PAGE 2 THE TMG reeRUARY 11, 1&84 EDITORIALS You don't have to call me Sweetheart Valentines is a lot like Christ- nras. It's a day of love to be shared by those who have feelings for one another. That doesn't meen It's a day for couples. It's a day for everyone. I’ve never understood why females often find themselves depressed on Valentines. I think It's because of that old about couples. Why can’t we be happy v^th our friends and families. I can remember wtien I was in grades K-6 and I used to send and receive Valentines from my friends. No one cared if they weren’t “going" with someone. Everyone was just glad to have friends. It's too t>ad that some of us beconie inse cure when we don't have male compan ions. For those of you that do have boy friends, I hope that you will have a great day. Val^tlnes for you should be a spe- ci^ day. It is a day to rer>ew your love and show your appreciation for one another. For those who are boyfriendless, re- meml)er your friends. The chances are that some of your friends would love to do something Thursday night. What a perfect time for you to repress your Icwe for them. If you'd like to do something nice for those you Jove but don't know what to do, here are several suggestions. Flowers are always nice. Males, as well as females, enjoy getting them. A potted plant Is always.a nice gift to re ceive and one nice thing is that both of these have price ranges that can fit your budget. Balloons! Who doesn't like ball oons? And what better place to buy them than in Meredith's own Balloon Gallery. There's a wride variety of balloons to pur chase and again the prices start low but do inflate as you buy more. Food! Ah, another thing everyone loves. Take your Valentine(s) to dinner. Or better yet, suggest that they take you! If you really want to do something specjal, send your someone a singing telegram. Believe me, this is a gift no one will forget! Should you like to bake, cookies are always nice (and cheap). And they're al ways appreciated. Whatever you should decide to do for Valentine's Day, I sure hope it goes well. Just renwiber that Valentine’s is a day to ceietxate your love and friendship for others. If you think you may be feel ing down, go out and have a good time. Cynthia L Oturch 113 Heilman. 7381 Getting to the Point Letter to the editor Letter to the editor: I am writing this letter concerning the Meredith housing policy. The fact that the option to live off campus as a Junior or Senior is decided differently each year seems very unfair to me. If Meredith can give the off campus privi lege to some girts one year then they should give it to the same number of girls the next year. There ought to be a stan dard ruie that Meredith goes by wtw gets to live off campus and v^n so tt^ students virill be able to plan their next year's accommodations. V^th the long waiting lists that ac- S£N/ORS' Pick upu your free personal directory of employers in Career Services Office. Ask for CPC Volume 2, ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS AND OTWER CAREER OPTIONS, or CPC Volume 3, ENGINEERING, SCIENCES AND OTHER TECHNICAL CAREER OP TIONS. The office of Career Services has re ceived a list of people in the field of Healthcare Financial Management who feel that their profession needs well trained people. They are willing to dis cuss career opportunities with students wfK) are interested. Contact Office of Career Services for details. SOaAL WORK GRADUATES Comeirs Sloai Program in Health Services Administration may be of interest to social work graduates who wi^ to prepare themselves for admini strative care^. Details available in Of fice Of Career Services or writd Douglas company certan apartments we, as stu dents, should be informed before now that we can or can't live in one next year. I don’t appreciate the fact that I h^ to .wait until now, the beginning of Feb ruary, to be told that my option to live off campus next year as a Junior has been taken away for some unknown reason. This policy may senre a purpose but I have yet to figure out what the purpose is. Who kriows - my off campus privi lege may return by n^ Senior year, txit the real question is, will I??? Ashley Moffitt R. Brown, Ph.D., Coordinator, Sloan Program in Health Services Administra tion. FEBRUARY RECRUITING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 9:005:00 VWnstorvSaleny Forsyth Schools TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 9:00-4:30 N.C. Extension Service WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 9:00- 4:00 Northem Telecom, Inc. