CORNHUSKIN’ NOVEMBER 1 THE TWIG NBVI^PAPER OF THE SWOENTS OF MEREDtTH COLLEQE VOLUME LXIH NUMBER 8 OCTOBER 29, 1964 Helms visits Meredith faculty debates over politics Although the dark ctouds over Weetherspoon Gym were poui1r>g torrents of ndn on the campus, the spirits of the Jesee Hetrrfs supporters inside could not be dampened. . CoilegeRepubllcansfrommanyNorth Carotina colleges and universities, high school supporters, parents and interested citizens filed in to see Senator Jesse Heims, October 21. Meredith College Republicans, led by Angle Haskins, were busy before the spoochos writing name tags, filling out absentee ballots for voters, and passing out bumper stickers and pamphlets in support of Jesse Heim’s r^eiectlort. Postere and banners filled the wails of the gym, offering wami welcomes to the Senator from Meredith, gjrls as well as girls from St. Marys College and the Kappa Alpha fraternity at N.C.* S.U. Alien Williams, Youth Coordinator for Heims, opened the rally ^ giving a gen«8>. iMroductlon of the program’s speakers. After the Invocation, given by Meredith senior Zan Bunn, Reagan- Heims cheers led by Ralph Reed, a state coordinator for students for America were heard. Allison Blair, Students for Heims High School Coordinator, gave special thanks to ail of the attending High School students for their en thusiasm and undying support. Jesse Heims' campaign consultant, Tom Calne, empliasized the Importance of the media's oblect)vlty in covering events of the campaign as they un fold. Hts [^nrtary exaipple was the praise given- to Jim Hunt after he returned the taxpayer's money spent on private transportation that he |>a8 used for campaign purposes throughout his term as governor. .Also at Meredith to give his support for Senator Helms was Morton Blackwell. Blackweii is a political strategist wf>o was a top advisor to President Reagan for years. He also is very Involved with the Leadership institute which teaches ti>e politics and Importance of gov«rment.Biackweii told the audience that the Heims-Hunt Senttoricd election will definitely tie the most important one in the Country, and he urged that everyone support the Incumbent. After the introductory speakers, the crowd gave an overwhelming welcoR« to Senator Heims. The CKClted cheers of the crowd and the sight of the many waving posters seemed to transfonn the gym into an excited Political Convention. Senator Helms, a Reagan Consen«tive, also sireosod itie importanoe -o^-mec^' obiectlvity and the uM of his cam- PEdgnadsw^lch he is using to counter balance the distortions of the liberal news media. He gave strong support for his re- election of friend. President Ronald Reegan. After his speech, the Senator shook hands and chatted with his supporters, then mshed to the airport to catc^ a plane to Kansas City for the final Reagan-Mondale debate. Many students ^pressed praise for Senator Helms because he was able to take time from his hectic campaign and visit Meredith’s campus and speak to his supporters. by Beth Blankenship A political detjate, sponsored by the Hi^ory ar>d Poilttos Club, with a partei of four faculty members was held Tuesday, Oct. 23 at 6: X p.m. in 103 Joyner. Or. Frank Grubbs spoi«e on behalf of President Ronald Reagan, Dr. Clyde' Frazier on behalf of Waiter Mondaie, Dr. Caroline Grubbs for Senator Jesse Helms and Dr. Tom Pansmore for Governor Jim Hunt. Al though these faculty members por trayed the various candidates, the fa culty did n(A necessarily take the can didates views outside of this mock debate. Each panel member received'live minutes for thtir opening statements and one minute for th^r response to the predetermined questions. Each mock candidate also had one minute for a rebuttie. After the Jtwo pr^termlned c|umtrdn8,'''tt>e ‘'panelists had the opportunity to ask their opponent two questions with time to rebuttie. The panelists speaking for the presidential candidates wers the first to debate. Dr. F. Grubbs