Meredith Herald 1891 —Honoring Our Heritage...Expanding Our Vision -1991 Volume Vni. IssueJ^^ Match 13,1992 Raleigh, North Carolina Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder Speaks on 'Women and Leadership' at Centennial Convocation by Jessica Cook On Monday, February 24, the cen tennial closing ceremonies were held in Jones Auditorium. The featured speaker, United States Congress woman and former presidential can didate Patricia Sdiroeder, delivered an address entitled “Women and Leadership.” The ceremonies also included the presentation of the senior class gift, a reproductionof the original architec tural plans for Baptist Female Uni versity. In addition, Dr. Jean Jack son, Director of the Meredith Col lege Centennial Commission and Associate Professor of English, was honored by a resolution passed by the board of trustees commending her on her extraordi nary work duri ng the centennial. After the presenta tion of the award by Dr. John Weems, PresidentofMeredith College. Jack son received a standing ovation. Schroeder opened her address by refuting the secondary role in history attributed to women by many text books. The congresswoman said women were the first voyagers on the Mayflower to go ashore at Plymouth Rock. Martha Washington, stereo typed as a home-loving needlepoint enthusiast, was actually a shrewed businesswoman who spent miserably cold winters in camp with her hus band and the Continental Army. Schroeder also described the genius of Harriet 'Hibman; knowing that a written map of the underground rail road, a network of people and their address who helped slaves escape to the north, wold almost certainly fall into enemy hands, 'Dibman incorpo rated the stops of the railroad into secret codes that were sung. According to Schroeder, the United States is the “least family friendly” of many other countries. For ex ample, the U.S. has an alarmingly high rate of family violence and a terrible child care crisis that pro motes discrimination against women in the workplace and threatens the country’s fiimre. Schroeder said “a country that doesn’t care about its children doesn’t care about its fu ture.” Schroeder stressed the necessity of women taking an active role in lead ership in order to solve these prob lems; she told the audience of Meredith students not to worry about qualifications for niraiing for office. The representative remarked the Anita lill hearings should have dis missed all concerns about the strin- gencyof qualifications forCongress. She said the way to change legisla ture is by supporting candidates with pro-family platforms through cam paign contributions. Schroeder ended her address with a rousing joke; four people, a perfect man, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and the perfect woman were driving to Washington. They had a flat tire and decidedput of the four people the perfect woman should fix it. Why? Because the other three were fig ments of your imagination. College Receives Money to Establish Memorial Reward by Jeatmie Morelock, Office of Public Relations Meredith College !ms received a gift of $35,000 from Mr. and C.E. “Ed” Vick, Jr. of Raleigh. The gift will establish the Lucretia Dean Vick Travel Award in memory of Nfr. Vick’s mother Lucretia, a 1925 graduate of Meredith. The student who receives this award will be selected by the faculty and will use the award to underwrite tu ition and expenses in a Meredith- sponsored International Studies pro- grarii of her choice. Mr. Vick and his wife Laura Anne are long-time supporters of Meredith. Mr. Vick is a past president of the Meredith Board of Associates and is currently president of the Board of Associates’ Advisory Council. He was recently elected second vice president of the North Carolina Bap tist State Convention. Mr. Vick is president of Kimley-Hom and Asso ciates in Raleigh. Jennifer Vick Catellani.Mr. andMrs. Vick’sdaugh- ter, is a 1988 graduate of Meredith. Look for Pictures of Se curity on Page Five of This Edition of ttie Meredith Herald ! Student Govern ment Association Invites Student Body to Second Student Forum byAnnHiott Attention Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Se niors, Re-entry and Graduate students: SGA is having a second OPEN FORUM March 19 from 5:00-6:00 in the President’s Dining Room (Bring your trays downstairs). Last semester SGA heard concerns about Male Visita tion, Honor Council penal ties, security. Visitor Park ing,, Freshman Curfew, call downs, the Dining Hall and Le Greenhouse. Tlie year is far from over, and SGA is holding a second forum to follow up on these concerns and to hear any new student concerns. At this forum, you will be reaching the SGA Ex ecutive Committee, the Stu dent Life Committee, Sen ate, the Honor Council, the Commuters, Residence Hall Board and Elections Board. Consequently, these groups will be reaching you. SGA has some interesting infor mation to share with you. Everyone is welcome to bring questions and insights to the SGA Forum, or just come and listen. If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Ann HiottatX7848.