VOLUME LXIII NUMBER 2 THE TWIG SEPTEMBER 2, 1966 Itza New! Itza Here! Itza Pizza! mm Funny Name w Great Pizza “Straight Up” Bartender Offers Advice by Cynthia L. Church Coetf/tor Many college students don’t share tl^r problems with a bartender because of the upbeat atnf>osphere. Usually the extent of the conversation is onjering a drink. However, at bars with a relaxed at mosphere seeking a bartender's advice Is not foreign. Segirming-thie-weeki -wttt- feature “Straight up with Steven the Bar tender.” Like - Dear Abby, Steven J. Aus tin's column is an advice column, but with a different twist. Austin was raised in New York and at tended college there. Prior to moving to North Carolina in 1980, he lived in Flori da. It was in North Carolina, at UNC-CH, that he met his wife Susan. “Straight Up” began in Septernber 1982. Bnl'lke dtti- er advice columnists, Austin extended by Cathy Brown Staff Reporter Are you tired of walking all the way to «iohnson Hall for a pizza and suddenly realizing you left your money back In your room? Well, starting Sunday night (Sept. 8), you order a fresh, hot pizza fre>m Itza - Rzza Shop! The new shop Is located on Meredith's own ceunpus In the Greenhouse Cafe. Itza Pizza vrill deliver directly to your very own dorm room! The pizzas are made to order and are created with only fresh Ingredients. They are available in 2 sizes -12 inch and 16 Inch. Fresh toppings for these pizzas In- his Ime^ to radio, TV, and public speak ing. He has been a guest on “hundreds of TV and radio shows nationwide" includ ing DONAHUE and Merv Griffin. As a bartender, Austin realizes the im portance of not abusing alcohol and It is for this reason that he has wort^ close ly with private and government groups to promote “safe and sane alcohol con sumption.” Austin’s column appears in publica tions around the country. Three college newspapers are currently running "Straight Up" — The Dally Tar Heel, (where It began last year),77ie Technician and The Twig. ■If vtti have.aov aupstlons or jyi;>Mems you would like answered, write to “Ste ven the Bartender", in care of The Twig. Tlie Threat Freshmen Pose to Fraternities by Beth Blankenship Ci>editor RUSHI That word conjures up thoughts of Greeks, frat rats, gatoring, and alcohol. It is once again time for fra* temity rush, not only in Raleigh but In most colleges in the stale. A law enacted last year now makes it illegal for those under 19 years of age to drink any kind of alcoholic beverages. This poses a special problem for fra ternities because so many people are walking up and down the row, and In and out of houses, that It makes It difficult to keep underage people out. Fraternities are forced to take precau tions in order to retain their alcohol license. The Sigma Alpha Mu house thinks it has a system that is working effectively. “We set up a table at the doors," says SAM little sister Laurie Hastings, “and no one is permitted inside without show ing the proper ID. “They are then stamped and allowed to go in. No one gets in without properlD." Hastings explained that there are ABC officers who come to the frats working undercover. Mr. Randy Knight, Deputy Director of the ALEH of the Crime Comn^ssion said that undercover officers are very seldom sent in. “We work mainly with the campus pol ice,” Knight said. “I may,” continued Knight, “get some complaints now that new students are coming in.” Knight commended most of the frater nities for implementing safeguards such as the ones taken by SAM. For fraternities, however, who do not take such precautions the penalty is stiff. A.W. Turner, Jr., attorney for the Alco hol Beverage Commission said that if a fratemity is caught sen/ing alcohol to un derage people they are brought before the board for discipline. "The board," dude cheese, hamburger, sausage, and pepperoni. Two sizes of drinks are CNall- able to go along with your fresh hot treat! The Heed of Food Services, Connie Branch, fe^s the new pizza shop will be a huge success. The new promotion Is in association with ARA Seirvices. Keep the extension to the Greenhouse by your phonel The extension for on- campus calls is 6328. The Itza Pizza Shop will operate from 6:00 to 11:00 p.m. Sun day through Thursday nights. Get ready for a fantastic new taste at a fantastic price! Sfeve Austin Bartender Turner said, "hokls hearings as if in a courtroom. “If this is a repeated violation, the es tablishment (the fraternity) would lose its license." If an establishment loses its license, it must wait three years before It is eligible to reapply. The penalty for those caught using a fake ID is even more sever. "In this case,” Turner said, "the of fense is treated as a general misdemean or. The offender can get up to two years in prison or be sensed with an unlimited fine.” Best Frat Contest Winner WHY GO SIGMA CHI? NOTE: The TWIQ would like to extend our many congratulations to the winners of the "Best Frat Confesf; Sigma Chi. The SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY was founded on the principle that friendship among members, sharing a common be lief in an ideal, and possessing different temperaments, talents, and convictions Is superior to friendship among memtters having the same temperaments, talents, and convictions. Sigma Chi believes genuine friendship can be maintained without surrendering the principle of in dividuality or sacrificing one's personal judgment. Association with af ratemlty provides a basis for friendships outside the Mere dith Community. Fraternities also pro vide for growth as an individual. Sigma Chi not only sponsors social events, they also have a v^ety of other activities to serve the community. Some of these in clude: Dert>y Days to raise money for Cerebral Palsy (last year they raised over $10,000), Bloodmobiles, sponsors for the WalJace Village for Handicapped Child ren in the Raleigh aree. Sigma Chi has also earned the respect and admiration of their fellow Greeks through the Interfratemity Council in which they held the presidency for two ye^. The Brothers and Little Sigmas of the Sigma Chi Fratemity are genuine and sincere. I am proud to be associated with this organization and treasure the friends I have made. Sigma Chi Rush Schedule Tuesday, 3 Wednesday, 4 Burgerson the Beach Formal Dinner 5:00 Speaker Friday, 6 Saturday, 7 Caribiwan Casino Midnight in the Cruise Bahamas Tuesday, 10 Friday, 13 LlttleSlster Titanic Party Laua