NEWSPAPEfl OF THE STUDENTS OP MEREt^TH COLLEQE, VOLUME LXIll NUMBER 25 THE TWIG APRIL 29, 7985 PHIS, ASTROS TEAM TO HELP SAVE BOY’S LIFE McHan by Cynthia L Church While most seven-year-olds are playing baseball, riding bicycles and eating Junkfood, Daniel Mc'Han isn’t. In stead, he sits in his hospital bed reading letters, watching television and hoping that he willbecured of the problems he has had since he was six weeks old. Daniel’s life has not been easy. Every day is a challenge. He has gastro esophageal reflex, which is a malfun ction of the sphincter valve that connects the esophagus with the stomach. At the side of his mouth, Daniel has a tube that enters his shoulder. Food goes through this tube down to his stomach. He is us ually fed through an I.V.; however, when he does eat “he wants a Big Mac." said his father, TTiomas McHan. Recently, Daniel concluded his for ty-first operation. The main goal of the operations are to reconnect his esopha gus; however, other corrective surgery has taken place. Thomas McHan said that Daniel lives his life day to day and never knows what difficulties He ahead. Daniel's Illness is not the only prob lem the McHans face. Paying the medical bills is another. Although the insurance is paying about 80 percent of the $300,000 medical bill, the 20 percent is still a strain. McHan has been fired from three of his jobs t>ecause he spends so much time with Daniel. McHan said he hates not working, but Daniel needs him. “1^ son Is more important to me than any Job,” said McHan. He added that while at work he can only think of Daniel. "It’s twice as hard to be away from him. Sometimes I just sit and cry like a baby.” WRAL recently did a story on the McHans and urged the community to do nate money to help pay the bills and write to Daniel because he loves mail. The Phis and Astros at Meredith College saw the news clip and felt the urge to get involved. Next year both societies will hold fundraisers to help with the medical bUls. On May 4, 1985 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., a camival will be held at Cary High School. The Phis are co-sponsoring this ewent wrtth tti^'American Catering and Games, Inc. All Meredith students, fa culty. and administration are urged to contribute and join in the fun. If you and-or your organization are interested In helping, call either Melinda Wrenn or Donna Wilson. SUMMER MISSIONS by Kelli Milsted What are you doing with your sunrt- mer? Going home? Working at Hardee’s? Living at the beach? There are a million things to do during a summer, but a few students have chosen to spend their summer in a very unique way-summer misstons. Summer missions is a term that In cludes many jobs ranging from camp counselor grbijn-' TTie V nearly unlftmed: "Aim^-kl diahorrina- tlons of churches have camps that need counselors, reCTeatlon staff, and others. The Baptist church offers positions in home and foreign missions, local church youth wort(, evangelism teams, camps, and a wkJe variety of others. Summer missionaries don’t earn a lot of money, but most jobs include room and board. FAREWTELL TO Seniors, it is that time of year for mixed emotions - happy to be gradua ting, yet sad to be leaving behind many happy mentories made at Meredith. We have spent three years together and have made many special friendships and memories - some happy, some sad. We would like to reflect on the happy mem ories and wish each and everyone of you good luck in the future: The experience of giving of yourself all summer is where the real value is. These are sonfie of the students who will be working summer missions this summer: Camp Caswell: Amy Flowers, Sherri Bryan, Deborah Hurlburt, Beth Threatt and Karen Mann; Intern In Chap lain’s office at Dorothea Dix: Kelley Mll- stead; Youth Minister Associate, Mayes Barton: Becky Evans; Apostolo; Team: Marcte Taylor; Youth Corps: Tammy Swar>n, Leigh Sneed, Julia McKeithan, Laura Hartness, Julia Hamilton; Mundo Vista: Lisa Ingram; Evangelism Rdm: CirKly Phillips, Lisa Setzer, Debbie Pitts. There ^ still a few positions avail able. Ccmtact the campus minister’s of fice for more details on how to get invol ved in a great summer! SENIORS May the road rise to meet you May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rain fall soft upon your fields, And until we meet again, may God Hold you In the palm of His hand. Good-bye and good luck Seniors. - The Junior Class THE CROOK - A MEREDITH On Saturday, April 20, the “Crook" was found by a member of the Junior Class. This was an ^citing day for the Class of ‘86; however, there was a ques tion raised about how the Crook was found and whether a njle was broken. Rule Numt)er 7 states that “Only Mere dith juniors may hunt the- “Crook.** The officers of the Junior and Senior Classes met to discuss the situation that arose and unanin>ously decided that the “hunt” was, indeed, legal and no rules were College Center Association CCA) is ery excited atxxit next year. We are al ready planning for ne(t year's entertalrn ment and would like your Input on who we invite to the Meredith community. CCA is responsible for such things as Christmas Dance, movies, various enter- tafngrs, and Spring Fling, if you have any or would like to be on a committee pt^i^ contact us. We are open fw any suggestions. TRADITION Congratulations, JunlorB! A job well done! At this time the Classes of ‘85 and ‘86 would like to express their unified support and belief in the great traditions at Meredith. They would like to challenge the future classes to wort together as thiey have to atrerigthen activities at fvteredith and let the spirit of the tradition liveon with anticipation, excitement, and pride. New officers and committee chairs for 1985 - -86: President - Charkrtte Kinnard V-President - Sophie Grady Secretary - Sara McMilllan Treasurer - Elizabeth Homthal Christmas Dance - Susan Newlin and Dorcus Hoffsteler Spring Fling - Kim Dupree Publicity - Mary Louise Jones and Laura Cochrane Mobies - Beth Miguel and Julia Burroughs Concert and Lectures - Mary Mills The Class of '35 broken. . The Class of ‘86 CCA PSYCHED FOR COMING YEAR CHANGES IN SUMMER SCHOOL SCHEDULE The following changes have been made in the schedule of classes for summer school at Meredith: SECOND SESSION 2^50 BIO 9^0 Meeting time is 5:30-8:30 p.m. 25^1 BUS 33J Change course number to 251 5651 HEC 2^6 CANCEL 6066 PED liiO CANCEL ADD 6051 PED 12it "Weight Training" 5271 SPA 101 CANCEL - ADD 5272 SPA 102 "Elementary Spanish II" Meets at 00-6:50 p.m. 7976 SPE 9^0 CANCEL FIRST SESSION ADD 1516 ART 103 "Basic Color L Design" ADD 15Z^- A^T,2^0 "Beg. Graphic Design" 2531 BUS -330 Change course number to ZiO' ' ' 2601 BUS ^32 Change course' number to 332 5571 HEC 222 Meeting time is 1200-3:00 p.m. 5581 HEC 223 Meeting time is 12:00-3:00 p.m. 5591 HEC 224i Meeting time is 12:00-3:00 p.m. ADD 5271 SPA 101 "Elementary Spanish /" meeting time is ^:00-6:50 p-"’