PAGE 2 THB TWIG APfl/L 1, raw ^^EDITORIALS Insuring the safety of the students-————— It’s two a.m. ard you're asleep in your bed. Sucidenly a noise coming from your (first or second floor) window awakens you. A dark figure is seen luring himself in the window. You njsh for tf>e phone - he is on the outside window seaJ. You punch In the new 24-hour s^ curity number, 8524 - he has hopped to ihfe floor. The phone rings. One ringy-dingy - he's walking to wards you. Two rings-dlngies - you scream. Three ringy-dingies - he's shoved you on the bed. You drop the phone. Four ilngy-dingles - his hand Is over your mouth. The call has been tr^sferred from the Security office to the radio phone. “Security, can I..." He hangs up the phone. The one thing that has been con stantly said about our phone system is that It is advanced. It Is made to wotk with tomorrow’s technology. Great! I think that a phone system .this advance could be programmed to have one nurr^r we could push to get security. Even If we could push asterisk and a number that would be easier. I also think that a way should be found to let the line connect with the se curity guard's beeper; therefore, it would not have to ring the security office first. This would take a lot of time off of the present system and in an emergency, every second counts. Also, although we were given the in formation concerning the new number In hall meetings, that doesn't mean every one win rememt)er It. Meredith could either put the security number under the plastic on the phone or could have a pizza place sponsor a sticker stating “•emergency numbers." They could put tli^r pizza delivery number and the Mere dith security nummber on the sticker. Usually during emergencies a per son can't think straight and remembering the security number could be impos sible; however, If the number is right there on the phone - presto, help Is on the way (unless the security guards are off-campus getting coffee and a mid night snack from Burger Wng). Another way I think Meredity securi ty could be improve^ Is by having emer gency booths throughout the campus. North Carolina State University has these, you may have seen them. They have blue lights on top and a box with a telephone in them. When a student picks up the phone. NCSU security knows exai^ly where the person is calling from. Although NCSU Is considerably lar ger than Meredith, there are areas ^ the campus that need to be monitored. This "phone booth” would improve the securi ty here at Meredith by insuring the safety of loggers and other students walking in the distant are^ of the campus. 1 urge all of you .write a letter to the editor to express your opinions on these topics. Please turn your responses in to 113 Heilman or TT>e TWIG box in Cate Center (outside the C.C. Box Office). Cynthia L. phurch 113 Heilman, 7S81 Separation and Divorce Support Group by Jenny Beavers Two more students joined the origi nal gnjup of four at the second Sep^a- tion and Divorce Support Group meeting last Wednesday night. We all, again had a good talk together,-sharing new deve lopments, inter-reiating our stories, searching each other for ways to get through it all, and also accepting our ef sorts in which we tether a bit, yes, but anger and our fears. Somewhere among all these girls who are getting to know each other stretches a line of hope, em- pat'hy; and strength. Please don’t think it's useie8s.or too late to grab hold of that line and pull It clo^. That line, our means of relating and sharing because of our troubling situations, is not only a tow rope to hang on to; but also a high wire most importantly on which we walk above obstacles below. For tho^ who have hesitations, we encour^ you most of all to join.our group. It's easier to talk adXHjt it than to keep it all inside. Our next meeting, and all the following meetings, will be Wed nesday at 8:00 p.m. in the Personal Growth Center of Cate. Hope to see you there. Inside CCL . . . Are you a photographer? Don't forget to enter the "Nation of Reeders" photography contest spon sored by the Carlyle Campbell Library and the American Library Association. Details are available at the Reference Office in the Lit>rary, The deadline for en tries is April 11, 1965. Talent Show open to students The deadline for entering the fourth annual American Collegiate- Talent Showcase (ACTS) i3 rapidly drawing near. Interested students must have their entries postmarked by April 15, 1985. ACTS is a national competition for college students who wish to pursue a career In ttie etntertainment industry. Not only can ACTS provide students with that aJI-important Industry contact, but also gives them the opportunity to compete for cash and scholarship prizes, show cases, auditions, overseas tours and more. Categories Include contemporary and classical music, drama, dance, variety, songwriting, oomedy writing, plus a special merit award in video pro duction. Students should submit their entries on an audio or video cassete not more thanS minutes in length with a black and white photo. For additional information and officiaJ entry form contact: ACTS, Box 3ACT, New Mexico State University, Las Ouces, NM 88003 Tele phone: (506) 646-4413. Whafs coming up at MC April 1 - Student Leadership Training Seminar April 12 - Studerit Leadership Awards April 15 - AwanJs Day April , 17 - Play Day ■April 17 - Intramural Awards April 23 - High School Visitation Day April 29 - Baccuiaureate ^ April 26 - SGA installation April 27 - Little Friends Weekwid April 28 • Spring Fling SWIM MEET APRIL 2 7 p.m. TheTWIG would like to apologize to OlnaDuifuun formisspellinghername In the 10 Outstanding Seniors List. THE COSMIC e>REAPSTtCI;S wont -to -fiiank- MEREPITH ^ UVE jOU- (TELLVBeW TOHUSOM) otMwsKN) THE TWIG odfcgp tLSGH, NORTH CAKHJNA 27K7 Edltor'in^lef Managing Editor Business Manager Advertising Manager Advertising Staff Exchange Editor Circulation Managers Cynthia L Church Malinda Britton Michele Cherry Saliy Woolard Martha Ann Naylor Tara Owen Cindy Patterson S^hie Grady Kimberly Lovelace layout Editor Feature Editor Entertainment Editor In the Courtyard Staff Reporters photographers Advisors Tara Owen Eliz^th Smelcher ‘Ua Braganza Sarah /tone Jennifer Bruffey Jill Hensdale Caner Evens Rerte Folds Jill Hensdale Beth Blankenship Stephanie Bennett Jennifer Jackson Becky Smith Mr. Tom Parramore fVioda Sowers TWIG EDITORIAL POLICY The Twig Is published weekly by the students of Meredith College during the aca demic year. The paper is funded by the college activities and through advertising. The Twig will not print material containing personal at tacks, Insults, ridicule or liljelous statements. Ail letters to the editor must be signed. The opinions expressed in The Tvi^gdonot necessarily reflect those of the college admini- stration, faculty or student body. The Twig v^comes criticisms and will re spond promptly to any submitted in writing and signed by the writer. The office is located on the second floor of Cate Cenfer. The address for correspondenf^ or advertising rates is The Twig, Box XT»j, Meredith College. Raleigh, N.C. 27e07-52S6.