August 30,1995 2 Campus Opinion Taylor addresses campus concerns By: Arinn Dixon I don’t know if everyone has heard, but there’s some pretty cool stuff going on at Meredith this year. I picked up on little tidbits of rumors going around the first week of school, so I went to see Chuck Taylor, Director of Business and Finance, to try and get the scoop on what’s happen ing. First of all, there were some parking changes this year. Over the summer, construc tion crews transformed that huge pile of dirt next to the Cate Center into a new com muter parking lot. I noticed the absence of lights in the new lot, and I asked Taylor how students were supposed to park at night. Taylor in formed me that the greatest demand for commuter park ing is in the daytime, so they did not add lights to the lot. He did assure me, however, that if the need arises for night parking, preparations have been made for quick installation of lights. Need less to say, commuters ap preciate anything that will make their parking situation easier. Another parking change concerns the freshmen. Last year the trustees voted to allow freshman to have cars on campus, but only in the riding ring. This year the first 150 freshmen that registered their cars were told to park with the juniors and sophomores in the lot behind Barefoot and Heilman, The reason for this change was to keep every Meredith Herald Layout Editor. Co{^Edltor. Etfitor in Chief Ctarkylucao Feafoeres NewEdeor. AdvorttsinsMamisrar. Ptiofograq^iefa. Reporters— Armn Dixon vuv.f ■ . .Betsy Jan Seate & Laura Ross Shannon Batts, flol^ KoIRngsworth, Kim Hls^iand, Beth Morris, Metlssa Cloer, Paige tayno, Sha Hargett, IkSarhara Wafts Faculty Adviser, Lomae Taylor Editorial Pdky: The Jliferedith fiem/cf is published by the College tl^u^out the acadanRe year. The paper is funded by the CoHege and throu^ advettialng- Ibe opinions eap^e^ed ineditoriaf eehnaws ^ hPt ttec^sadly rsf teci tiiose o# the coiiege admintsiraiton^facaaity or atuderd body. Letters la the Erfitor Poiky: Everyone Inthe Meredith community isinvitedtowrilea tetter to the Sditor. All published letiws must be typeswritten eoatact naroe^ address and telephone number. AR tetters must be signed by the author, but names wiH be w^hetd upon regeesf. The Herafd reserves theiighttopiaceanyotherarticlesubmissionsonfite untii needed or to choose not to prbtt than. thing fair. “ We decided it was not good policy to ex clude the freshmen,” Taylor explained. “We didn’t want to create a ‘pecking order’ between classes for parking,” However, the administration realized the first week of classes that the lot was be coming too crowded and asked twenty-five of the freshmen to move back to the riding ring. This change may be great for freshmen, but this junior isn’t so thrilled about walking from Poteat to my car in East Egypt, but that’s another story. If you ask me, the neatest thing going on this year is the renovation of the Cate Cen ter. It is going to be so cool. The. main idea is to accom plish two things; to raise the visibility of the graduate school and the Continuing Education program, and to create a student union made up of what students want and need. Right now the grad school and Continuing Ed. programs are located in the basement of Jones. The plan is to build a brand new building right behind Cate that will house these programs, as well as most of the offices located in Cate now. The building will consist of two floors and will connect by walkway to the Cate Center. As for the Cate Center itself, the administration has some awesome plans. A snack bar will be downstairs where the bookstore is now, and the See Taylor Page 6 Letter to the Editor: Parking will be resolved with time Have you found yourself riding around the parking lot behind Barefoot and Heilman aimlessly search ing for a parking space? There are a few changes that you may notice, but this parking chaos is nothing out of the ordinary for the first few weeks of school. Take this advice from Chief Shattuck and Charles Taylor,who deal with this situation each and every year; be patient and things will work out within a few weeks. These men are doing everything possible to make this parking situation easy for everyone involved. There arc a lot of students parking illegally without stickers. Hopefully, this problem will be corrected shortly. A big change that you may have noticed on campus is the presence of around 218 cars belonging to freshmen. Of these 218 freshmen cars on campus, 130 of them are parked in the lot behind Heilman and Barefoot with the remain ing freshmen parking in the riding ring behind the gym. Most upperclassmen who did not have cars their freshman year may not think this is so great. Keep in mind the seniors are being considered in this parking chaos as well. Plans are being researched to find another defined area for seniors to park in ex change for the senior parking behind Poteat. This is only an idea in the works and will be addressed as soon as possible. Thank you for all of your cooperation. Please hold tight and hope fully things will work themselves out. Sincerely, AmyJo Harper Student Life Committee