thHe i Volume XWIIU, Issue 12 Educating Women to Excel AprU 4,2007 ON THE INSIDE: Book Review p. 2 Where Have the Past Three Years Gone? Advertisement p. 3 . Editorial Page, p. 4 WEATHER TODAY: Isolated T- Storms. Low 45, high 81. Thursday: Sunny. Low 35, high 62. Friday: Mostly Sunny. Low 34, high 58. Saturday: Partly Cloudy. Low 29, high 53. Sunday: Sunny. Low 32, high 55. By; Sarah Beck Conttibuting Writer As my junior year is winding down, suddenly my senior year and the real world are in sight, yikes! What started as my fun, carefree, college days sean to be non-existent as of late. My child-like summers of vacationing at the beach and baby sitting here or thae are nowhere to be found. Suddenly my mind and summer is clouded with more grown up decisions, such as finding a place to live for next year, inter viewing for internships, building my resume, hav ing enough hours to grad uate, hoping for a good job upon graduation, and the list goes on. I feel like I am being thrown into adulthood just a bit too early! I know I still have a year of college left and am by no means say ing that junior or senior years are no fun, but just that I feel myself getting upset that the end is in sight. WhCTe in the world have my freshman and sophomore years gcme? It feels like just yester day tiiat I was sitting in biology lab meeting my now best friend for ttie first time, or staying up all night in the dorm wi^ my friends, or going to my first Mereditii formal. It all seems like just yes terday and already I am starting to miss my first two years of college. As I walked onto Meredith's campus for the first time as a freshman, I remember exactly how excited I was to finally be in college. I tfiought the next four years would go by so slow, but the oppo site seems to have hap pened. I remember drink ing that even junior year was so far away. Time somehow has crept up on me. Sometimes I fed as if I went to bed a sopho more and woke up in ttie middle of my junior year. My roommates and I have recentiy been thinking a lot about the future and have had to make more adult decisions involv ing school, internships, jobs, living arrangonents, and graduation. During all of our stressful deci sions, we have become extremely saddened and amazed at how fast our college years have gone by. During the past three years, I have laughed and cried my way to becom ing the woman I hope to be all while making the best friends any girl could ask for. The point of my article is not to burden you all with my sudden mid-col- lege-life crisis, but it is to tell you, imder class men, how important it is to cherish each and every moment of your college careers, even the bad ones, because before you know it you will be registering for your senior year won dering where on earth the time has gone. It is not to say I am not excited about my future or what the world has to offer me, but I am saddened tiiat one of tiie most precious chapters of my life will be coming to a close a lot faster than I had imag ined. Be sure to laug^ every day, stay up all hours of the ni^t talking with your friends, take those naps after class, sleep all day on Saturday, fulfill your late night cravings for Cookout, tdl your friends how much they mean to you, schedule late classes so you can sleep in, pull all-nighters, and cheri^ every bit of college life because before we know it we will ail walk across tiiat amphitheatre grass to receive our diplomas. The fun and unique col lege lifestyle tiiat we have become so accustomed to living will no longer be our lives. Instead we will be separated from the dear friends that we have seen every single day for the past four years. College has certainly been tiie best experience for me thus far and unfortunate ly, as tiie saying goes, all good things must come to an end. iLlt r ■ » i "...1 am saddened that one of the most pre cious chapters of my life will be coming to a close a lot faster than I had imagined." Picture Source: Source: com