NEWSPAPER OF THE STUDENTS OF MEREDITH COUEQE', VOLUME LXni NUMBER 19 Shaken by Divorce? by Jenny Beavers Separation and divorce, whether concerning your own family or a friend, present difficult circumstances and conv plications often too disturtiing for an in dividual to handle alone. After learning of my parents’ separation last semester, my entire world rocked and tossed in utter disarray, leaving me feeling quite be trayed and alone. However, my friends, with their strong he^s and endless compassion, have helped me work through the situation. TTieir support is proving invaluable to my dealing with the situation and my coming through on top of things. As more and more students on this campus arid other college campuses are directly affected by the epidemic of separation and dtvorce, this type of sup port is needed. Several students have.^- ready Indicated an Interest in a support gn^up which we hope wIK allow us to share and help each other through our similar situations. I invite those of you whp have ex perienced the trauma of divorce to cor>- sider attending an informal time of shy ing and support. Rease join a group of students in an initial session, ^ which time plans will tie made for future get-to gethers. This firat meeting will be held in the Personal Growth Center, second floor of Cate Center, oh Wednesd^, March 20th, at 8:00 p.m. Marge Sfielton, college counselor, will meet with the group also. MARCH 18, 1986 Mathematics award announced by Kaihy Bmwn The 19ES Spring Semester finally ar rived and so did another annual event! TTw Department of Mathemathicai Sciences held tt« fourth annual Fresh man - Sophomore Mathematics Contest on Saturday, January 19. The winners of the Brinson, Lltchfl^d Gain Mathematics Award were recognized with awards at the Canady Math Club meeting on Feb ruary 20. Cathy Brinson, a sophomore, won first place and was awarded a tuition schlarship of $200. Cathy is contempla ting a double msyor In Math and Chemis try. Laura Litchfield was awarded a $100 tuition scholarship for second place. Laura intends to study math and com puter science. Two freshmen, Debra Branson and F^tricia Hall captured the Honorable Mention book awards. Det»ra hopes to study math and computer science while Patricia Intertds to double major in math and business administratton. The twenty two palicipants took the test which challenged them in all areas of math. This test took ^proximately three hours and was administered tjy Dr. Kraines. Dr. Wheeler,- head of the Mathe matics Department, supervised the con test aid Mrs. Olive Taylor aided \Mth publicity. The Mathematics Department feels this contest is a good opportunity to recognize academic achievement and' the interest in this contest continues to grow as sophomores and freshmen challenge their mathemathicai skills. Cor>gratulations to the winners artd all who participated! The Mathematics ' Departntent will sponsor tt>e contest ag^n next year - so all freshnnen still have another chance to sharpen their mathematkal skills! ASPA: Helping Meredith students learji more What la ASPA? ASPA, the American Society for Per sonnel Administration, is a nationwide organization with chapters all over the country. As the Meredith Handbook states, “ASPA is a professional society whidi allows students the opportunity to gain knowledge and insight into the field of personnel ar>d industrial relations. Meredith’s stu^nt chapter. I)s ..affiliated with the Ralelgh-Wake County Chapter whidi has as Its members rrumy area professionals. Society activities Include area plant tours, guest speakers, and in formative workshops which promote fur ther interest and knowledge of the per sonnel field." ASPA meetings, which are held once a month, feature business nten and women from the Raldgh area involved in personnel admlnistraation; This club is open to anyone who is interested in gaining a greater insight in to the field of personnel, membership not being limited to Business majors. If ■you would like to join, contact Tanmy Young at 829-7617, or any of the officers listed below; Pre^dent- Tammy Young President-elect- Mary Mills Vice Presidents- • Kelly Wyatt Angie Haskins Treasurer- Karen Stout Secretary- Gaye McCraw Program Chairpersons- Wanda Williamson Karen Oehrll Publicity Chairpersons- LisaMlralia Anna Clartt ASPA sponsors Junior Dorm Program on Intar^amng Skills On March 25th at 7: IS pm in the 1st Poteat parlor, the Meredith College Stu dent Chapter of ASPA will sponsor a Junior Dorm Program highllghtir>g Inrt- portant aspects of interviewir>g skills and technk^ues. Annette Holesh of SAS In stitute will talk ^XHit inter/lewing in general. Shehas been a special guest of the ASPA club at a pre^ous meeting and has information helpful to all students regarding the inten/iewing process. Chrlssy Parsons, a senior business stu dent vvho just received a job offer with the prestigious Proctor & Gamble Cor poration, will talk about her interviewing experience. All students interested in be coming better prepared for Inten/I^ng are urged to attend this program. ASPA meals George Ports of Capital Associated Industries was the speaker for a meeting of the ASPA club held on March 13th. Capital Associated Industries is a Human Resource Service for its 660 members in the the southeast. CAI pro