4 CAMrUS NEWS IIVIAX adds to summer reading experience 2002 The latest news from Meredith’s only course devoted to campaign issues and registering you to vote. Shackleton’s Antarctic Adventure sheds light on Jerri Nielsen’s story. TIFFANY ADAMS Staff Writer Each year, incoming freshmen are asked to par ticipate in Meredith's Summer Reading Program. The Class of 2006 read Ice Bound: A Doctor's Incredible Battle for Survival at the South Pole by Dr. Jerri Nielsen. In conjunction with this year’s program. Dr. Jean Jackson, vice president for student development, sponsored a trip to the IMAX Theater at Exploris Museum to see Shackleton’s Antarctic Adventure, a film relating to Dr. Nielsen's book. Meredith planned three trips to the IMAX Theater at Exploris to see Shackleton's Antarctic Adventure. The.firsttrip was on August 24. According to First Year Experience Co-Director Carolyn Koning, more than 120 people attended this event. Freshman Amanda Dood attended on this date and found the experience to be a positive one. "I thought that it was an awesome film, and it tied in with the Summer Reading Program nicely," she said. "It makes you wonder how they made it down there [to Antarctica] and survived." Following the showing of the film, everyone gathered in the IMAX Cafe for drinks and snacks while they informally discussed the film and the book. "Dr. Jackson treated everyone to coffee, tea, juice, soda, and snacks afterwards in the IMAX Cafe, which was a veiy nice ending to the evening," Koning said. The outings provide Meredith students with an opportunity to include their boyfriends, friends and femilies in a school related activity. "Many students, faculty and staff brought friends from other schools and family memt>ers," Koning said. She and her husband joined the group on August 24. "This was my first IMAX film, and I was very impressed. It does create a total experience," she added. "I thought the film provided excellent back ground information and a historical context in which to consider Dr. Nielsen's experiences. She specifi cally refers to and quotes Shackleton several times in Icebound. Freshman Sandra Price also attended the showing on August 24 and found the trip to be a rewarding expe rience as well. "I had fun with the people 1 brought," Price said. "The film did compliment the book by Dr. Nielsen. It gave you a good idea abut how rough it is in Antarctica. It shows you the harsh weather and the ice there, and I really think it did add to die book." Continued on Page 8 Voting for Donuts What do donuts have to do with voting? Meredith Votes will provide a 10 pm donut snack to every hall where 80% of the residents vote in November. We !iope to be bringing donuts to every hall on campus, l>ufyou can't vote if you don’t register first. Over the next couple of weeks there will be hall meetings in the dorms where stu dents will have the oppor tunity to register and to get answers to their questions about registration and vot ing. Many faculty members will also be distributing voter registration forms in their classes and the regis tration sites in Belk, Cate, lohnson Halls and in the Library are open for busi ness 24/7. The deadline for registering to vote in North Carolina is October 11. Students who want to regis ter in another state should allow more time. Contact Vleredith Votes at mered- ithvotes@meredith.edu and we'll get right back to you Faculty Challenged to Set an Example for the Students Meredith Votes has verified the registration of 55% of the full time Meredith Faculty, but we won't be satisfied until we have veri fied the fact that every sin gle faculty member who is eligible to do so is regis tered to vote. We believe that the faculty wants to set m example for students and show that they take the obligations of citizenship seriously. The History and Politics and biology departments tiave already achieved 100% registration. Congratulations to these departments, and thanks to all the faculty who have taken the time to resp>ond to our queries. Many faculty members not only confirmed their registration with Meredith Votes, but they volunteered to follow up with other members of their depart ment. 4n some depart ments, we had far more offers of help than we needed. We are very grate ful for the help of those faculty members. Individual faculty who haven't yet verified their registration, either by email or personal contact, can email Meredith Votes at meredithvotes@meredith.e du. We know that most of you are already registered to vote. Please take a minute to verity that fact. Staff Registration at 17.5% Registration among the staff has gotten off to a slower start and currently stands at 17.5%. There are many more staff than facul ty and they work in many more departments. We really need help with the staff registration effort. If you are willing to follow up with other members of your department to see if they are registered or need forms, please contact Meredith Votes at mered- ithvotes@meredith.edu. Campus Sports Events from Sept. 11 th-Sept. 17th Tennis- 3pm September 11th at Greeensboro College Volleyball- 5pm September 13th at Chowan College TriMatch at Peace College Soccer- 4pm September 11th versus Averett College 2pm September 14th at Converse College 2pm September 15th at Columbia College