January 18,1995 2 Campus Opinion Editorial: Think positive for new year happiness by Ashley Peay As the holiday season comes to a dose and the new year begins, many students nish around trying to get or ganized, pull up their grade point aver ages and find ways to save money for luxurious Spring Break trips. These are only a few of our New Year’s resolu tions, and these don’t seem to be top priority for most Meredith students. We seem to be much more concerned with the warm weather, which is creep ing up on us, and trying to squeeze ourselves into new bikinis and bear our bodies to the world. 1 cannot count how many times we have overheard statements such as “I want to weigh 100 pounds before Spring Break” or “I’m going to lose 20 pounds before I buy a new bathing suit.” I begin to wonder what is so magical about this one week and if the world will stop revolving if we don’t obtain these ridiculous goals and stan dards we set for ourselves. Let’s face it. These crash diets. which most of us are guilty of trying at the beginning of each new year, don’t work anyway, and they’re certainly not good for our bodies. Instead of trying to starve ourselves to death, it would be much more wise to set a weekly schedule (including time for fitness) and stick to it! Be sure to eat three balanced meals a day (no snacking between meals), drink lots of water and most impor tantly, set aside some “alone” time for walking, working out, etc. Not only will this time alone help with building up your cardiovascular system and dropping those unwanted pounds, but also it will help increase your level of sanity (which could help with those other resolutions which have suddenly been ignored). In A Creative Companion, the au thor Sark gives some advice on “How to be Really Alive!” She says, “Live juicy. Stamp out conformity. Dream of Gypsy Wagons. Develop an outstand ing appetite for books. Drink simsets. Amaze yourself. Spin yourself dizzy. Hang upside down. Follow a child. Celebrate an old person. Send a love letter to yourself. Find new ways to love. Believe in everything. You are always on your way to a miracle. The miracle is you!” Try to keep these thoughts in full view as you go through the semester working with your new schedule. Re member that it won’t be the end of the world if you are forced to bear your soul rather than your body to the world during Spring Break. 'Think positively, and you will automatically be happier (and so will those around you). And, when resolution time rolls around again, try to keep those crash diets to a minimum and positive think ing to a maximum. It will be much safer not only for your body, but also for your stress level and mind. The Herald staff welcomes the students back for the new semester. It is not too late to join the staff. We are looking for reporters, photographers, and (especially) cartoonists. The positions can be on a regular or contributing basis. Meredith Herald Editor in Chief Christina Peoples Layout Editor Shannon Peterson Copy Editor Melissa Massengill Features Editor Clarky Lucas News Editor AddieTschamler Photo Editor Jetson Business Manager Carrie Shaw Reporters Arinn Dixon, Ashley Peay, Kimberly Zucker, Keri VanDoren, Kristine Stagg, Melissa Cloer, Teresa Latham, MeaganCronauer,MarshaTutor, Shannon Smith Photographers Laura Ross, Jan Seate Faculty Consultants Garry Walton, Rod Cockshutt, Nan Miller Adviser Paula Daniels Editorial Policy: The Meredith Herald is published by the College throughout the academic year. The paper is funded by the College and through advertising. The opinions expressed in editorial columns do not necessarily reflect those of the college administraiton, faculty or student body. Letters to the Editor Policy: Everyone in the Meredith community is invited to write a letter to the editor. Ail published letters must be typewritten with contact name, address and telephone number. All letters must be signed by the author, but names will be withheld upon request. JheHerald reserves the righttoplaceanyotherarticlesubmissionsonfiie until needed or to choose not to print them. DO ANCIENT GREECE AND THE HOLY LAND Wrra MEREDITH MAY 15-MAY 30,1995 Cost: $2750 Includes; Aiilk^e, hotds, museum admission, most meals and a fiibulous Greek Island Cruise Study: Andent Greek sites, touch the Parthenon and walk in the steps of Jesus. Earn 3 hours of credit in: IDS, Art History, Religion Tour Leaders: B. Greenberg, Art History J. O'Brien, Religion Deposit $300 by To; B. Greenberg Department of Art i nt-