Meredith Herald 1891 -Honoring Our Heritage...Expanding Our Vision -1991 Volume VIII, Issue 21 March 26,1992 Raleigh, North Carolina Meredith Gets Campused.., Find out what it's about by Hannah Simonds In response to requests by students for more social life opportunities on campus, SGA has designated April 10-12 as a weekend for fun and opportunity here at Meredith. The events of April 10-12 are open to all Meredith students, their friends and families. While plans are not yet definite, Meredith’s organi zations are working hard to present several exciting ac tivities. MRA is sponsoring canoes and beach volleyball at the lake on Saturday, while MEA is providing a movie Saturday night. MCA is planning a special “Unwind ing” Friday night in addition to their Vespers Service on Sunday morning. Palm Sun day. RHB will be sponsor ing “Open House” on Sun day afternoon. Many of the RA’s and dorm presidents have volunteered to stay on campus that weekend and host your friends and fami lies in the dorms. This will be a great time to invite your parents, brothers, sisters or even that special someone. While all plans are subject to change, SGA is optomistic about tlie boost this week end will give to student life on campus. So plan to stick around April 10-12, as Meredith Gets Campused! Campus-wide election speeches call for involvement from student body by Amity Brown Students filled half of Belk Dining Hall for Campus-wide election speeches which were held Monday, March 23, with all but one office running unopposed. Jennifer Hartig, a junior running for SGA president, and Mitchell Brown, a junior running for Honor Council Chair, spoke of the impor tance of involvement at Meredith. Hartig said, “I believe in student government,” and Brown said, “a more active role in student govern ment, and a more active role in the honor system.” Juniors Katherine Ku and Melaine Horae were running for MCA presi dent, the only contested office. Both offered their credentials in their speeches. Many of the candidates stressed the importance of having more par ticipation in student government, and many added that even though they were running unopposed, they still needed 51% of the vote. The results are as follows: SGA President—Jennifer Hartig SGA Treasurer-Janna Morgan Honor Council—Mitchell Brown Elections Board Chair—Jill Barlow SGA Secretary-Kathy White RHB Chair-Karen Howell Student Life Chair-Madelyn Jones Residence Hall-Blair Jones-Heil. MCA President-Melanie Horae MCA Vice-President-Allison Holloman MEA President-Sherrie Lane MEA Vice-President-Kristey Arey MRA President-Stephanie Hubbard MRA Vice-President-Dana Roberson Chief College Marshall-Kimberly Colson Chief Student Advisor-Dawnyelle Thrush Possible ban of alcoholic containers generates discussion at SGA Open Forum by Tracey Rawls On Thursday, March 19, SGA held an Open Forum in Kresge Auditorium. Ann Hiott, SGA president, presided over the forum. Many issues were discussed; however, SGA’s proposal for banning alcoholic beverage containers generated the most response from the audience. Student comments tended to show that many are opposed to the proposal. Several see this proposal as another way to restrict students, saying it would be a useless rule that students might rebel against. Some pointed out that even if this proposal is enacted, Meredith cannot deny that people drink and Meredith can not separate us from the real world. One student said,”How is this one rule going to make a difference since Meredith can not change influenced that we see off-campus?” Hiott explained the rationale behind the proposal. She said that since drinking is not al lowed on campus, alcoholic beverage containers should not be on campus. She encour aged everyone to talk to her class senator, anyone on the Student Life Committee or SGA and let them know how she feels about the proposal. She also pointed out that min utes from Senate, Student Life Committee and SGA meetings are available to students. Also, many meetings of these orga nizations are open to students. Publicity also seemed to be a concern of students because students are not longer able to post fliers on the doors in build ings due to fire laws. Students commented that they need one central location to post fliers ofinterestto all students. Some ideas were using MCTV to announce events, an electronic message board and a televi sion in the cafeteria that would broadcast MCTV. Parking on campus on the weekends was also discussed. Students expressed a concern about receiving parking tick ets on the weekend. Students also said that trash cans are needed in the new parking lot. Student Life Committee briefly discussed their proposal about visitor parking. Many students are also con cerned about overlapping cal endar events and the tack of participation among students. Other topics that were dis cussed were “Meredith Gets Campused,” the name change for LeGreenhouse, and plans for remodeling the dining hall and International House.