7 CAMPUS PERSPECTIVE New religiously diverse organization at Mereditli The Herald’s biweekly diversity column KEANICIA LUCAS Staff Columnist We all have our own ideas about religion and who or what our God is. For some of us, it is diffi cult to express those reli gious views or to fmd otii- ers who will accept those beliefs and not judge us for them. A new organization on campus might be the place for those who have different views than the more traditional Christian beliefs found here on cam pus. The name of the new organization is AURA, the Association fen: Understanding and Religious Awareness. AURA was ^proved in the spring of 2003 as an oi^anization to be added to the roster here at Meredith. I recently met with the president of this new organization, junior Cheryl Stanley, and she explained to me the puq)ose and goals of AURA. "AURA is designed to create a place for non-tradi- tional based Christian members of the Meredith community. A place where they can go to find toler ance, acceptance, encour agement, and place where they can have their reli gious needs addressed," explained Stanley. Before AURA, there was not an organization that acknowledged that all members of the Meredith College community are not part of the traditionally Christian community usual ly found here on campus. "The goal of AURA is to increase tolerance and acknowledge religious diversity on campus, and have a place of connection for the non- traditional Christian believers on cam pus," stated Stanley. The members of AURA don't all have the same faith. On the contraiy, there are members of the organi zation that are Christian, but have a variety of views; Muslim, Pagan, Atheist, and Wiccan. Most of the members at this time are of a Christian based faith. This organization was cre ated for those who do not fit into the Christian major- iQ^ to feel like they belong. To get a better under standing of the idea of the oi^anization you need to know about different reli gions. As most of you know, Muslim is an Islamic faith. In the IslMnic faith, believ ers worship the God called Allah. Each person of the Islamic faith worships in his or her own personal way. However, typical practices for someone of Islamic faith are the five prayers a day. A problem that AURA would like to address is that there is the lack of space on campus where the Islamic faith can be practiced. Wicca is a polytheistic, nature-based religion that focuses on the connection between nature and deity and the belief that deity is present in all things includ ing people. There is nor mally no concept of heaven or hell, unlike in the Christian faith. A problem AURA would like to address for the Wiccans on campus is for the Meredith community to gain the understanding that being Wiccan does not me^ being evil or demonic. Wiccans pray, like Christians, though their prayers are sometimes called spells. In the past, many have thought of spells as curses, but they are generally just prayers being said to d\e God or Goddess they worship. However, it should be noted that many Wiccans choose not to perform spells at all and choose to pray in their own way with prayers much like Christian prayers or by song. There are atheistic views, which believe that there is no god at all. I have only given a few descriptions, but there are more different religious preferences in the Meredith community- For many, going against the norm of the Meredith College com munity is hard when there are so many students on campus who are Christian and very vocal about their beliefs. AURA is giving all types of students a chance to express themselves in a non-judgmental environ ment. Although for writing purposes I used the term traditional and non-tradi- tional, it should be noted that traditional for one per son may be non-traditional to another. These terms are not derogatoiy; they are just being used so that there is a clear understanding. The next meeting for AURA is Thursday, November 13 at 3:30 p.m. in 128 Joyner. If you are interested in becoming a member or supporting the oi^anization. President Cheryl Stanley, welcomes you. Anyone is invited no matter their religious back ground as long as they are curious and supportive. "(MyJ leadershape vision is for acceptance of diversity and equal treat ment of all people not mat ter the race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion," stated Stanley. Once again I urge the entire Meredith College community do not let diversity mean divided. ' t j International Education Week November 17-21 XXX @@@ Nowoibcr 17: “MfredU/t Cvts: HarJskifis Womfn Fac4 AfO^ndOie tMd" An Qppominfty for M«cdhh women to le«m afcoui the ehallen^ md hafdsMps teed by MiHea trDwd (he world. Sexual honor killingi. videni dowry dispuwa. rape as a lool oTw«r-these are pirn realiiies ifaMcononuiall. Leam from Amnesfy htemcicMl spokesperson AlliMn Anden whM on ^ CO help, IS tOl RcfmbsMirts Tuesday, November IS: "Ta H'ar, orN^ W4f-~SixM^ks Afitrtkt U.S> ‘Ya!** A W'My cwhM)^ vic«» on the inqi war - moral impcMlve or qua^irr? hcluded in lhi» tfialogiie will be ktfbrnttiien on the Iraqi Sreupsihn oppose the US.-and projecikns regarding the fiflire. MeredaL projiCMon Jim hasa and Creg Viiart« wj& kftd ihb session. 101 R*fr«biMBU Wedsesd*}', November 19: Martha Suarex artd memters oTihe Mercdiih ifUcmatnnal svden CDmmunlty will lad (hi> wedc’t wcnhip servic*. WedMsday. Ncrvembcr 19: CUM Cfkbf«rion“ A celebration featuring internationa! cuisifte, ttmij abrwd jnfbrmaiion. a ^iurist playin| m iiBtfiuiiorai repenove. Mdy alMvad inibrmaiion. (eo^aphictf cbaOeoges. siWy abrMd inlomaiioA. a nftk (fim pri2e.aA«vCTiilgh(ceiawaycomplimeMsofT1teOafcwood Inn), stvdjr abr«ad intbrmation, aod cake far «v«f)body, Natfc^uU/amimari/f ll;45^aMl:ISf.«L 9«Bi Dlaiot HaB Calw fer £vMyMy We^c$day. Novtfliber 19: NA FTA Skit: CPHs^eMC£s ” A simulgUon led by SordcriiiUs alums Amanda 6cm ley artd Kina P«rws allo«ingyou lo undsruvid the consequences of ^obaliaion ^ vsunin^ the roles of ihose who ve aflcoed by i(. 5:M ^aa. W Udford R*rrabiBals Tkanday, Noveaiber 29: •’Oppwraninet for Women to Takf m fke Wwid'* Study Abroad biromtaiion Table ll:45^a»^l:lS^ai. Cat* C«a(er latenacieaftl Trcao for EvtiTtwdr Tbar9Uy. N«v«oibr 20: “La Vita E BfUtt" An Academy Awird winning movie ih« mil make bnh laugh and cry. h Is two film in one > «(im a rcenanric eomedy sec in Fascisl haly with seeking to weoa pretty ^1. Dorx Thn iheiramitiM u» dmna-toibeUsd^oTWorU Wm Untd the n$ic story of a faiher and son caught in ihe horror o (he Holoeaiai. V.n-fmp.tL WU4fm4 tUfmkmmh