September 19, 2001 Meredith Herald Campus News Meredith students rally together, help vic tims of attack with button campaign □ The goal is one million.dollars over the next few weeks. That means selling too many buttons to count. Christina Holder Editor In Chief There is a button factory in Meghan Griffith’s dorm room. Over the past week the Meredith sophomore has been recruiting friends to assemble red, white and blue felt star buttons on the floor of her room. Grifilth. launched the button campaign, called Wings of Hope, this week in response to the growing need of relief efforts for victims of last Tues day's terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. and to encourage unity among Meredith community members. Last week Griffith got a call from her friend Christy Sander son. a graduate of Meredith who works with Griffith at Operation Toy Box, a local non-profit organization that provides gifts for children dur ing the Christ^mas season. “Meghan, what is Meredith College doing?” asked Sander son. Griffuh took that question to a meeting last Thursday night with the Meredith College Ser vice Council, an organization comprised of class presidents and service representatives where the groups discussed Meredith community donate larger sums. can American Mary mount how the Meredith community could help with relief efforts. From her experience working for a non-profit, Griffith thought the most signifi cant help the campus could give was through mone-! tary donations. Thus, the button factory opened for business. Griffith, members of the Service Council and other students began assem bling the but tons, and by Tuesday, Sept. IS, they had made close to 300. Yet they are determined to keep going. Their goal is high-a mil-1 lion dollars worth of but-Sophomore Meghan Griffith sells the felt star buttons in tons over the Belk Dining Hall on Tuesday, Sept. 18. Proceeds from the next few sale will go to the American Red Cross and Marymount weeks. Manhattan College O Those are a lot of buttons considering each one only costs a dollar. However, the price, is more of a formality than an unbend- able rule. Members of the “What’s a dollar?,” said Griffith. “It’-s a Coca-Cola. It’s a load of laundry. It's nothing.” Donations will go to the Red Cross and Manhattan Col lege in New York, a women’s col lege whose stu dent body was significantly affected by last week’s events considering it draws the majority of its students local- *y- Griffith and other students have been sell ing the buttons in Belk Dining Hail during meals. However, donation jars are in resi dence hall par lors. Residence directors of each dorm also have envelopes on their doors in which stu dents can place money. Cam pus Security will be selling the buttons at the guard house for $10 to visi tors to campus. However, Griffith and others selling the buttons want those who wear them to think about the importance of unity. “We have to work together,” Photo By Chbistih* Holoeb Register for the Leadership Enrichment Series and be recognized at Leadership Awards Day The Leadership Enrichment Series takes place every Wednesday in October from 6:30-8:00 p..m. in Kresge Auditorium. This year s series includes the following sessions: "Ethical Leadership Panel and Reception" Wednesday. Ociober 3 ''Resiliency: A Necessary Trait (or Women Leaders" Wednesday. October 10 •'Don't Be a Humpty Oumpy!" Wednesday, October 17 she said- “This is going to affect people’s lives forever.” Yet there are still a lot of but tons to make and sell. That is why Griffith is recruiting as many people as she can to help. She has even got the Presi dent’s Office in on it, making the buttons “on their lunch- break,” according to Griffith. But those are not the only groups that Griffith is calling on to help. Walmart has donat ed $1,000 to the campaign. Service oi^anizations at North Carolina State University and Peace College are joining. The Boy Scouts and the Giri Scouts want to help. Now that’&.a lot of people in one dorm room--but a million dollars is not looking so far off now. If you are interested in join ing the button campaign, con tact Griffith at (919) 760-2482 or email at on_wings_of_hope@hot->. 'Character Leadership: Who Are You in the Dark?' Wednesday. October 24 If you are /nferes/ed or would uke to see a brochure, came by the OHice of Student Acr/vii/es and Leadership Develop ment. 202 Cate Center.