Editorial Male Visitation Rights Decision, Board Action Applauded I'hcre was a time in Meredith’s rccent history when “gendemen callers” could only visit their young ladies in the parlors of Johnson Hall, when dressing for dinner meant dresses for dinner, when going to town required white gloves and an upperclass cscort. Today, shorts and t-shins arc dc rigeur for dining. Staying out all night is preferable to call- downs for signing in a minute Opinion Stephanie Hubner Stephen Dedalus, in James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, desires to embrace ‘ the loveliness which has not yet come into the world.” I only wish I could be so optimistic about my world. In niy world on Tuesday, March 12, Secretary of Energy James Watkins reported that President Bush would veto any energy legislation that did not include provisions for oil drilling m Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWF). This is a loaded statement for our “Environmental President.” In addition to requesting the right to drill in ANWI-, the president's proposed energy policy deletes tax credits for businesses using alternative energy' sources and increased fuel- efficiency standards for cars and trucks. President Uush’s request for an energy policy which includes domestic oil drilling .should not be surprising, The Bush administration has already decided our energy policy will be one that stresses increased oil late. It’s time Meredith pulled herself into the twentieth century and allow men into Ae inrier sanctum of women’s residence halls. The Dean of Students Office is to be comended for its forward- thinking action in this regard. The Board of Trustees is to be congratulated for its difficult decision to shorten the faU semester and re-institute Saturday classes. As mentioned in a story production and nuclear power over conservation. Just what is George Bush’s new energy policy that must include drilling in the unspoiled wilderness going to accomplish? It will drain the earth of her precious fluids and destroy miles ofcoastal wilderness. I understand that oil is vital. I understand that, especially with the Gulf War behind us, we need to decrease our dependance on foreign oil. But 1 also understand that fossil fuels are finite resources. If we continue to be so dependent on fossil fuels, then one day they will all be gone. What then will our petroleum- based society dc^ If I, as a Meredith College student, can see the impending danger of this, why can’t a high level legislator see iC* Somehow, as we slowly deplete our resources and lawmakers implement policies that advocate production rather than conservation, I can’t be too continued on next page elsewhere in this issue, budget shortfalls led to some serious cuts in a number of areas and by beginning the fall semester a*ter Labor Day, air conditioning bills will help meet the budget deficit. Saturday classes wasn't a very popular choice but, hey, the policy starts next ye?r and we seniors (ion’t care, do we? By the by, you haven’t forgotten that it’s April 1st, have you? Letters to the Editor/ Articles Policy Statement Everyone in the Meredith community is invited to write a letter to the editor or submit an article concerning any subject of interest to the Meredith community’. All letters must be typed and hand signed by the author. Hand written articles and letters will be published at the discretion of the editor. Unsigned articles and letters will not be published. All submissions must include a contact name and telephone number. Letters and articles are subject to editing for length. The Herald retains the right not to publish material containing personal attacks, insults, ridicule, or libelous statements. Letters and articles may be dropped in the Herald box beside the box office at Cate Center, sent through campus mail to Box XI33, or delivered to the office in person. Deadline for letters is Wednesday at noon. All letters The Meredith Heraid Published every Monday during the tehool year. EAtor'in-chlef Julia Haskett Buslneaa Manager Jane Kennedy Advisor Bedcy Badshaw This edition is brought to you by: Jody Clower Jeaneen Logan Abeer Mustafa Janie Mullis Karen Nipper Mary Beth Owen Nicole Rivenbark Carol Simons thanks to: Doris Litchfield, Office of Alumnae Affairs Tb* MertdUb Htr'atd Meredith College 3800 Hillsborough Street, Box X133 Raleigh, NC 27607-5296 Drop box; beside box office, Cate Center Campus office: Second floor Cate Center Phone: 829-2824 Printed by Hinton Press, Mebane, NC Display advertising rates available on request. Editorial Policy The Mertditb Herald is published by Meredith College during the academic year. The paper is funded by the College arid through adveitising. The Herald retains the right not to publish material containing personal attacks, Insults, ri^cule, or libelous sutements. All letters to the editor must be signed. The opinions expressed in editorial col umns and letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect those of the college administration, fac ulty, or student body. Bush’s New.Energy Policy: A Lovely Future?