2 CAMPUS NEWS Meredith gets “A Taste of Research” TIFFANY ADAMS Editor in Chief The Undergraduate Research Program culmi nated its summer 2003 pro gram Thursday night by showcasing the work pro duced over the summer. Meredith's Undergraduate Research Program provides opportu nities for students to collab orate with a faculty mem ber in a particular field of study. This past summer, Meredith professors teamed up with students who have similar research interests. "A Taste of Research," which was held Thursday, Oct. 2 showcased their achievements thus far. This event, coordinated by the Undergraduate Research Program, was designed to be an informal and informative way for the Meredith com munity to leam about the research that students and faculty are con ducting. The event showcased 25 research proj ects that were funded through summer research stipend awards. These projects represented Meredith's educational diversity, and research from several departments includ ing Art, Biology and Health Sciences, Business, Health, Physical Education ^d Dance, History and Politics, Human Research teams standing along the balcony during the introduction Photo courtesy of Meredith College website Environmental Sciences, Math and Computer Science, and Psychology was showcased. Although 12 of the 25 projects displayed on Thursday were from the Biology and Health Science areas, the Undergraduate Research Program desires to provide opportunities for all students, not just those interested in jnaturai sci ences. The event began at 7:00 p.m. with an introduction by Dr. Rosalind Reichard, vice president for academic affairs. During her introduc tion, Reichard praised stu dents and faculty for their hard work. Following the introduc tion, researchers answered questions and discussed their findings with others attending the event. Displays were set up throughout the Science and Mathematics Building. Snacks and drinks were also provided at the event. The Undergraduate Research Program will host various events during the fall and spring semesters that will showcase research projects in the humanities, the natural and social sci ences, the performing arts, the fine arts, mathematics and others areas of study. Students will be able to present their work through presentations, performances and posters. Those interested in the Undergraduate Research Program can fmd informa tion abodt grant application deadlines and events at www.meredith.edu/urp. Leadership Enrichment series begins AMY KAY NICKERSON Staff Writer During each fall semes ter, the office of Student Activities and Leadership Development sponsors a Leadership Eruichment Series that focuses on issues relevant to today's developing leaders. This year's series includes facul ty, staff and student presen ters from Meredith and Peace Colleges. On Wednesday, October 1, the first session of the series, entitled "Juggling Responsibilities: Keeping Balance in Your Life," was conducted by Meredith's Director of Academic Advising, Amy Hitlin. A session compiled from tips from Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits for Highly Effective People and an adapted version of a Time Management Presentation by David Chase (Academic Advising and Career Development, James Madison University) dealt with issues relating to pri orities, stress and time management. Hitlin first asked stu dents to volunteer their pri orities to illustrate what is important to students. Sleep topped the list, fol lowed by social life and schoolwork. Hitlin went on to identify ways to accom plish each priority without sacrificing other goals. She then focused on Covey's Seven Habits for Highly Effective People, which covers a wide range of time-management princi ples. From goals to self renewal, Hitlin explained each habit with applicable examples. The next topic Hitlin discussed was a Quadrant system, also from Stephen Covey. Based on properties of urgency and importance, Hitlin discussed that if stu dents spend their life doing only things of both urgency and importance. Quadrant I, their lives will be in con stant crisis, which leads to stress and burn-out. Quadrant 111, referred to as the "quadrant of deception" deals with urgent items that lack importance. Results of living in Quadrant III are a short-term focus and shal low or broken relation ships. Quadrant IV consists of things that are neither important nor ui^ent. People that spend a majori ty of their time in this quadrant are thought to be irresponsible and dependent on others or institutions for basics. Quadrant II, on the other hand, consists of quality and leadership. Goal setting, vision, per spective and balance all characterize this quadrant of items of importance but lacking urgency. "The session helped me to understand the difference between things that are really important and things that are not as important," said Michelle Scott, sopho more. After the quadrant illus tration, Hitlin used an anal ogy of trying to fit big rocks and pebbles into a jar. She explained that to place the big rocks fu-st and then let the pebbles fill in the rest, was an example of prioritizing. Hitlin's next topic was a discussion of time wasters such as indecision, procras tination, micro-manage- ment, and poor planning. As a way to combat time wasters, Hitlin presented a list of questions to ask when faced with a time-ris- ing management decision. Finally, Hitlin related time-management to lead ership, specifically student leaders. She explained that leaders must effectively use resources, including time, and act M an example to others. She concluded that leaders never grow to a point where they no longer need to prioritize. "It was good to get a reminder of how to manage time effectively," Scott said. "No matter how well you manage your time, you always need a refresher course." Three sessions, one each Wednesday in October, remain in the series. Tonight's topic "Living with a B.O. Problem: Your Birth Order and How it Affects Personality" will be presented by Shelly Myers, Director of Residence Life at Peace College. "Participants will explore their own birth order and how personality impacts leadership style," Assistant Director of Student Activities and Leadership Development, Kelly Scott said. "Students will defmitely not want to miss this session. I encour age students to attend and bring a friend." Continued on Page 3