editorial In the last issue of the Herald. I wrote in my editorial that I had received no letter to the editor about die hall se^h ttiat was bant page news for The News and Obseiver. This was intended to be the main point of the piece. Last Thursday night I received a visit from several students who were involved in die hall search. They informed me they had taken action widiin the administrative channels. I apologize to the students vs4io felt that I insinuated they tocdc no action. But my point was that no letter to the editor was written; oth« Meredith students were not infixmed about their feeUngs on the search, the action they had taken* and the reaction from administration. Also, that editorial was a foUow-up to one I wrote last semester that students should take action for causes they believe in. I suppose that the students felt diat The News and Observer was the best way to mal^ their point known, but my point is still that other students were not contacted tluough the Herald. I am glad that several of die students did take action and 1 hope they do not allow their proposal for changes to be lost in the shuffle of paperwork. I spoke widi Dean Sizemore on Friday, Feb. 2 and at that time she knew of having received no proposal for changes in the hall search procedure. I also spoke with Yvette Brown, SGA president, on Friday and she had not received any proposal or a copy of the letter that was read at the hall meeting, ^^ch she understood she would receive. I am NOT saying diat the students involved have not taken action, but that die changes they would like to see made may not occur because of paperwork. That would be a shame sincev^iiat I heard of their proposed changes seemed rational and very possible. My rationale fix' die statement on having received no letter to the editor was that if every Meredith student knew or had known about the search, then maybe we, as the student body, could make a unified plea that changes should be made. I am glad diat the students wrote to the Herald and I respect their viewpoint, like I re^>ect the point of view of all students who would like to v/rite a letter to the editor. I would also like to add diat material submitted to the Herald is not carefully selected/ approved by an unseen sponsor. I welcome all letters to die editor and will publish those submitted as long as they don't contain libelous statements and the like (see Editorial Policy- this page). Jeannine Manning Editor-in-chief Dear Editor, First, I would like to commend Dr. Parramore on a job well done. I thoroughly enjoyed his address at Founder’s Day Convocation and 1 believe there is a lot of tnidi to w^t he was saying. It made me realize that my complaints are nothing until action is taken and that chances need to be taken so that diings may be accomplished. Thank you. Dr. Parramore! I would also like to address the issue that the Class of 1990 seems to have been all but forgotten. Granted, the Centennial is next year, but that event seems to be overshadowing our class as well as odiers. I have found it very difficult to organize events and work on graduation because of the Administration’s endiusiasm for the Centennial. 1 can certainly understand the excitement, but please don’t forget us — we haven't graduated yet and we are still an integral part of this campus! Lastly, to die Herald — thanks for lettmg us share widi the campus! Keep up die good wwk! Sincerely, Tracy Sternberg Meredith Herald STAFF EDITOR-IN CHIEF Jeannine Manning PRODUCTION MANAGER Jayne Potter BUSINESS MANAGER Joinifer Bickus ADVERTISING MANAGER Cheryl Alderman NEWS STAFF Susan Cartrette Deana Harris Krista Holloman Sandra Johnson Bedi Lowry Kelly Massey Laura McArthur Mary Mocn« Nicole Nordicott Bergen Padgett Kim Peeples Beth Saylor Gennie Stuart Trinnie Terrell Deanna Turlington Susan Worley ADVISOR Becky Bradshaw The Meredith Herald is located in the publications office on the second floor of Cate Center. Address corre spondence to the Meredith Herald, Box xl33, Meredith College, Raleigh, NC 27607-5298. Phone (919) 829- 8338. Advertising Rates available upon request. EDITORIAL POLICY The Meredith Herald is published by die students of MerediA College during the academic year. The paper is funded by the college and through advertising. The Herald will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, ridicule, or libelous statements. All letters to the editor must be signed unless otherwise discussed with the editor. The opinions expressed on the edito rial page do not necessarily reflect those of the college administration, faculty, or student body. The Herald welcomes criticism and will respond promptly to any submit ted in writing and si^iedby the writer.