September 7,1994 Campus Opinion Editorial: Dangerous driving by Arinn Dixon A funny thing happened to me the other night; I was driving back to Meredith at about 12:30 a.m. on Edwards Mill Road. Youallknowwhere that is-that long, lonely stretch of road between Crabtree Mall and Old Ra leigh Shopping Center. I was just going along when I saw this dead thing on the side of the road. Thinking of the effects of a small mam mal on the underside of my muffler, 1 swerved. Immediately bluelights came on behind me. I checked my speedom eter, which read 42 miles per hour. 1 figured the officerthought Iwasdnmk and swerving, so 1 put my blinker on and started to pull over in the grass. Then a thought struck me. Hadn't I heard something about a “Blue Light Bandit" lately? That guy had a pcdice car and police uniform and would pull women over under the pretense of a traffic violation and then rape them! 1 clicked my blinker off and gunned it. There was no way in this world 1 was going to stop on the side of this de serted road where the chance of get ting help was nil, so 1 kept going and going until 1 reached Old Raleigh Shop ping Center and pulled into the paik- ing lot. He pulled up behind me and got out. I am not kidding when I tell you that the officer was upset with me for not pulling over right away. Did he think I was seriously stupid enough to subject myself to that kind of danger? We had a few choice words and I got a verbal warning for both ray swerving and my “attitude against authority.” Did that ofHcer really not care that at least four women have been raped in the area by this bandit? Did he not think this was a real problem? Well, I do. Meredith girts listen up! If you are ever in that kind of situation, look for two things: a siren and flash ing headlights. It has been reported that the “Blue Light Bandit” does not use either. And no matter what, do not pull over for anyone until you are in a well lit area with lots of people around. Always be careful when you drive. Since the Raleigh police don’t seem to want to worry about this, we’re going to have to. Campus Election *94: Important Dates to Remember Wednesday, September 7: Election Workshop I (101 LED) Thursday, September 8'. Election Worksliopll (101 LED) 6:00 p.m. [one workshop is required by ALL freshmen who run for an o£Qce]!! Friday, September 9: Filing Ends at 12:00 noon Monday, September 9t Freshmen Speeches (Chapel) 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 1$\ Voting during lunch and dinner (BDH) Wednesday, September 14: Run-offs during lunch and dinner (BDH) Meredith Herald Editor in Chief Christina Peoples Layout Editor Shannon Peterson Copy Editor Melissa Massengtll Features Editor Clarky Lucas News Editor. Addie Tschamler Business Manager Carrie Shaw Reporters :....Arrin Dixon, Ashley Peay, Kimberly Zucker, Keri VanDoren, Jan Everheart, Melissa Cloer, Teresa Latham, Darrow Pate, Mary Chriatian Hunt, Tricia Hunter, Meagan Cronauer, Marsha Tutor, Heather Wilkin Photographers Laura Ross, Jennifer Jetson, Jan Seate Editorial Policy: The Meredith Herald is published by the College throughout the academic year. The paper is funded by the College and through aduerising. The opinions expressed in editorial columns do not necessarily reflect those of the college adminislraiton, faculty or student body. Letters to the Editor policy: Everyone in the Meredith community is invited to write a letter to the editor. All published letters must be typewritten with contact name, address and telephone number. All letters must be signed by the author, but names will be withheld upon request. Summer Kelt Douin an MEfI Mixer Thursday, Sepl, 8 HealherspoonGp Dress is casual! CoshSlpershitlenI Flyers have been sent to Itie State and Carolina campuses anti fralernltles. Can plahe IheHEIII?