Paul HofTman*s artwork appears in the University of Akron BuchteUte. THEY TOUb ME IT WASNT SAPE TO WAUK HOME FROM THE LlfeRARV ATMIGHT.SOI BOUGHT A PUASHLIGMT TttEV TOLb ME A NA/OMAN HAbTO bEFENb herself; SO I TOOK A SELF DEFENSE CLASS. T^U I hLALJi THEV TOLb ME IT WASN'T SAFE TO GO OUTALONE, SOX BOUGHT A CAW OF MACE. THEV TOLb WE MOST WOMEN ARE RAPEb BV PEOPLE THEV KNOW, SO I TOOK EVERY PI^ECAUTION. I Ul SAbbAM BETTER watch OUTi t.,1 ©A/SMS 90 Editorial War doesn't have to be inevitable It seems to have come down to saving face; President Bush is ready to "kick some ass” and has backed Saddam Hussein into a comer with his "no room for pegotiation” rhetoric. Hussein is poised to call Bush’s bluff. For either to retreat now would be an suicidal act of weakness, wimpishness. The American people and 400,000 U.S. soldiers hold a somber vigil while U.N. negotiators valiantly try to talk to the Iraqi president in the hope that an llth-hour settlement can be reached before the January 15 deadline. The United States continues on in its role as world military police, sending its young men to battle for truth, justice War vote: N.C. Roll Call Here is the North Carolina roll call vote by which the U.S. House and Senate gave President Bush the authority to wa^ war in the Persian Gulf. A "yes” vote is a vote to authorize the use of U.S. armed forcesucsuant to the U.N. Secutire Cundl Resolution 678. House: (Democrats) Hefner, no; Jones, yes; Lancaster, ye^ Neal, noi Price, no; Rose, na, Valemine, yes. CRepubUcans) BaUenger, ye^ Coble, yes, McMillan, yes; Taylor, yes. Senate: Helms (R), yes; Sanford CD), no. and the American Way. Would that we could teach our young people of this and other nations that the best method for conflict resolution is peaceful discussion rather than armed retaliation. There is no argument that Saddam’s brutal attack on a practically defenseless country is reprehensible. Literally raping Kuwait and its people is abhorant to all. It is naive to imaging turning the other cheek in response to his actions. The United States should answer the call for help from its allies and neighbors when they cannot defend themselves. Help, however, does not always require the bodies of our young men and women of the .armed forces. The UnitedNations Security Council agreed to economic sanctions against Iraq. While some complain that Saddam’s rich coders can withstand the sanctions for as long as we wish them to be in effect, time would appear to be on the side of the sanctions working. Reports from western hostages freed from Iraq and Kuwait suggest that Iraqi soldiers are indeed beginning to su^er from dimished food and supplies. While Saddam claims his war-hardy troops will crush the American forces with little trouble, all is not well within his ranks: six Iraqi pilots took an AWOL trip last week, landing their fighter jets in Saudi Arabia. Give it time, Mr. President Congress approving a declaration of war doesn’t mean the American people want you to take its offer. We thought we elected a kinder, gentler man. We fear we have elected Rambo. Letters to the Editor/Articles Policy Statement Everyone in the Meredith community is invited to write a letter to the editor or submit an artide concerning any subjea of interest to the Meredith community. All letters must betyped and hand signed by the author, who may request that her name be withheld f^rom publication. AD submissions must include a contact name and telef^ione number. The Meredith Herald PubUthed every Mondty during the Mhool year. 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Letters and articles may be dropped in the HeraldhoK beside the box office at Cate Center, sent through campus mail to Box X133, or delivered to the office in perscxi. Deadline for letters is Wednesday at nooa All letters received after that time will appeaa in the next edition ctf the HefokL Advisor Becky Bradshaw Tbo MeredUb H^ratd Meredith College 3800 Hillsborough Street, Box Xl» Raleigh. NC 27607-5296 Dr^ box: beside box office, Cate Center Campus office: Second floor Cate Center Phone: 829-2824 Printed by Hinton Press, Mebane, NC Advertlslrig rates available on request Editorial Policy The MtmdUb HraW is published by Meredith Colley during the academic year. The paper is funded by the CoD^ and through adveitWi^ The MraM retains the right not to publish material oontaining peaoftai attacks, irNuia, ridicule, or IMeus sale* menis. AD lettente the editor oHHt be signed, aitheui^ the author^snamewOlbewitheld HwapubHouiowifiequcMed The opinions ei- picwed inedtortal flohuans and koeia id the editor do not nnrrmiOy reflect thoM of the college admlnftnaikin. tMutqr, or audent body. cdkgp P0^2 Jamtary J4,199J