NEWSPAPER OF THE STUDENTS OF MEREDITH COLLEGE VOLUME LXIII NUMBER 24 THE TWIG APRIL 22, 1985 A special group of people Board of Associates by Rene Folds Not many students at Meredith have heard of the Board of Associates or know v\ttat its function is, but it is a fas cinating group of people who share a general love for the college and give of their time willing. The Board of Trustees at Meredith is made up of people who have to meet two qualifications: they mu^ t)e residents of North Carolina and they must tie Southern Baptist. However, there are people who do not live in this state or do not tMlong to a Southern Baptist congregation who would still like to serve the school also. In 1967 the Board of Associates was created. The stated purpose of the Board Is to provide a diverse, technical, pro fessional. and ixisiness resource to ad vise and assist the administration and the Board of Trustees. The t>oard con sists of approximately 70 members vuho meet twice a year on campus. The chair man as of now is Joseph Porter of Shel by, N.C., and vice-chairman is Olive Mil ler of l^leigh. Over one-haif of the mem bers are women. The Board consists of four oonv ittees: a Finance Committee which meets with Charles Taylor, an Insti tutional Program committee which nrieets with Dean Burris, a Student Development Committee which meets with Dr. Sandra Thomas, and an Institutional Ad- aneement Committee wt^ch n^s with Dr. Jerry McGee. The Board has also assumed the role of faculty support group and they recently funded the Faculty Applied Meredith Endowment Fund with one half miiiion dollars. The eamlngs on the invested money are spent on gifts for the 4 outstanding faculty members, faculty travel, and salary raises. Most of the members come from the business world and they hail from such states as N. C., Virginia, Florida and Tennessee. They all share a love and enthusiasm for Meredith College and willingly give of their time and money to advancethe school. All of us at l«4eredith should be proud to have such a sup- portivegroup of people standing i^ehind our college,' and we should be thankful for the work they have already dope. ‘ r. I ,'^L.. Play Provides fun ^ by Beth Kennedy “I Love Beech MusicI” Well, 4f you do, you must have had a great one vie6- nesday, April 17. Where eise but Mere dith could you find fun, skates, games, music, food, and more fun? Wednesday from 3; 30 - 6:30 was a day to take your shoes off and PLAY in the sand. There were games like an“amoeba race, tug-of-war, water balloon toss, and three-legged race. Thanks to Ftenee Knot. Play Day Chair, and Aileen Jen- kirw, intramural CcMphair, the combina tion of Play Day and Intramural Awards was a big success. Plaques, awards, and T-shirts were given out. Cookies were given to the Intramural champs of Flag Football, Bowling, and Spring Swim Meet. T-shirts were given to referees. Be low are a list of the winners; Best Dorm • Barefoot iirds Day Puppet Malting Worksfiop “Workshops" are certainly not unusual on the Meredith Campus, but recently some new and very different kind of workshops have taken place. In November, two young ladies made a “little girl” puppet each, then on March 23 nine students got up early (on Saturday morning!) to take part in the PUPPET MAKING WORKSHOP held In 1st Brewer parior. Each young iady created her own “character”, under the direction of l^u Kayle, Residence Director in Brewer. Reu began making her own puppets in 1974 and since that time, has helped numerous churches, schools and civic groups in beginning their own puppet mlnlstries.ln addition to making puppets for churches and schools, Reu conducts Puppet Techniques Training Seminars for individuals or groups in the care and use of puppets. Six students have signed up for the third PUPPET MAKING WORKSHOP, on ^y 8 in 1st Brewer Parlor. Look out!I! You may see puppets participating In all kinds of programs, entertainment and summer ministries. W»iiraii*s Odyssey: A Global Perspective by Caroline Pomll •“Woman’s ^S8ey"%;i^ Qlctel Per- pectlve '• : Mer«iRh'^dDeived''ti S850 froTO tfe'(Xtfe University — Uhiveraity of r^'h Ca>ollria Wom»i's SUfdies Center fc^;^lM Undergraduate course titled “VSSroh’s Odyssey”. Taught this spring t>y Meredith women faculty, tt^e course offers studies in eight disciplines, in cluding religion (Peggy Starkey), history (Rosalie Gates), English (Susan Gilbert), art (Bluma Greenberg), psychology (Rosemary Hornak), economics (Evelyn ■SJrmrons), "="i:at»rt--- America ^ndra Thomas), and sociology (Rhonda ZIngraff). “The purpose of the course, “Or. Starkey, the director, said, “is to help students integrate the connections between education, selfhood, career, and family, and to address the problems co.t)i^tlng women in many aspects of lit® in;the modern world.” The course Is divided into three^Mrts: Weinen Today: Inrtages .and problems;. Historical and Cross.