a dark blue Meredith sweatshirt v^ich she wore while speaking. After her speech, Bonnie Franklin gathered in the lobby of Jones with follow ers of Hunt and Heims. Helms supporters verttaiiy attacked Franklin for representing and speaking on behalf of Hunt. Franklin was traveling throughout North Carolina on a four day campaign run for Gov. James Hunt. - Beth Elliott, Debbie Panxit; Stunt Chair man-Allison Gwinn; MRA Representative - Sherry Leigh Smith; Honor Council Rep resentatives - Kelli Hammond, Robin Ro ark; Senators- Lory Gergen, Anne Kirby, Paula Tomlinson; Class Marshals - Jenny Beavers, Catherine McCorkie; Elections Board Representatives - Carol Aspien. Cheryl Canoy. Congratulations to the new freshmen representatives! Prospective students frequently find that talking with enrolled students is their best method of learning at»ut the coliege. To assist them in leaming about Meredith, the Office of Admissions hosts a series of Open Days to invite high school seniors to spend a full day on campus. Open Days 1984-85 are planned for October 3, Octotjer 24, November 14, and February 6. Student visitors will have the chancetoattendan11:00a.m. class, have lunch in the dining room, hear from enrol led freshmen about their experiences dur ing an information session, and tour the campus. If parents accompany the stu dents, there is an information session planned for them as well as lunch on cam pus and a tour. CROP The Raleigh-W^e County CROP WALK for the Hungry will take place Sun day, October 7. The 10-mlle Walk will be gin at 1:30 p.m. with registration and a rally at the Meredith College Amphithea ter, CROP WALK Sponsor Sheets and in formation can be picked up at 4CS Perry Street, Raleigh, NC. For more Information, call the CROP WALK Hotline: 787-1081. [CROP is the Community Hunger Appeal of Church World Service, the relief and developnvnt ager?cy of more than 30 Protestant and Orthodox denominations in the U.S. Of the money raised through the CROP WALK, 25 percent will aid The Food Bank, Gethsamene Rainbow Partnership, Inc., The Shepherd's Table, The Urban Ministries C^ter, Meals on Wheels, Catholic Parish Outreach and The Raleigh Baptlsf Association. The remainder Is distributed through Church World Service to assist in disaster relief and developnrient projects in underdeveloped countries.] 1984 CROP WALK INFORMATION DATE: Sunday, October 7, 1984 TIME AND PLACE: 1:30 p.m., Meredith College Amphitheater, Hillsborough St., Raleigh GOAL: Our goal this year is $65,000 and 1,500 walkers. One-fourth of the money raised will remain In Wake County for local hunger relief. WHO WLL YOU BE HELPING? Millions of hungry people around the world vrill benefit as v^l as people In Wake County. Some enrolled students at Meredith will l3e requested to serve as class hostes ses or tour guides for the visitors, but all enrolled students will be influencing the impression guests have of the College, The ciass(oom atmosphere will be espec ially important since for many prospective students, the class visit is their only expo sure to the academic program. The wel come the faculty and enrolled students ex tend at the opening of class, then the level of academic experience and participation play an important part in the visitor's opin ion of the quality of the program here. If you have high school senior friends who might be Interested in attending an O- pen Day, or if you are interested in helping out, please contact the Office of Admissi ons. WALK Local hunger fighting agencies will receive a portion of the money raised. Such agendes as the following, The Food Bank, W^e County Relief, The Shepherd's Table, The Urban Ministries Center, Meals on Wheels, Catholic Parish Outreach, and Raleigh Baptist Association. ORDER OF EVENTS: A pre-walk rally will begin at 1:30. After music and messages the CROP WALK will begin. REST STOPS: There will tie seven rest stops to provide refreshments to the walkers. First aid services will be available along the route. WHAT TO WEAR: Dress comfortably and wear walking shoes and socks. WHA T TO BRING: Bring the top sheets of your collection envelopes. )^lkers are requested to bring canned goods to supplement local programs that distribute food. RECRUITERS: Persons designated as recruiters for churches and organizations will be responsible for recruiting walkers and collecting and depositing pledges for each walker. REMEMBER: I. October?, 1984 1:30p.m. at Meredith College; 2. Bring only the top sheets of your collection envelopes to the CROP WALK; 3. Be sure to total your pledges; 4. Bring canned goods to the CROP WALK, if you are able; 5. We will mik, rain or shine; 6. Walkers will be restricted to the sidewaik. All money collected by WALKERS is to be deposited at any First Citizens Branch Bank in Raleigh. Tom Deiuca and the Happy Volunteers! See "Editorial” and "in the Courtyard" for more information on the show. Freshman elections results Vanessa Goodman elected Freshman Class President