Meredith Herald 1891 - Honoring Our Heritage...Expanding Our Vision -1991 Volume VIII, Issue-S^^ X*- ^ April 24,1992 Raleigh, North Carolina ’’Deciding for the Best”: Baccalaureate speaker advises seniors to prioritize; have fun by Trista Schagat Wednesday, April 22, 1992 at 10:00a.m., Dr. Gayle Carlton Felton, former assistant professor of religion and philosophy at Meredith, gave the 1992 Baccalaureate Sermon in Jones Chapel entitled “Deciding for the Best.” Dr. Felton’s sermon was adressed to the graduating class of 1992 who attended in cap and gown adorn ment. She spoke about the decisions that must be faced as the graduating seniors strive to meet the challenges that the world will offer them upon leaving Meredith. She encouraged them to prioritize when making these decisions and reminded them that when feeling the pressmes of trying to win “the ratrace,” even the winner is a rat. Dr. Felton is a graduate of North Carolina Wesleyan College in Rocky Mount with a B.A. in history. She went on to earn her Master of Divin ity degree at Duke Divinity School, and she received her Ph.D. in History of Christianity from Duke Univer sity. She was also ordained into the ministry of the United Metodist Church in 1983. Dr. Felton is currently an assistant professor of Christiam Nurture at Ur. Gayle Carlton Felton Duke Divinity School and is a mem ber of the Board of Trustees at North Carolina Wesleyan College. Dr. Felton emphasized that you caimot have it “all”; there is always something more that can be achieved. And though you feel the pressures of college will be alleviated at gradua tion, there will be new fo^essures, new challenges, new endeavors. The “free time” that some future gradu ates hope for never seems to materi alize, for there is always something that must be done. She encouraged the seniors not to become entangled in the pressures of everyday life - take time to have fun along the way. She concluded by advising, “You can be rich in two ways. One is to have alot; the other is to want very little.” Meredith community asked to help prevent fire hazards on campus Spring has sprung an just as surely the Fire Prevention Bureau of the city of Raleigh’s Fire Department, more commonly known as the Fire Marshall’s office, sent out its inspec tor. During that last visit several problems came to light which only the Meredith community as a whole can help solve. These problems are campus wide and involve what at first glance appears to be harmless personal practices but in fact are de ceivingly dangerous. A list of these problems in clude: 1. Items placed in hallways or stairwells that could partially block Class Day traditions will continue by Amity Brown What Meredith tradition is older than Comhuskin’ and even dates back to the original Meredith Col lege campus? Class Day, a day in which the Little Sister Sophomore class honors its graduating Big Sister class. Class Day is held the Saturday before graduation on Sunday. This year’s Class Day is May 9. According to the Meredith Col lege Student Handbook, the cel ebration is characterized by sev eral strictly-followed traditions. Tlie sophomores, dressed in white, march into the amphitheater in two lines, each line carrying a chain of daisies. They hold the chains and sing Big Sis/Lil’ Sis songs while the seniors come in. During the ceremony, the class historians highlight the class’s years at Meredith. Later there are more Big Sis/LiP Sis songs sung by the seniors, their Big Sister class, and their Little Sister class. At the end of the ceremony, the sophomores carry the chains on the island and form the class nu merals of their Big Sisters’ class. In addition to the sophomores’ wearing white, the seniors of odd year classes wear black gloves on their lefthands and give their little sisters wish bones to wish them luck, and the seniors of even year classes give their little sisters bags of sticks and stones to protect them from the Odd Spirits’ bones. English professor Dr. Jean Jackson, Class of 1974, said, “Largely, Class Day is very similar [to today], except that the numerals stayed on the is land until the next morning be fore graduation.” Over the past several years, however, the Se nior class goes on the island at the end of Class Day, rushing to get souvenir daisies from the chain. Professor Emerita of English, Dr. Norma Rose, Class of 1936, recalled that when she was a sophomore, the lake was not there, so Class Day was held in a small am^^theater near where the gazebo is now. Dr. Rose added that the sophomores be gan practicing for ClassDay six weeks before the ceremony, ris ing at6:30a.m. to perfect march ing with the daisy chain and singing Big Sis/Lil’ Sis songs. Dr. Jackson said that her class rose early only on Class Day, getting up at 5:00 a.m. to pick daisies and ivy. She remarked, “I was an ivy picker, and it was the payment of Krispy Kreme doughnuts that got us up so early.” escape routes in the event of a fire, or that might ignite and create a smoke hazard. Nothing can be placed in a stairwell or hallway not even a desk or chair. 2. Papers such as posters or notices placed on walls, exit doors, and stairwell doors. These also could ignite and create smoke that might prevent a safe exit from the building. These items can only be placed on office doors, room doors, or bulletin boards. continued on page three