>X^r^ Wcrnen's Problems Today: ^lutlc^s and New Directions. The course has brought in guest lecturers. Including a panel of men faculty, Presktent Weems, wc^nen in politics and business, and wonrten from China and South Africa. Studying women in tfie family, in job markets, in religion, in myths, gives students a better un derstanding of themselves. The course is designed to examine women around the wortd and their impact on society. Looking at women from the past and present in different cultures, students in the class have learned about prot>lems they l^ven't encountered yet and pos sibilities they see for the future. -• ••Th5'laft^or tlw^»urse is a special txoklet of readings put together the faculty. Students have taken two tests and are now writing a term paper that must Incorporate at least three of the disciplines discussed during the semester. Approximately 35 people are taking the course, and Dr. Starkey hopes to l)e able offer the course again. Several of the students said that the course has been insightful and motivating and has i^een a cohesive force in bringing together the ideas of women. “Woman’s Odyssey” has given Meredith women a global perspective on their roles in society. Senior picnic on Thursday 2nd Poteet Intranftural Representative - Suzanne Wilson of 3rd Barefoot Most Individual Participation Points . Suzanne Wilson Flag Football - 2nd Poteat Volleytell - 2nd Poteat Fail Swim Meet - 3rd Barefoot Basketball - 1st Barefoot Bowling - 2nd Barefoot Spring Swim Meet - 2nd Brewer Beginner Tennis - PennI Diffee Intermediate Tennis- Kattiertne Schwoet>el Advanced Tennis - Adrienne Gore Badminton - Beth Kennedy Bowling - Mary Ellen McKown Congratulatk^ns to all wfio won and par ticipated! , ^. Z^Qr^unn, senior Senior Class Picnic will be held on Thursday, April 25. 1965, at 4:30 pm in the courtyard. Each spring, the Senior Class has the opportunity to participate in the many traditions that make Mere dith special. The Senior Picnic is one of these traditions. The historians from each year and the senior class officers coordinate the activities that tate place and conduct the program. The activities begin at 4:30 pm in the courtyard and the first activity is the revelation of the Crook’s hiding pla:« by the Senior Class President. This is, of course, if the Juniors have not tieen quite snwt enough to figure out Its hiding place—and the Seniors hope not, so that a ixnv with, our class colors can be carried on It on Class Day. If the Juniors find the crook, then a black bow will t» carried on the crook on Class Day. After the Senior Class Pre^dent reveals the hkJing place of the crook, the the Last Wills and Testaments of all seniors will be read. As we leave, we leave behind things and parts of us that we feel should continue at Meredith. After this, there will be a slide show in the cafeteria. All seniors were en couraged to submit pictures from all four years to have a hurrorous and memorable look back at our four years here. After the slide show the Class Pro phecies will read. Every senior had a op portunity to predict what her roommate would be doing in ten years. It will be surprising to hear some of the predtet- ions and then to see what really happens in ten years. All seniors are encouraged to attend this picnic to share this special time. The seniors would like to invite all of the Ivleredith community to attend the pkink: and to share in this special time as we approach the end of our time at Meredith. 7H£ ATHLETIC BANQUET WILL BE HELD APRIL 24. 1985 FOR THOSE A THLBTES PARTIOPA TINQ IN BASKETBALL. GOLF, SOFTBALL, TENNIS AND VOLLEYBALL.