Meredith Herald Vobim9S,Numbtr3 ' S^tember4, 1990 19^1991: Cahbralirtg MtndilbS Cbartar CmtmUial Cornhuskin’ Changes MRA and Class Council plan new features to blend with old traditions Sisters Scream for Ice Cream! Cheryl Mason, president of the Meredith' Recreation Association, announces some startling new changes for Cornhuskin’ 1990. This year will mark the first time that Cornhuskin’ will be held outdoors in the amphitheater. “Jones Auditorium was definitely out,” Mason explained, "because of the safety hazard involved in trying to fit our growing student body into that spacs. MRA and Class Council looked at thiee options and decided last Tuesday that our best solution was to hold Cornhuskin’ at the amphitheater. We figured that a change was needed and felt that our Charter Centennial year was a good time for that change." Mason explained the three options that were discussed: holding Cornhuskin' ofF-campus, continuing to hold the event in Jones but limiting the number of participants from each class, and holding it outside. “Off-campus would be hard because we’d have to transport the entire student body off-campus and we’d lose the feeling of a true campus event,” Mason said. “Limiting the number of participants wouldn't realty work because everyone wants to be involved and how would ByKeHyA.PhUUps Andy Wartiol once said. “The day will come wheneveryone will be fiunous for fifteen minutes.” Some Meredith Teaching Fellows may get their chance this Ihursday night CBS will air a spedal on education in America on Thursday, September 6 you ctecide who gets left out’ We wanted to hold Cornhuskin’ in a special place that was just for the Meredith community. Holding it outside gives us some new options, such as having a parade down the front drive.” [Other new features will be announced as soon as final approvals have been given.) Mason went on to say that “We do have a rain plan. Tents will cover the special lighting and sound equipment as well as the island stage. There are other rain plan options that we are looking at and those will be announced when everything is finalized." Cornhuskin’ will remain a closely held Meredith tradition. Even though the event will take place out of the confines of a building, campus security will make sure that “outsiders” don’t crash the party. MRA and Class Council are to be commended for taking the initiative and forethought needed to plan a brand new Cornhuskin’ - one that everyone can take part in and have enough room to really enjoy the evening! Stay tuned for further developments. from 9*11 pm. The special, hosted by Lesley Stahl, will feature the North CaroUnaTeachingFellowsProgram. Hie feature will include footage from Discovery *90 - the sophomore fellows’ summer experience. continued on page 6 Skies threatened overhead last Thursday, August 28, but they didn’t stop Meredith College’s big sister little sister gel together. The ice cream social — a yearly tradition at Meredith — was held in the courtyard where big sisters and theirJitUe sisters enjoyed ice cream covered-with their favorite toppings. Meredith’s own Bathtub Ring 1992 providedentertainment. Dressed in their costumes of overaUs, bandannas, and straw hats, the group performed such favorites as “Hungnail” and “Mountain Dew.” Everyone enjoyed the music and would agree with freshman Heather HoUowell: “They were great!” The ice cream social provided an opportunity for the “sisters” to get to know one another a little bit better. Many freshmen feel that having a big sister helps them adjust to college life while at the same time meet girls in upper classes. Freshman Christa Bucks says this atx>ut her sister: “My big sister is fun, friendly, and full of laughs!” “It’s unusual that this year we are the big sisters instead of the little sisters,” says Margaret Wages. Having been "lost" freshmen only two years ago, some juniors feel that having a litde sister is important. They know what an important role their big sister played when they were new to Meredith. This telationshipallosw Juniors to help out and give advice to their freshmen friends just as they received from their big sisters - the Class of 1990. Junior Christie Lynch sums up the importance of having a litde sister. “I never had a big sister myself, so I take my role as a big sister seriously. I want to be the best big sister in the worlcU" If you are a freshman in need of a big sister or if you are t jurUor and haven’t yet received a little sister, please contact Amy Allen at 7614. Mufifett Brinkman, Allison Hodgest and Jane Kennedy contrttmted to this story. Fellows on TV Inside: 2 Raaders respond to ”$pacte'* editorlah blast editor for "supporting the oppression of women" 4 Our Iraqi friend; Herald ieaders respond to poll on Mid East crisis 5 Meredith's Kuwaiti connec tion; Reporter offers view of conflict 7 MEA Indoor picnic; sf>orts news; classifieds; Meredith travels to "City of Art”