September 11,1996 2 Campus Opinion From the editor... The 101.5 FM deejay s voice cane over the speakers loud and clear “N.C, State, closed. St. Augustine’s, closed. St. Mary’s College, closed. Wake County Public Schools, closed..." As 1 listened, 1 sat close by the radio, posi tive that the next words out of his mouth would be “Meredith College." Wrong. Unfortunately, there was no mention of Meredith. Strange, I thought. Wasn’t this the same administration that canceled classes during January’s snow storm, helping countless students avoid ac cident and injury? Wasn’t it the same administration that had the foresight to cancel last Friday’s classes before any other school when it seemed Fran might get rowdy on Raleigh? It didn’t make sense that Meredith’s decision-makers would ruin their im peccable track record by asking stu dents to come to school the Monday after the hurricane. It struck me that perhaps the ad ministration failed to take a few facts into consideration when they made the decision to hold class Monday. First, the roads were bad, and that may be the understatement of the decade. Fallen trees, mammoth puddles and intersec tions sans traffic lights all served to make Raleigh roads dangerous at best, and impassable at worst. Please remember commuters make up about 53% of Meredith s population and, by having class, the administration risked those students’ safety, I think I read some where that Meredith prides itself on keeping its students safe, but apparently that only applies to resident students. Second, I want to remind Meredith’s people in high places that Wake County, in addition to 33 other North Carolina counties, was declared a federal disaster area. Houses, cars and property were destroyed. 1 don’t think that those who spent their weekends cutting trees out of cars and bailing water out of bed rooms felt up to coming to class Monday morning. Some hadn’t had power or water for three days, yet they were ex pected to come to class? Last, it makes sense to pay atten tion to what surrounding schools are doing. Isn’t there probably a reason whyState.St.Maiy’sandSt. Augustine’s canceled classes? Their students live in the same apartments and neighbor hoods as Meredith’s and had to deal with the same destruction to roads and private property. Since 1 had everything figured out, I thought I’d spread my knowledge to the administration. I called Dr. Weems at home Sunday afternoon and left a message on his machine, but he never called me back. Monday I tried both Chuck Taylor, director of Business and Finance, and Dr. Weems in their of fices. Unfortunately, neither was avail able, so I’ll say it right here—Meredith studentsare not like the postal service. We can’t keep going in wind or rain, sleet or snow. Please keep this in mind the next time Raleigh bears the brunt of a natural disaster. •$200-$500 WEEKLY- Mailing travel brochures. No experience necessary. For information send a self-addressed stamped envelope to:Internei Travel. P.O. Box 680610, Miami, FL 33268 GOOD WEEKLY INCOME processing mail for rtallonal company! Free supplies, postage! No selling! Bonuses! Start immediateiyf Genuine opportunity! ^shSAS.E.: V M C, SOITE 174 1861 N.FEDERAL HWT HOLLYWOODrft 33020 MvuHlfth HvudJ ' ** * • ►c»iurta.«Ns»» rlnc» . * » r»iSr a? . Cmofwm , Bditoilal' the JierS4 is ^li^ld^cd bf the College >ui year. The |»jwsr fiiwicd by tbc thixjugH o^jnka»eJ5«ss« 1‘ ulr the (^.sUtdent ttlephowsa^nefeet he m TLe^ifrtJ rrvs%,» th^sdihi |*Uxrioymhcr«Ti. todioosenoiibesnt \ X Poteat's ground floor received the worst of Fran's flooding, Studeiii.s used hallway.