Campus Editorial November 4,1992 page two Letters to the Editor With the threat of AIDS to day, all we hear is, ‘Tf you’re going to have sex, at least protect yourself and ask your mate to wear a condom.” That is what a woman in Austin, Texas, did; however, her situation was a little different — she was about to be raped. The victim asked the accused rapist to wear a condom, and when he said he did not have one, the woman provided him with a condom. I thought,“This w o m a n i s smart. Ho wmany victims would think to ask a rapist to wear a condom?” What sur prised me even more was that the grand jury, which consisted of seven women and five men, did not indict the accused r^isL An article in the Sunday, Oc tober 25, News and Observer stated that one juror told an Aus tin television station, “... that some jurors thought that the woman’s act of self-protection might have implied her consent.” Self-pro tection does not imply consent. No one can say what she would of would not do if she were raped. Once someone is in that situation, she will use any tactic to con vince the guy not to rape her. In this case, maybe the vic- timthoughtshe could scare her attacker. The News and Ob- see EDITORIAL, page seven Correction... There was a typograhical error in Traci Latta's editorial in the October 28 edition of the Herald. The first sentence should read,"... a doctor in France who infected 1200 hemophiliac patients..." Please excuse our error. Meredith Herald EditorinC^f Amity Brown l4iyoatEditor., .TiffseyRawls . Trista J«l« Smith. Kate CcftyEditor.. Stewatt ^ Maulteby. CMsUna Ne«wBdlter...»..».»«»BcthLcMwy |^eqple$,S«rahMiis«, Tracitntta, Advisor T«chnical Adidsor NanMUler - jUuta I3aveopott EdttoriftUVitlcy Tbe ifctail 'a. paWisM hy th* C:«tle>go ttoougljdttt d«s *pad«mic ytto. Hw paper'»funded by the mi (hrangtn adverfeiag. ’Iba Herald retains the right uot to publish matenals coutetning penfonsl attaefcj, iasolte, ddicole, or hbeloas statmwts, All fetters to the editor mi«t be algaed. The ophuMW ex^aed m editorial eolutttns do not neecssarjty reflect those of the cohere aiinjnLstratiOu, faculty. Or BtUdent body. Lett«r» to the EdlttMr PoUey Everyone ia tbe Meredith coataiuniity is mvited to write n lettw to the editor. All pUMfebed fetters must be typewritten with toutect pame and address and telephone auBjber. Ah letters must be signed by the author, fett names will be wiihbekl vpon request Co-chairs respond to sisters On behalf of the Junior Class, we would like to respond to the Concerned Little Sisters. Our sincere apology is extended to the Freshmen who are having problems with their Big Sisters. We realize all of your excite ment and enthusiasm for the pro gram and understand your disap pointment with your circum stances. We too have been excited about the program and remain so. Our first two years here at Meredith made us ready and will ing to share our final year expe riences with our little sisters. Please understand we are new at this too and yes, some of us may be to blame for you disappoint ment. The majority of both Jun ior and Freshmen classes is extemely happy and satisfied with their sister pairs. Please accept these sugges tions to improve relations with your Big or Little Sis. Don’thesi- tate to call your Big or Little Sis!!! If you haven’t heard from her in awhile, don’t be too shy about phoning just to say “Hi!” This relationship is meant to be a two-way friendship! If this doesn’t work after several tries, use the proper chaimels to ex press concerns. We are the co chairs for the Junior Class, and the Freshman Class has co-chairs as well. If you desire a reassign ment and already know of a Jun ior or Freshman that you would like to adopt — please feel free to do so! Please note that there are no Juniors left to reassign as most Juniors have two little sis ters, and some have three, but we promise some solution can be reached! Speaking for the Junior Class, we are equally as excited about Comhuskin’ as are our lil sises, and we certainly anticipate a time of fun, fellowship, and bonding!! If we each strive to be the best Little or Big Sister we can be, our college experience will be greatly enhanced! Thank you. Nancy Bradley Janet Porter Junior Big/Lil Sis Co-Chairs Student defends Meredith Something has been bother ing me ever since I returned to Meredith last week, and I have really been upset by what it implies to me as a Meredith student. Be fore I reveal my reason for writing this article, I would like to give you the scenario: I purchased a wordprocessor over fall break and the young salesman and I were talking. He asked me where I went to college; I replied very proudly, “Meredith College in Raleigh.” He replied, “Oh, that is a pretty good school, but I went to State.” My face turned red, and I just wanted to scream: “You big wolf idiot, where have you been — narrow minded Neptune?” Neither he nor I would have benefited any if I would have thrown him out of the building, but I was so tempted. Ever since I have attended Meredith I have encountered people who highly respect my col lege and those who believe I attend a 2-year college where I am spoon fed and where my maid does my homework. Ijustdon’tunderstand! I feel like I am receiving an educa tion at Meredith comparable to Wake Forest, Duke and certainly NCSU. I know that, but “they” don’t. I would not get so frustrated if I didn’t spend many weekends working on research for Dr. Gilbert’s American Literature class ... reading Thoreau and Whitman right through Saturday Night Live or sitting in the computer lab work ing hours on a program for my German II class. An understatement would be to say Meredith’s faculty is de manding or professional or highly qualified, but I believe that they are tougher on us because this is a see LETTERS page seven