Metmtib Herald Vobim* 7, Numbar 13 April 22, 1991 Amid colotjbl fed and white baUoqra and a skyfuU of sunshine, students enjoyed ^rtng Fling on the island. Where the WUd Things Play Meredith students enjoyed an afternoon of fun, physical activity on April 11 at Stunt \S9\\ Meredith Recreation Association sponsored the event, which was chaired by Kim Audette and Beth Lowry. MRA chose the theme, ‘Where the Wild Things Play* from the popular children’s book, Where the WUd Thii\gs Are. For the second year in a row, Stunt was similar to a field event Students participated in a 5*legged race, egg toss, flour power, halo chase, and sponge toss to tiy to win points for their class. Points were awar^d for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th (^oes. Three lucky students from each class got the opportunity to throw wet spongy at President John Weems, Dr. Carson Brlson, Sam Carothers, and Janice McClendon. The “targets’ were all very, good sports! MRA introduced a new event this year-a lip synch contest between classes. Each class had two and a half minutes to perform and “sing” a song. The five judges, Becky Bradshaw, Paula Daniels, Patricia Grieco, Libby Mullinnix, Marge Stevens and Libby Weber judged the classes on creativity and originality. All performan(£s were cute and received a good deal of response from the audience, but it was the senior performance that the judges decided was the best. Second went to the juniors, third to the freshman, and fourth to the sophomores. The )uiUors were later vindicated when the final results were tabulated. Results of Stunt were First Place, Juniors; Second Place, Seniors; Third Place, Freshman; Fourth Place, Sophomores. Stunt 1991 was fun and enjoyable and, according to MRA, a success! It would not have been possible, however, if it weren’t for the hard woric and dedication of the of co-chairs: freshman-Lynn Barbee and Anissajones, sophomores-Beth Anne Fleishman and Kate Wilson, juniors- Amy Allen and Kitty Allsbrook, and seniors-Susan Howard. MRA thanks them for all of their help and to all of the people that made Stunt great! Calebnuiffg Mtndilb's Charter Cententiat Meredith Grad Will Deliver Baccalaureate Sermon by Julia Haskett This year’s Baccalaureate sermon will be delivered by a former Meredith student who served her college in a variety of ways. Sue Fitzgerald played a number of sports during her four years at Meredith: basketball, soccer, hockey and softball. She sat on the student council for three years and worked in the dining hall three meals a dav. Fitzger ald, a 1952 graduate, was ordained to the Ministry by Mars Hill Baptist Church in 1973. She be came I teacher of re ligious educa- Sue Fitzgerald tion the year after graduation and then went on to serve as Minister of Christian Education at several Baptist churches in Virginia and North Carolina. Today she is the Direaor of the Center for Christian Edu cation Ministries at Mars Hills College. Fitzgerald is a member of the Board of Directors of the Mountains (^Madison, Inc, a school of mentally retarded and handicapped adults in Mars Hill. In 1978, the Southeastern Baptist Theological Semiiury awarded her its Citations for Excellence in Christian Ministries. Final Edition of the 1990-91 Herald