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 9:00- 4:30 Branch Banking and Trust WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 9:30- 4:30 Granville County Schools THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 4:006:00 Camp Lejeune Dependent Schools THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 4:306:00 FBI TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 9:00-3:00 Connecticut Mutual by Tracey Cox Columnist WARNING: Lock your doors at all times! If you don't, you might as well take out £n ad in the TWIG and offer all of your valuables to whomever wants them! Believe me, someone definitely wants them because they’re taking them! We have a thief at Meredith! Last year, on my hall alone, cloth ing, necklace, watches, albums, and rny new calculator were stolen. The thief was never caught - but did stop for a while. But whomever it is, is definitely t>ack - but her tastes fiave changed. Our valuables don't appear to be what “she" wants anymore. So now “sfie" just steals the money.! Third Heil- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 9:004:00 Ivey's of Carolinas WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 9:004:30 Ivey's of Carolinas WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 9: OO^: 00 Roadway Express THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 9:00-5:00 The Cooper Group TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 9:006:00 SAS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 9:005:00 Roses Stores, Inc. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 9:00-5:00 Data General Corp. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 9:00-5:00 Metropolitan Insurarwe Company KNOW YOUKELF! A recent recruiter has commented on Meredith students: "Most inter viewees were well prepared. Suggest they know more about who they are - sell themselves". man has been vandalized numerous times and we're sick and tired of it! It’s pretty bad when you leave the room for 15 minutes and come back »id the money that was in your wallet, in your dosed, pocketbook is gone! Although our thief has no apparent qualms about walking into our rooms and taking our things, "sfie” does have the decency to always leave us a dollar or two so we won’t be completely broke! TTie nerve! It re^ly makes me mad that I have to lock my room now just to run down stairs to get a drink. Ail of the money on our hall that has t>een stolen (over S50) has been wfien the occupant leaves the room for a few minutes or even wtien they're in the shower! This has totally gotten out of hand. Meredith makes a big deal over its honor code and yet you never hear or read a word at)out the th^s on campus. Rngers are constantly being pointed about drinking in the rooms tike it's the crime atx»e all crimes. I’d much rather have a bunch of girls drinking in the room than have a rotten thief invade my room and steal my personal Items. We all need to be on guard and stop this menace, it’s very obvious that a lot of people wouldn't hesitate to run crying that someone was drinking a beer in their room. So, why don't they see the other violations that are definitely more serious and speak up about them? Someone knows who the thief is - the thief herself. I’ve given everyone else a wamir>g to protect themselves and tf«ir belongings and now I’m going to give one more warning: We will not let this continue. If the leaders of ^feredith won’t stand up and take notice of this atrocity - we will !!!! We’re all looking and watch ing and believe me, thief - whoever you are - you will be caught. CAREER SERVICES NOTES THE TWIG odfcgp RAISQH, NORTH CAROUNA tmot Cynthia L. Church Malinda Britton Ellze^th Henderson Michele Cherry Manager Lee Young Sally Woolard Martha Ann Naylor Tara Owen Cindy Patterson S(^ie Grady Kimberly Lovelace Editor-ln-chlef Managing Editors Business Mmager Assistant Business Advertising Manager Advertising Staff •^change Editor Circulation Managers Layout &itor Tara Owen Future Editor EHzabeth Smelcer Entertainment Reporter' ’t/a Braganza In the Courtyard Sarah Rowe Jennifer Bniffev Jill HensdaJe Carver Evens Staff Reporters Rene FoMs JIH Hensdafe Elizabeth Her}dersdn photographers SMp/MV)/s Bennett Jmlfer jacteon Becky Smith TWIG ECHTORIAL POUCY TTie Tv^g Is published weekly by the students of Meredith College during the aca demic year. The paper is funded by the college activities and through advertising. The Twig vfill not print material contdning persona/ af- tacks, insults, ridicule or //Pe/Oi/s statements. All letters to the editor must be signed. Theopinions expressed in The Twig do not necessarily reflect those of the college admini stration, faculty or student body. . The Twig v^comes criticisms and will re- spmd promptly to any submitted in writing and signed by the writer. The office Is located on the secoiitf floor of Cate Center. The address for correspondence or advertising rates Is The fwg, X133, Meredith College, Raleigh, N.C. 27607-5296.