Club Meetings (Attencl6ii EstudlantesI The first meeting of the La Tertulia Spanish Club will be held on September 12, 1990, at 7:00 in Joyner Faculty Lounge. Students who went to Mexico this past summer wiU be sharing their experiences during the program. If you have any questions, contaa dub president Barbara Streets at 7688 or the vice-president Kelly Underwood at 7904. History and Politics Meeting to be Held Hie History and Politics Club will hcAd its first organizational meeting of the year on September 5, at 7:30 pm in Joyner Lounge. Gordon Folger from Career Services and Dr. Qyde Frazier of the PoliUcs department will join the meeting to discuss career opportuniUes for History and Political Science majors. Come join us! Editor Responds continuedfrom page 3 well done. No one on the staff objected;they seemed to be excited to have the chance to be honored for doing something which takes a great deal of energy yet carries no credit hours and offers no pay. The name of the award has been changed, but not because of the letters to the editor. Dr. Nan Stephenson, in a previous discussion about a different topic before the editorial in question was even published, mentioned Brenda Starr. You may recall the comic strip which featured a red-headed ace lepoiter who wore earrings in the form of gold Our reporters and staff members will now be sporting gold stars on their badges, a symbol of having won a “Brenda Starr Award", a special recognition for their individual outstanding contributions to the Herald