explained thiat Reagan’s last four years in office were the beginning of a revolution. More jobs had been supplied to Americans, there was a 25 percent tax cut, and the creation of a better ifVV was visible. Or. Frazier said the Mondaie ad ministration wanted to create a caring society of Americans who will be better off than they were four years ago. Questions asked liy the Presi dential panelists and to one another Cornhuskin’ past views On a fine fall day in 1945, the danceciubat Meredith started a small fall festival that turned intoa i^ig e«nt th£tf Comhuskin' Is nowl Then it was Just daicing around and playir>g in the courtyard. By 1S66 the tradition had grown a little, but it still was just a fail festival, and it wasn’t well attended. The big competitions were appie-bot)bin’, connshuckin’, tall tale, and rtog callin’. T)>ere was no class themes until about 1957. The sophomore class of that year decided to dress as the Pilgrims of Canterbury Tales. There was a costume judging by class. This event in 1957 started the theme tradition of Comhuskin’. Comhuskin’ was just for fun; there wasn't as much comp^ltion as Stunt. Usually In Comhu^in’ there tfte juniore ai^ sophomores had the best chance to win! So good luck to ^1 In this Meredith tradition! dealt with social security, arms con trol, the national deficit, and abortion. Although the Issues w«re sertous and the candidates well versed, Grubt» and Frazier managed to toea in some humorous one liners. At the beginning of the debate, the podium F. Grubbs was at was rocking back and forth. Frazier took advantage of the opportunity to humor the crowd by saying, “Your platform is shaky." Later F. Grubbs leaned over to Frazier and said, 1 want to know how you got rid of those bags under your eyes." The Senatorial debated foiiowed the same fonnat as the f^dentlal delate. Or. Carolyn Grubbe made her opening staterhent sf^lng Heims thought “Americans werej proud to be Americans again," and that Helms did not “filphflop” on decisions. Dr. Tom Panttmore opened with Helms' ncord which isagainst social security and Is known for racism. The questions involved the can* dIdates stands on E^, agriculture In the state, abortion, and capital pu nishment. After hearing thd debate, the au dience had a chance to partlQipate in a mock electiMi in which. re ceived 42 percent Off the vote and Mondaie 26 percent.\Helms received 33 percent and Hunt^33 percent. The debate gave.itw students a chance to become Mter acquainted with the Issues in thd^.4964 election. The debate also encowaged voters to go to the poiis. ( Study abroad information Students, Faculty, and staff of North Carolina State UDiversity, as well as students and faculty from the other area coilegee and universities, are invited to atterxl an Information fair of study abroad and Interrutional excTtange programs for college students. The Study Abroad and International Exchange Fair is schsduied for Thursday, November ISt 1984 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the North Gallery of the NCSU Student Center. Representatives from more than 40 universities and colleges, and educational associations sponsoring student progran>s overseas, have been invited to participate in this year's fair. Displays and literature describing the various programs, and representatives available to answer questions, will allow participants the opporiunity to ieam more about the opporiunities available to college ICont/nued on Page S] Cornhuskin’ Practice Schedule SUNDAY, Oct 28 &6: SO p.m. SENIORS 7-7:50 p.m. Freshmen 8^:50 p.m. Sophomores 9-9:50 p.m. Juniors TUESDAY, Oct 30 &6:50 p^m. Sophomores 7-7:50 p.m. Juniors 8«:50 p.m. SENIORS 9-9:50 p.m. Freshmen MONDAY, Oct 29 6^:50 p.m. Juniors 7-7:M f5.m. SENIORS 8-8:50 p.m. Freshmen 9'9:S0 p.m. Sophomores WEDNESDAY, Oct 31 &€:SOp.m. Freshmen 7-7:50 p.m. Sophonwres 8-8:50 p.m. Juniors 9>9:50 p.m. SENIORS THURSDAY, Nov 1 Comhuskin’ 7:00 (iine-up begins at 6:15 p.m.)