vides senrices for its memijers as fol lows: - Consultation in the area of labor and emptoyment laws as well as workmen’s compensation - Developing training programs - Conducting opinion sun/^ - Comparing Job evaluation systems ar>d salary adnriinlstration progr^s - htolding seminars - FlBpeeing wage and benefit surveys - Using audio visual equipment in train- Freshman stunt by Gndy Stevens Indeed the Ciass of ‘88 has again es- tat^ished itself with their involvement In Stunt *85. Their theme, "I heard It Through the Grapevine," was shown by a dream sequence In which grape burKhes discussed two girls’ dates. As the story was told from vine to vine, “it seemed to get longer everytime.” Grape bunches were played by Caren Canrer, Sally Van Gorder, and Christy Soles. The operator, who looked like a raisin, was Janice Bently. Mary Taylor Daniels and Cynthis Woods were Kelly and Mary. “M^’s date was great, t>ut Kelly’s was a flop.” The Freshmen Sing ers, Beverly Gupton, Sissi King, Kelly Fulcher, and Jerry Mun«y, sang a version of “t Heard it TTirough the Grapevine.” The skit was full of puns and com edy but relayed a message: “Grapes and people who gossip have no couth." The Freshman Class came in ahead of the Sophomore Class, finishing third. Freemen Class stunt co-chairs were Laura Taylcr and Cindy Stevens. ing programs and relaying important test results to first line employee as well as managers - Printing a ntanagement newsletter AND - Providing a library for its rhemtiers to utilize Mr. Ports spoke about matters con- ceming Personnel Adrr^nlstration and addressed specific areas of this field that are of rnterest to students at Meredith College. ASPA/Office of Career Services Co-sponsor Woodrow Wilson Visiting Scholars On Monday, March 25th, the Office of Career Services along with the Mere dith College Student Chapter of ASPA will co-sponsor Rose and Joseph Ling to speak from 10-11:00 am in the Chapel Commons Room. Joseph Ling has a doctorate in Sanitary Engineering and was in charge of environmental engirteer- ing and pollution control at the 3-M com pany in Minneapolis until his retirement in July 1984. Rose Ling, his wife, has an MS in Chemical Engineering arKl worked for General Mills among other companies as a chemist and researcfi chemfst. The couple will t)e addressing the topics of aanority and female (EEO) employment problems in industry as well as general obsen/ations regarding female technical personnel In Industry. All students are welcome to attend this special session. SAS Institute, Coming QIass Ware representatives wait Meredith ll>e Meredith College Student Chap ter of ASPA held Its fourth meeting of the year on F*ruary13,1985, at 7:00 pm in the Chapel Commons. The speakers were Annette Holesh and Dick Peoples. Ms. Holesh spoke about SAS Institute and their inten/levt'ing process. Dick Peoples spoke about what Coming Glass W^e looks for in their employees. Being re presentatives of two important com panies in the area, the infomratton they gave to the students vail be very helpful in future interviewing endeavors. Previous meetings of the ASPA club have Included speakers and special guests from Northern Telecom, the F.A.A., and Data General. The topics' hene included personnel administration in the public and private sector, the Cooperative Education experiences of several students at Meredith, and com- pensatlonal beriefits at various com- panies-in the Triangle area Fall Semester Dean’s List students Adams, Anne P.; Adams, Bart»ra J.; Adcock, Emily M.; Alexander, Anne K.; Allsbrook, Tommie T.; Almon, Nar>cy. M.; Andrews, Carol E.; Apple, Susan E.; Armstrong, Tracy L.; Arnold, Christine L.; Ashley, Lisa K.; Auman, Rebecca C.; Austin, Nancy E.; Averette, Jlli A.' Aycock, Elizabeth A.; Bailey, Detwrah J.; Baker, Gina M.; Bandele, Efuru; Barber, Kimtterely I.; Bartlett, Melissa A.; Bass, Dorothy E.; Beane, Nancy E.; Beavers, Jenny C.; Becton, Sharon E.; Beeson, Julia A.; Berberat, Nichole; Biesecker, Wendy C.; Billings, Paula L.; Bird, Pamela J.; BIssette, Mary L; Bizzell, Helen R.; Blue. Betsy L.; Blue, Robin L; Bond, Margaret R.; Booth, ^tricia D.; Boswell, Debra J.; Boyette, Tara L.; Bracy, Kristina B.; Br^y, Karen S.; BlBmele, Tammy L.; Branson, Detxa 1,.; Bright, Caroline S.; Brinson, Catherine L.; Britt, Lisa M.; Brock, Elizabeth A.; Brown, Linda L.; Bryan, Laurie A.; Burtte, Anne V.; Burns, Lisa C.; P'jzby, Robin; Bynum, Laura L.; Candy, Cheryl L; Cotton, Karen A.; Carpenter, Stephanie A.; Carter, Margaret L.; ChatfiekJ, Ruth Ann; Cherry, Jean M.; Chouinard, Rottin .D.; Christenberry, Deidre A.; Churchill, Anne M.; Clark Cynthia J.; ae^on, Janet J.; Clifton, Barbara E.; Close, Sandra C.; Cobb, Deborah M.; Cobb, Judith G.; Cochrane, Martha R.; Coleman Jeanne S.; Coleman, Lori G.; Comer, Elizabeth 1.; Conway, Malha W.; Corder, Jennifer R.; Craven, Margaret K.; Crawford, Julia B.; Crews, Ellen M.; Croxton, Janet E.; Crume, Caroline W.; Cunningham, Bonnie E.; Currie, Susan A.; Davis, Ann C.; Davis, Karen M.; Davis, ReiwocaA.; Dawson, Mary F.; Desantis, Deborah E.; Dtokerson, Teresa L.; Dodson, Amy E.; Douglass, Anne C.; Dozier, Lisa B.; Dozier. Sally E.; Drake, Mary L; Duke, Lisa G.; Dunn, Dalinda A.; Dupree, Sandra L; Durham, Dina F.; Eason, Jenifer A.; Edgerton. Lee A.; Edgington, [Continued on page 3]