Meredith Herald Volume IX, Issue 9 November 4,1992 Raleigh, North Carolina News Bliefs ■• s’* 5s\ . ■. Xss X . . . . A \ . N "' *• N. X '• >. • Presidential candidates and their running mates wound up their their campaign tours on Monday and Tuesday. Senator A1 Gore, Vice presidential candidate, was in Raleigh, Monday morning. Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton was in Colorado, Tuesday morn ing. President Bush campaigned in Louisville, Ky, Monday. Ross Perot was is Dallas, Tex., Mon day. • Magic Johnson retired from professional basketball for the second time on Monday. Contro versy has surrounded the Los Angeles Lakers player since he announced his comeback Sept 29. He cited other players’ concerns about playing against him as the reason for his retirement • Black faculty members at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who have sup ported ablack cultural center, have recently received threatening let ters accusing them of not pushing hard enough for the center. • In ACC football, Florida State leads the conference with a 7-0 record, with UNC in second and North Carolina State in third. • Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead performed at a Halloween concert after being off-tour since August Garcia returned after an illness and is now on a strict diet and exercise program. • Married actors, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, are to spon sor a Christmas treat at Le Bonheur Children’s Medical Center in Memphis, Tenn. Cruise will be filming The Firm , based on the John Grisham novel, in Tennes see. New dimension added to Cornhuskin' by Amity Brown In an effort to curb the ten sions from Cornhuskin’ last year, Meredith Recreation Association (MRA) sponsored “Cornhuskin’ Entertainment’’ Monday night The upperclassman side of Belk Dining Hall was filled, with students filling all available seats, sitting on the floor and on tables, and standing along the walls. “I’m speechless. The atten dance we had tonight has been un believable,” said Stephanie Hubbard, MRA President. During “Cornhuskin’ Enter tainment” the class co-chairs re vealed their classes’ themes in a skit The Freshman theme is “The Rainbow Connection,” the Sopho more theme is “Movin’ Right Along,” the Junior theme is “Uniquely One Forever,” and Se nior theme is “Going Out with a Bang.” The skit was parody of a class room, with Heather Thomassou, junior co-chair, as the teacher. Her Cornhuskin' co-chairs announce thei/ themes in a skit Monday night This was the first year that themes were announced before Thursday night “pupils” were “model student” Mandy Dill, senior chair; Sharon Thornes, junior co-chair; Leah Ritchie and Jen nifer Borowicz, sophomore co-chairs; and Georgette McGill and Starlotte Smith, freshman co-chairs. The group wound up the skit with the “Pledge of Cornhuskin’.” “I think Cornhuskin’ is more positive this year than ever,” said Dill, commenting on the efforts to keep tensions down by announcing themes. photo by Tracey Rawls After the skit, the Traditions co-chairs, Ellen Powers and Amy Willard, announced the rules for the scavenger hunt which followed “Cornhuskin’ Entertainment.” According to Willard and Pow ers, each class must hide an object two feet by two feet, with at least six inches showing. The goal of the CORNHUSKI .*' continued on page seven J ~ — * XV/1. * ~ Meredith to offer trip to Italy in 1993 Have you wanted to see Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling or his Davttf? Have you had a longing to float down a Venetian canal in a gondola or ride a ski lift in the Italian Alps? "If you have," said Dr. Carolyn Grubbs, "come with us on a Meredith trip to Italy from May 12-27, 1993. We will be going there just after graduation for 17 days of sights, study and fun." Dr. Carolyn Grubbs of the his tory department, Mrs. Blue Greenberg of the art department and Mrs. Nancy Smith, Meredith '87 will be the tour leaders. "We have hand-picked the cit ies to see, so this tour is tailored espe cially for our students and a study of the Italian renaissance," said Grubbs. "One of the cities we will visit is Perugia and I'm very excited about that, because I was there for a whole sununer, studying at the university," Greenberg said. "Perugia is a hill town that was founded by the Etruscans. In fact, one of the few Etruscan gates left is here and you should see the buses inch their way through them. Perugians boast that they have the first renaissance fountain in all of Italy. It's in front of their cathedral," Greenburg said. The tour begins in Rome, with a visit to the Vatican and the Sistine Ceiling, whichhasjustbeen cleaned. Greenburg said, "This generation of visitors will see the ceiling as close to the way Michelangelo painted it as any generation since it was finished." From Rome, the group will go to Florence, Venice and Lake Como. The approximate cost of the trip is $2550, which includes air fare, hotel, all transfers, admissions, all breakfasts and seven diimers. Students can earn three hours credit in interdisciplinary studies or art history. The trip is also open to faculty and staff. For more information, contact Dr. Grubbs, x8589.