Vol. I, No. 4 Meredith College, Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Feb. 28,1986 Meredith Chapel subject for Sunday service Meredith’s chapel — a useful investment or dust collector? (Photo by Stephanie Bennett) by Kim Allen, News Editor Some students at Meredith College have raised questions about Sunday morning worship services in the Meredith College chapel. When asked about Sun* day church services. Campus Minister Sam Carothers said, '*WeVe talked about it in the past,** and added **1 am not totally closed on it, 1 have several questions.” Carothers said that his flrst question was whether or not Meredith College should provide all services students need. don't think that we can provide the type of stimulation and experience that you can get from a local congregation,'’ he said.- Carothers’second question was really a concern about Meredith College having a **church*' on campus. **We actually have a chapel," Carothers said. According to Carothers, a church is made up of people co'mmitted to doing something, who then group to form a church. This is not what is present on Meredith College’s campus, he says. “We have a chapel where we come together, loose knit, one time a week for worship experience. There is no way that that can take the place of all that a church can do." Carpthers feels that Meredith College offersan artificial environment at Convo cation on Wednesdays. The school has various speakers which greatly differs from churches and synagogues where services are usually led by a resident min ister, priest, or rabbi. Carothers also questions the issue of student interest and cited an incident from two years ago. A devotional time was held in the fall of 1984 and, as Carothers explained, “No one came." Also, buses ran for the first four weeks of school to local churches and, by the last Sunday, the number of riders was down to ten. Carothers explained that because of these two incidences, he wonders how many students would attend on Sunday morning at Meredith. “Students who want to go to church can get rides with other students or through buses," Caro thers said. When the idea of the chapel was in debate, according to Dr. Jerry McGee of the Educational Advancements Office, the Meredith Board ofTrustees members did not want a church because they felt students should not be taken out of the community churches. E)ean of Students Dorothy Sizemore gave four reasons for Meredith not offer ing Sunday morning services. “I. Worshipservicesareheld on Wed nesday which is unique, because most churches do not offer these. 2. Organization is required for weekly Sunday morning service. It is difHcult to maintain high quality worship services — the kind that Meredith College students Continued on page 3 Twenty-eight Meredith seniors chosen for ‘Who’s Who’ by Betsy Short, Interim Editor According to Dorothy Sizemore, Dean ofStudents, the seniors honored in Who’s Who are nominated by the faculty on the basis of the following criteria: scholastic achievement, participation and leadership in academic and extracurricular activities, citizenship and service to the college, and potential for future achievement. The final selection from the faculty nominations is made by the Student Life Committee members, excluding seniors, and a special subcommittee of junion that works closely with seniors in campus aaivities. A maximum of 30 seniors are selected each spring. This year^ selections are: Christine L. Arnold Lisa M. Britt Jean Michelle Cherry Lisa L. Clark Sandra C. Close Karen M. Cockrell Jonelle Davis Lori J. Dowdy Theresa D. Duffy Dalinda A. Dunn Gwendolyn R. Godwin Susan R. Goins Continued on page 7 Meredith College Honor Council connpared to other women’s colleges by Casey Bass, Features Editor Due to some controversy with Mere dith’s Honor Council, the //^roWdecided to compare the judicial system at Mere dith with those at other women’s colleges. In Meredith’s Honor Council, “The student accused is sitting. I read the plea and turn it over to the Solicitor General. The Defend talks and calls witnesses, then the Solicitor General does the same," said Donna Elliot, head of Meredith’s Honor Council. “After all the witnesses are heard, and the final questions are asked, the Defense and Solicitor General make final state ments."Then both voting and non«voting leave to discuss the verdia and possible penalty. Vaiden Kramar, head of the Judicial Board at St. Mary’s College described the usual order of hearing a case there. “The Judicial Board consists of nine students (one from the freshman class, two from the sophomore class, two from the junior class, one from the senior class, two S.G.A. members and the day student president), along with three faculty mem bers who act as advisors," Kramar said. “When a vote Is taken, there must be five students and two faculty members in Continued on page 7 Low water level makes lake an eyesore to public by Betsy Short, News Reporter The water level in the lake at the amphitheater has reached its lowest level in the past two years, according to Grounds Superintendent Dorcey Adams. As a result of the lowering water level the lake has become clouded with brown ish muck and overgrown algae. What is usually a major attraction at Meredith is now an unseemly eyesore. **The lake does enhance or take away from the beauty of the college," Director of Student Activities RhodaSoXvereBaid. The lake is not only a highlight of Mere dith’s campus, but also of the Raleigh community. ’Pops in the Park* attracts a major crowd from throughout Raleigh each fall. Outsiders come to the Meredith l^k^’a{^' f9r;pwpic^,, fq^atipni walks and weddings." Sowers said “a clean lake would make a difference in Meredith's image." According to Adams, the remedy for the lake is rain, a lot of rain. “We have not had any run-oW water. One big rain will fill it up," Adams said. Other than praying for rain, little can be done to raise the lake level. However, Adams cleans the lake periodically, every few weeks, clearing out trash and spray ing the algae with secticide. The sectidde temporarily cuts oH* the plants oxygen, stunting its growth, Adams said. A pump was Installed in the lake to reduce stagnation when it was built in the .S0’&. Vet, Adams explained, the pump is InefT^ive when it is submerged, which is thecasenow. Since the pump is not above the water, it cannot help circulate it. The moat area also aids in circulation as the water flows over the dams, Adams said. The dams are not useful, however, unless the water is high enough to drain over them. One practical solution, according to Continued on page 7 Meredith lake brings both to the beauty and uniqueness to campus ~ depending on level of water.