April 12, 2000 Meredith Herald Campus News 3 Courtyard filled with tents NiKK! Norris Staff Writer Although many Meredith students anticipate gathering in the courtyard between the freshman and sophomore resi dence halls to watch Stunt as in past years, they will have to make a slight change in their plans for this year. As a result of the Saturday, Apr. 15 celebration luncheon for President Maureen Hart ford’s inauguration, Stunt needed to be moved to a differ ent location. The set up for the luncheon will begin on Wednesday, Apr. 12, and Stunt will be moved to the lawn in front of Johnson Hall and in between Joyner, the alumni house and the visitor parking lot. Harry Cadman, head of Ground Services, said that there will be several large tents set up in the courtyard, and in order to insure completion, set up will begin on Wednesday and continue through Thursday and Friday. The stage, as well as all tables and chairs, will be set up under the tents in case of rain. Several of the tents are 60 feet by 90 feet, and they will take some time to set up, according to Cadman, who wants stu dents to understand the need to begin set up for the luncheon early. Paula O’Briant of Continu ing Education is in charge of setting up the luncheon. She said that it was unfortunate that Stunt and the inaugural lun cheon fell so close together, but the best scenario was to relo cate Stunt since the set up would take a couple of days. O’Briant stated that there will be seating for 1,000 people on Saturday. She urges all stu dents to make sure they remember to pick up their free tickets in Belk Dining Hall as soon as possible so that she can get a count of people attending. She hopes all students will sup port Hartford by attending. Meredith Recreation Associ ation Stunt Co-chair Kate Breen said that she found out about the need to move Stunt earlier this semester. She stated that as soon as she, Christine Kelley, the other Stunt co chair, and Dena Price, assistant director of Student Activities and Leadership Development and MRA adviser, learned of the decision to move Stunt, they began brainstorming ideas for new locations Breen said that they brought suggestions to the class co chairs in order to make the final decision of relocating the activities to the lawn in front of Johnson Hall. While the field activities will take place on this lawn, the lip sync competition will take place on the steps of Jones Auditorium. Breen said that she hopes that set-up will give students the same feeling as being on the steps of Belk Din ing Hall. The picnic for Stunt will be held in front of the alumni house. Breen said that while her biggest fear was to lose onlookers who pass by to an from classes, she is excited about the number of com muters who will be closer to the activities as a result of the move. She also said that this was a key factor in the group’s decision about relocation. So, although Stunt will not take place in that “old familiar place,” the festive feeling of a little innocent competition between the classes will not change, and most forsee that this year's Stunt will be just as special as any other year. I.EAW1IIB CAMFUSf Let Parcel Plus lighten your load. hit ija Wmam AtMgh NC 2T«f atiwM tor tumnwr on M • strmM «*eenencs. Sinct fou'v weriiatf hiM All PamI Plus tfe ««rk n»i*. VMt hanM r«U! 9 COMPOTEBS • FOajriTOaE I • STEBEOS • CL07H1K6 I CALL FOR FR££ QUOTE ON YOUR SIO (919)836-1550 MARKERS, CUSHIONING MATERIALS, FREE ECTIMATES ON DOMESTITC AND international SHIPPING ' Faculty meet to discuss student computer plan Jenny Altier staff Writer The Student Computer Ini tiative forums on Wednesday, Apr. 5 and Thursday, Apr. 6, gave faculty a chance to ask questions about the upcoming student laptop project. This project proposes that freshmen who enter Meredith in the fall of 2001 will receive a laptop comupter included in their tiiition. Wake Forest Uni versity in Winston-Salem. N.C. is a school that already has a similar program for entering freshmen. The first thing on the forum’s agenda was to inform the faculty about the decisions already made about the student laptop project and who made these decisions. The Academic Computing Committee distrib uted a memo to those at the forum that answered frequently asked questions. It stated that “laptop computers will be pro vided or required of all fresh men beginning in fall 2001.” It continued that “a pilot project involving freshmen Honors Students and Teaching Fellows will begin in fall 2000.” The Senior Management Team is working with the Aca demic Computing Committee and the office of Technology Services in order to come up with the specifics of the Initia tive 2000. A number of concerns and questions were brought up at the forum. One concern, brought up by Dr. Janice Swab of the biology department, was that professors should not have the responsibility of teaching students how to use their lap top. She noted. “Teachers sim ply just do not have the time.” Another concern the faculty members had was that they wanted to know that there would be adequate technologi cal support for professors as well as students. If faculty are to expand their teachings to incorporate technology, they will need extra training and additional personnel tp help them whenever they need help. In response to this the Acad emic Computing Committee said, “Two new technology support personnel are being hired for fall 2000, and addi tional personnel will be hired to support this project.” Meredith’s faculty said they would like Initiative 2000 to help better Meredith students as a whole. Professors in par ticular hope that this project will help students use the skills of the disciplines they study at a much higher standard. Facul ty members and others believe that this project will help stu dents gain the technological knowledge they need to excel in today’s competitive work force. ■' -■ II n »ACIUCINC setvicis t, supniEs jHirnxc scuvicu ooMunc* iNTC>N«rioNA(.iMirpiMC n\RCELS Call your laaJ ftrrf/ Pha Itrtllo/routptddnginJ Mppinf mtdt. wwH'-parcelplui-O'" Wednesday, April 19, 2000 5:00-7:00 p.m. 2'*’Cate A.M.C end of the year party for eommuttrs! 5:00 p.m.- Easter egg hunt 5:30 p.m.- subs and ice cream ■Tliere will also be door prizes.'! Come out and have a great time with all of your commuttr friends!!