Septem6er27,1991 page tHru U O by Mary Ann Monk ATTENTION: Next Wednes day, October 2,1991, in honor of Abbie Hoffman’s birthday, there will be a sit-in in Jones Auditorium protesting Meredith College’s Baptist affiliation. Be sure to wear your Birkinstocks and any item of Guatemalen origin. Grateful Dead bootleg tapes will be played while Dr. John Saunders recites from the Upanishads. A love offering for Greenpeace will be collected. Don’t wear make-up or bras. Go for that “I-must-be-a-hippie” hairstyle and emanate a natural odor. Ted O’Briant informed the Herald staff that vegetarian lasa- gna will be “supplied a’plenty” at the sit-in. If this event attracts a good turn-out, it will be incorpo rated into the annual Meredith calendar of multi-cultural, earth- fiiendly events, according to Dr. Tandra Somas. No, fellow angels, this is not going to occur, the above mate rial is fictitious. If you are a bit confused at this point in my article, please read on. There tends to be a recent trend to acknowledge, if not pledge al legiance to, certain ideas and con cerns that were once - and still are - genuine in the hearts of many. The idolization of the sixties and its heroes has gone way too far. Please tell me, girls whose cars are covered with dancing bears, did you know who the Grateful Dead was three years ago? (Oh- or were you tangled up in the pursuit of wearing “Don’t Worry, Be Happy T-shirts?) Yes, 1 am equating your current fascination with “the Dead” with the fleeting popularity of Bobby McFerrin’s infamous 1988 tune. Sadly enough, appreciation of the Grateful Dwd seems to go hand in hand with certain attitudes and behavior. Owning three pairs of Birkinstocks, displaying a Greenpeace bumpersticker, and wearing a “No Apartheid” button are easily-obtained, visible labels that associate people with an im age. Unfortunately, many of those who present this image are so in sincere that genuine causes ap pear to be just as artificial as their phony converts. Please, stop and take a look at who you are. Do you support the Greenpeace movement mon etarily while continuing to pollute the air with cigarette smoke? do you bask in the role of the bohe mian, with your second-hand at tire and worn-out shoes while overlooking those who have no choice but to wear tattered clothes? do you glorify philosophies and movements about which you have no knowledge or familiarity? Do you stand for a cause because you care, or because everyone else seems to care? Do you disagree with general political principles like apartheid, ya segr^ale within your own life? I am appalled at the insincerity that I observe because so many of the issues of popular concern are worthy of devotion. Continue to recycle and plant trees; to protest the depletion of the rain forests, the existence of oppressive re gimes, the experimentations with animals, and the censorship of the arts; to provide homes for the homeless; to explore the romantic philosophies and ideas of other cultures - IF THESE ARE OF GENUINE CONCERN TO YOU. If these don’t appeal to your inter est (may I be the first to admit that not all of the aforementioned topics are important to me), stop dressing the part of the noncon formist and singing the songs of political and social correctness, and discover within yourself your own uniqueness. Perhaps if ev eryone addresses the issues that are of particular concern to her or him, the fervor of the reactionary measures will more effectively eliminate our problems. Hey, I’ve heard that Birkinstocks are really good shoes, and I know that at least some of the Grateful Dead songs are good. Please distinguish between those things that are good for you and those things that are good for pro moting an image. ATTENTION: In lieu of the cancellation of the Abbie Hoffman/anti-Baptist sit- in, a Guatemalen-bracelet burning bonfire and pig-pickin’ will be held in the softball field at 9:30 pm, October 2. Be there or be square. Meredith College Academic Success Seminar Series Registration Form Please complete ail information on the form, sign, anc return to The Office of Student Activities auc Leadership Development in the Cate Center b; Thursday, October 3,1991. Student Activities To Sponsor Academic Success Seminars by Madalyn Gaito The Office of Student Activi ties and Leadership Development is sponsoring an Academic Suc cess Seminar Series on Mondays from October 7 through Novem ber 18 (excluding October 14) from 4:00-5:30 in 214 Harris. TTie series is designed to improve your academic skills for a more succssful semester, as well as benefit your entire academic ca reer. This series offers something for every student - whether you are negotiating your first research paper, learning to manage your time, or studying for a final exam. Topics include Writing Skills, Stress Management, and Taking Notes. You may attend all or any part of the series. If you choose to attend all six seminars you will receive a certificate of participa tion upon completion of the series. Interested students should pick up a brochure in the box office in Cate Center or fill out the regis tration form and return it to the Office of Student Activities and Leadership Development. If you have any questions, please call Cheryl Smith, X8660. Name: Local Address; Local Phone: Please check: I will attend all six seminars I will attend the following seminars: October? October 21 Octobcr 28 November 4 November 11 November 18 (it is recommended that you attend all sessions) Signature: Date: ClassiTication (circle): Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Re-entry Return by Thursday, October 3,1991 Office of Student Activities and Leadersftip Development, Caie Center, 1st Floor