spring Break Retrospective Spring Break, Sunshine and 15,000 Nails by Armetta Fields. Associate Campus Minister If you happened to be on campus on the Friday ending Spring Break, you might have seen a vanload of Meredith students return from a week-long trip to St. Petersburg, Florida. Thv tired students’ sunburned noses and arms gave evidence of their trip to the Sunshine Suie. One might have guessed they had spent a carefree week on the beach. Yet these nine women returned to Raleigh with more than suntans and left behind more than footprints in the sand. What did they leave behind? Forty- eight taisses put together by some 15,000 nails. The students' work will support the roofs of two homes constructed by Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit organization which works to provide adequate housing for low-income families. The families are able to buy the new homes from Habitat for Humanity at zero percent interest Donations and volunteer labor luel the organization’s success. Donating their Spring Break vacations were Patricia Sikes, Tonya Townsend, Susan Belk, Holly Hensley, Heather Powers, Pam Cato, Allison Jarratt, Kym Spell, Beckie Paw, Sam Carothers and Armetta Fields. While some beach-bound vacationers lounged in luxury accommodations, these students slept on the floor of a church that provided a place to stay. Instead of munching out all day like some cruise-liner students, these women got putnped up as they spent long hours hammering nail after nail after nail after nail after... The trip wasn't all work. Many new friendships were formed with other college students. The sense of accomplishment and knowledge that their time and efforts will help two families move up from substandard housing is an ad(^ bonus. To find out more about their trip, come hear them share their experiences in the Chapel Commons RoomonMar^ 26 at 8:00pm. You’ll even gel to see your fellow Meredith classmates in their St. Petersburg television debut! “If I Had A Hammer... ” Standing in front of the first 25 trusses they built are (from left to right) Allison Jarratt, Beckie Faw, Tonya Townsend, Patricia Sikes, Holly Hensl^, Sam Carothers, Pam Cato, Heather Pow^, Susan Belk, and Armetta Fields. photo by Kym Spell Fun in the Son! Fun in the Desert by Karen Nipper For some students, Daytona Beach, Florida means alcohol, drugs, and sex in the sun. However, for about 53 students from North Carolina State University and Meredith College, Spring Break in Daytona meant something quite different. These students attended a Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) conference kn )wn as “Operation Sunshine.” CCC is an international student movement which trains students in initiative evangelism through weekly meetings, conferences, and summer projects. Initiative evangelism simply means that the student ukes the initiative to tell another person about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, fulfilling Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:18-20, “.. .go and make disciples of all natioru...” (NIV). But initiative evangelists don't push their ideas; rather they give people the opporturuty to know Ood personally or to know exactly what role the Holy Spirit plays in the relationship, and the “approached* chooses how much he/ she wants to know. During Operation Sunshirte students were able to enjoy the beach and meet other students from such colleges and universities as Purdue, Penn State, Syracuse, and James Madison. Two meetings a day included singing and instruction from world-wide known speakers such as Josh McDowell. After discussion group time, it was time to hit the beadi! Students engaged in slow-motion football and held band concerts on the beach, as they talked with various passers-by, sunbathers, and bikers Ot was the 50th annual bikers' week). Nighttime activities included inner campusi scavenger hunts and dirmers, gamesi, singing, creative dates, walks on tHe main strip, more evangelism, cm-, simple relaxation! Tl)e best pkrt of the trip was seeing the results, both measurable and immeasurable, ^or example. 325 persons accepted Christ and 32 prayed to be empowered by the Holy Spirit All in all, the cost was minimal and the fun was in the Son! by Abeer Ahmed Mustala The national day in Kuwait is February 25. Each year all the schools celebrate this day, which is combined with the Award Day in which the school honors the top three students in each class with certificates and presents. Since the weather in February in Kuwait is best of the year and National Day is celebrated on the 23rd or 24th of the month, the ministry of education gives two weeks for the Spring Break. This lime of the year is the time of break in all the Arab states. After putting away all the books, most people like to go out and spend their vacation time in the desert, lliey pack up everything they will need for living for two weeks. Tlie families, iextended families and friends go together. After they have chosen the -right place for ttem in the desert, everyt^y stam working- People like to go and live in the primitive ipvay. For this purpose, they take tents With them and live in the tents for the whole two weeks. But if you look inside, you will find television, radios, VCRs and generators to run these machines. Although people take with them some stores for cooking, they like to cook on a basic fire. Since Ku^K^it is really a small country, every four or five days people go to their homes to take showers or simply to try to clean themselves as much as they can without taking showers. During the day, children play as much as they want with pleiuy of space. As the children get to know each other, the adults get to know one another throuj^ their children. This is the big event of the year and many friendships are made as this is a social event. After dinner, \»^en the night comes, the real fiin begins. People sit in circles and sing and dance,‘With bands providing music. All the different ministries provide their services and they come to clean and collea the trash. Doctors, fire and police officers also go to the desert to help take care of the people. At the end of the two weeks, everything gets packed up and everyone heads home with their good continued on next page 6 March 19, J99J