4 CAMPUS NEWS Basketball team begins its season on the hardwood LACY CIJTIIBERTSON Staff Writer The 2002-2003 basket ball season has begun. The Angels started their season off with a scrim mage against Guilford College last Tuesday. The scrimmage was a success, according to Coach Carl Hatchell. "Our first scrimmage with Guilford was one of great promise. We did some things very good and some things not so good,” he said. "The main thing was that we got to play against someone other than our selves. That's so important to see what we need to work on." Returning players Amber Scott, Jessica Lineberry, Beth Vernon, Tracy Sumner, Jenn Schwachenwald, Tina Harkness and Ruth Stephenson led the team into this game. Newcomers Kassidy Loy, Laurie Mulqueeny, Elizabeth Murphy and Amira Issa also contributed to the team's effort. Harkness and Scott com bined for 48 points while Scott also pulled down 10 rebounds. "I am really excited about our prospects for the upcoming season," Hatchell said. "We have a good nuclcus of veteran players and a good crop of fresh men. I encourage everyone to come and watch our team play because it really means a lot to our players to have the stands full of supporters." The team travels to Mary Baldwin this weekend for a tournament. Meredith senior finds possible career in summer internship REBECCA BAKRINGEK Staff Writer Senior Paulina Guzman- Brown had a rewarding experience this summer at her internship at WakeMed. "When I got there, I did n’t know what to expect," she said. "I'd never worked at a hospital before." During her 12 weeks at WakeMed, Guzman-Brown worked in the Translation and Interpretation Department. She conduct ed a research project to evaluate the department’s strengths and weaknesses. "I surveyed about 120 different employees, including doctors, nurses, managers and technicians." she said the surveys showed that the employees were glad to have the serv ices of the translation department. "The oniy problem is that there is so much demand for it," she said. Guzman-Brown also spent time during her internship shadowing other interpreters and interacting with the patients. Guzman-Brown, who spent her childhood in Ecuador, said she had to adjust to the different accei\ts of the patients she spoke with. "About 80 percent of the patients [who needed assis tance with translation] were from Mexico,” she said. “Most of the time, they could understand me. Sometimes I would say something and they would look at me like, ‘what?’" Guzman-Brown served as a translator one day for a patient giving birth. "All the other franslators were busy, so I was glad to be able to help her," she said. Guzman-Brown spoke the directions of the doctor and nurses in Spanish to the woman. She said that the woman was very appre ciative although she was having a difficult delivery. Guzman-Brown said she developed an interest in the healthcare industry even though she came to Meredith as a business major. "I found.that I'm not a hard core salesperson and that I wasn't so interested in the bottom line," she said. "1 wanted to be in an indus try that is more caring and be able to provide services that would be valuable to people." She feels her years at Meredith have greatly pre pared her for the "real world." "This summer, I could have intellectual conversa tions with executives," she said. "They would use terms that 1 learned in my management and marketing class and I realized that the material from my classes actually stuck." Guzman-Brown will be graduating in December 2002 and hopes to later pursue a masters degree in health administration. Close up: Students speak their minds about the Science and Mathematics Building BETII CiRAllAM Staff Writer Adrienne McKee Pre-Dance Therapy On What It Adds to the Campus... "I remember when I visited, I thought it was going to be a really nice building and would add a lot of resources to the campus." Od Where The Money Could Have Been Spent... "Better arts facilities. But looking at our labs- the improvement was needed." Regan Boyette Business On What It Adds to the Campus... "It made the campus look more modem. It added a lot to the scenery." , On Who the Building Will Benefit... "Everybody, because everyone will end up taking a math or science class while they are here." Tara Walkowski Social Work On the Money Issue... "I think it's a lot of money that we are paying that not everyone will get to see." On What It Adds to the Campus... "Construction! It adds a more modem [feel] because most of the buildings are old." On What the New Building Shows the Community About Meredith... "It shows that Meredith is constantly trying to appease everyone." Maria Lapira Undecided On Her Overall Feelings About the Building... "I think it's neat because I made the tiles for the periodic table that will be placed in the building permanently!" On What the New Building Shows the Community About Meredith... "It's showing that we care about women in the field of sci ence."