NEWSPAPER OF THE STUDENTS Oe MEREDITH COLLEQE VOLUME LXIII NUMBER 13 THE TWIG JANUARY 21, 1965 Genesis: A New Beginning Are you tired of the same old rou tine? Need a break from studying? Feel like you need a new beginning? If so, join us this week for some fun, feliow- iship, and new perspectives during our 7985 R^lglous Erjpwsls Week. The week beg^ on Sunday with the Kick-Off, featuring Mrs. Carol Snow Naqui from the Women's Correctional Center. Monday’s moming worship in cluded one of Meredith's favorite speakers, Dr. Albert' Edwards, as well as Mark McMasters perfomiing mime. A youth minister and dynamic mimlst, Mark will also lead the unwinding on Monday evening in the Chapel Com-. mons Room. Tuesday’s activity starts bright and early at 7:15 a.m. with a Prayer Break fast with Meredith's Dr. Dorothy Preston. Moving on to W^nesday, Mrs. Esther Burroughs fnsm Home Mis sions Board will i^e leading our rmming worship and our 11:00 communion ser vice. Mrs. Burroughs Is the lyricist of seven different muslc«ds, has served as director of several different youth pro grams, and Is presently Assistant Dir ector of the ^>eclal Ministries Depart ment of the Home Missions Board. She is a dynamic speaker \Atio will be shar ing with us on the topic “Renewing Re lationships." The grand finale to this week wrltl be the Michael Card concert on Thurs day evening In Jones Auditorium. Michael Is a contemporary Chfistlan vocalist who is well-known for his works "El Shaddal" and “I have De cided'’, both of which are on Amy Grant's Age to Age album. Michael's music varies from soft ballads and hymns to high energy rock, making his music enjoyable to any audience of any age. Tickets are available to Meredith students for only $1.00 in Cate Center Box Office and are available to the-pul>- llc for only $4.00. Don’t miss this out standing perfonner as well as this act ion packed week conceming “Genesis: A New Beginning.” Meredith's Senate geared for success by Paula Tomlinson A need for conespondence from tlie Senate to the students has been re cognized by an infomiatlve description of first semester meetings. There have been four Senate meetings and the at tending numbers were: Bridgette Parker, chairperson; Sterl Poole, Becky Pyles, Autrey Reavis, seniors; Christie Arnolds, l^ry Mills, Debbie Sauls, juniors; Becky Auman, Anne Loving, Sheila Vaughan, sopho mores: LoryGerger, Anne Kirby, Paula Tomlinson, freshmen; Susannah Tho mas, Loanne Meeklns, non-residents; Janet Freeman, Dr. Vance, faculty-ad- ministration; and Chrissy Murphy, Handbook editor. Thie Senate meetings of first sem ester were held on October 2, 23; Nov- emberSand Decembers The following amendments have been approved: Article Vlt- Sehate, Section 2. f^mbershlp should be changed to read: The Senate shalh be composed of the following members; A. Voting members; Three sena tors elected from each class, and two non-resident senators. B. Non-voting members: The Executive Vice-President of the Student Government Association (who shall act as chair); the Student Government As sociation Executive Committee secre tary or her designee (who shall sen« as Senate Secretary); the Student Hand book Editor; and three non-student members, one-from the factrity, one from the administration or staff, both of whom shall be appointed for'two year terms, and the dean of students or her designee, who shall sen« as advisor. Article XIII - Student Activities Board, Section 2. Membership should be changed to: “...non-resident student organiza tion president, an elected secretary, and four class presidents.” The following changes should be made in the 19B4-85 Handbook on page 110: b.5. The right to the sen/ices of the Defense Counselor If she so chooses. c. Within twenty-four hours fol lowing the serving of the summons, the accused, after consultation with the Defense Counselor, will submit a writ ing to the Solicitor General a plea of [See 6 for info' on candidate worft- sftop]. Michael Card wifi be In concert January 24 at 6:00p.m. In Jones Auditorium. He will be a part of the Religious Emphasis Weeks festivities.. Tickets are on sale at the Cate Center boxofflqe. Tickets will be $4.00 tor the publks and $1.00 for Meredith students. Formore Information ^out tickets, call 829-8346. guiityor not guilty. This plea cannot be ch^ged within.the Immediate 24-hour period to the hearing. The Senate Is presently consider ing other proposals and will announce results as soon as possible. All pro- • posals are welcomed said can be sub mitted to any of the Senate members. We encourage your Involvement. Regulations for Campaigning by Kim Tansky Chairman of Elections Board Each candidate Is allowed to have TWO 8^.^x11 posters on each hall of each dorm, THREE posters of the same size are allowed In Cate Center or on the Information boards adjacent to Cate Center and the Library. No posters are allowed on the glass doors In Cate Center, No posters or table flyers are al lowed In the dining hall or on the doors entering the dining hall. Also, no post ers are allowed 1n the class buildings or in Johnson Hall. Flyers are allowed to be distributed at eacii door in the dorms and door to door campaigning Is encouraged. Anyone violating these regulations will ha'^ their posters removed. After elections have been held, each candidate is required to remove her posters from the sites at which they were placed. If a candidate is involved In a njn-off election, her posters may remain up until the run-off results are tallied, then they should be removed promptly. All campaign paraphemalia should be removed within 24 hours of the results of that election. If there are any questions concern ing this, or any other facet of the elect ions process, please contact me. [See page 6 for Info’ on candidate work- s/)op] New 1040 n/lalces Filing EZ Third Barefoot won the intramurals Basketball Tmimament last year. For Information on howyourhall can take that title, see the sports page. Qreensbom- Single taxpayers with no dependents can do their taxes the easy way this year by using Form 1040EZ. the Intemal Revenue Service says. The IRS estimates that 400,000 North Cwolina taxpayers, many of them college students, will use this simple tax form when filing their 1984 tax return. The Form 1D40EZ Is only 11 lines lorig and Is specially designed for single taxpayers with no dependents, who do not itemize their deductions and whose taxable income is less than $60,000 a year. Income on the Forni 1040EZ must be only from wages, sal aries, tips, and interest of $400 or less with no All-Savers interest. Taxpayers who use the Form 1040EZ to' file their federal income taxes will need to use care when filling out the form. If at all possible, filers should use the peel-off label provide by IRS.' The special label contains the name, address and social security number of the taxpayer and any errore in these Items can be corrected right on the label. Step-by-step instructions for com pleting the Form 1040EZ can be found on the back of the form, but filers must look up their tsx in the Tax Table in the Formi 040EZ and Form 1040A tax pack age. Additional Information Is available by callirig the IRS at 1-80CM24-1040, toll-free.

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