Volume XVVII, Issue 3 Educating Women To Excel February 5, 2004 Winter Storm Hits North Carolina closes Meredith College for 2 days TIFFANY ADAMS Editor in Chief The winter weather hit North Carolina Sunday, Jan. 24 around 8:00 a.m. The storm came in from the north western region of the state and made its way across central North Carolina as the day pro gressed. Governor Mike Easley announced a state of emergency and urged motorists to stay off the streets. Meredith's maintenance crews were busy plowing snow and spreading salt and sand mixtures so students and staff could get back to work. Due to the closing of the College last Tuesday, the Career Center cancelled the panel Juan Braving The Cold to Make The Sidewalks Safe For Students Photo by Wany Adams Careers in Civil Service: Law/Politics/Government, originally scheduled at 5:30 p.m. Contact the Career Center at 760-8341 for additional information. Meredith College and other universities in the area can celled classes on Monday and Tuesday. Some school systems such as Chapel Hill-Carrboro City schools, Chatham, Continued On Page 2 Meredith Colk^ to Serve as Raleigh Host for National “Raise Your Voice” Teleconference KRISTA KEARNEY Features Editor Raise Your Voice - A Month of Action, sponsored by Campus Compact, is a national event to encourage student involvement in civic issues scheduled to be held Febmary 15 through March 20, 2004. Part of this month long event is a national teleconference focused around student civic engagement and The New Student Politics document, scheduled to be held February 19 at 2 p.m. Meredith College has been chosen as one of 58 hosts around the country to air the national teleconference. Students from area colleges, universities and high schools have been invited to the tele conference and the discussion that follows. The teleconfer ence will include of a panel of professionals, administrators, faculty, staff and students to share their thoughts on civic engagement and to respond to phone calls and emails from students during the conference. Representatives from several community service organiza tions who focus on homeless ness and poverty issues will also be present to talk with stu dents about ways to get involved locally. Campus Compact, a national coalition of more than 900 col lege and university presidents, including Meredith College president Maureen Hartford, is an organization committed to the civic purposes of higher education. Campus Compact endorses community service that develops college students' values for citizenship, supports partnerships between campuses and their communities, and provides resources for faculty who seek to integrate civic engagement and student involvement in the community into their classroom. Campus Compact, along with The Pew Charitable Trusts, has under taken a two-year student civic campaign. Raise Your Voice - Student Action for Change. The Raise Your Voice Campaign was launched in the fall of 2002 on campuses around the country. The Raise Your Voice Campaign has three goals: to increase college student involvement in civic actions and to connect the students by a national student movement centered around civic engage ment; to document and raise awareness of student civic engagement activities and issues that are important to col lege students; and to change the way higher education works to give more power to the student and make civic engagement a fundamental part of a college student's education. Continued On Page 2