Volume XXV, Issue I Educating Women to Excel September 5, 2007 ON THE INSIDE: Campus News p. 2 Editorial p. 3 Campus Activities p. 4 WEATHER TODAY: Sunny. Low 60, High 95. Thursday: Sunny. Low 67, High 94. Friday: Partly Cloudy. Low 66, High 91. Saturday: Partly Cloudy. Low 68, High 90. Sunday: Partly Cloudy. Low 73, High 92. Monday: Partly Cloudy. Low 70, High 90. Tuesday: Scattered T- Storms. Low 66, High 88. Source: www.weather, com Information retrieved l\ies. Sept. 4 at 7 p.m. Studying Abroad: Defining and Living Your Own Experience By: Erin Etheridge Staff Writer By now we have all discovered that the ori entation theme for this year's freshmen class was "Your Experience: Define It; Live It." Conversations with numerous students and faculty members, as well as my experience as a student in Costa Rica this summer, have led me to conclude that this same theme could apply to Meredith's study abroad programs as well. According to the Meredith Office of Study Abroad's website, the benefits of studying abroad are three fold: successful study abroad students can gain aca demic credit, reap career benefits «md develop as individuals through their time overseas. The college offers summer study abroad opportunities in Austria, Costa Rica, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Through these programs, Meredith students can study subjects ranging from interior design in Denmark to fashion in France. Summer study abroad programs last anywhere from a three-week tropi cal ecology and conserva tion excursion in Costa Rica to an eleven-week historical and architec tural expedition in Italy, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Jxmior Joy Strickland, who participated in the aforementioned program, remarks that her best experience while abroad this summer was discov ering how caring and imderstanding the people were. She says, "I could communicate effectively without speaking ttie lan guage." According to Kevin Morrison, the Associate Director of Study Abroad, Strickland was one of 118 Meredith stu dents who participated in study abroad programs this summer. If spending a sum mer abroad will not meet your academic needs, Meredith also offers programs during which students study abroad for a semester or even a year. More adventur ous women can choose from destinations such as Austria, China, France, Ireland, Mexico, Spain and the United Kingdom. By choosing to spend a semester abroad, a Meredith student has the opportunity to immerse herself in Chinese lan guage and culture in Hong Kong, liberation theology on the United States-Mexican border and art history in Paris. Other approved Meredith semester study abroad programs include stays in Argentina, Australia, Chile, Costa Rica, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand and the Turks and Caicos. Morrison states that during the 2006-2007 school year, 31 Meredith students studied abroad for either the fall or the spring semester, and one yoimg woman spent the entire academic year abroad. Cassie Drake, a jimior who studied in Angers, France during the fall semester of her sopho more year, remarks that residing with a French family during her stay was ^e best part of her study abroad experience. She asserts, "Through my French family, I got to experience a lot more of the culture." Opportunities also exist for students inter ested in working, vol unteering, or interning abroad through various organizations, including the British Universities' North America Club, the Peace Corps, and Internships International. Study abroad oppor tunities are not lim ited only to students. Meredith faculty and staff members can and do participate in numerous study abroad programs. Many of the college's trips are led by Meredith faculty members, who assist in various ways, from handling logistics to teaching classes. Meredith has also partnered with universi ties in China and Bolivia to offer faculty exchange programs. Research opportunities are avail able for professors through various grants as well. Morrison offers this advice to anyone con sidering a study abroad experience: "Plan early! Think about what you want to accomplish aca demically and socially." Strickland supplements Morrison's opinion by declaring, "Plimge right in! If you think it's too long, it's probably not long enough." Morrison also states that consulting with an academic advisor as well as a study abroad advi sor will help you design a program specific to your curriculum needs. If you feel that finan cial issues may hinder your opportunities to study abroad, numer ous scholarships and grants are at your dis posal. Typical Meredith study abroad scholar ships for summer and semester programs range from $500 to $1,500. Applications are avail able on Meredith's study abroad website and in the Office of Study Abroad. Student loans are also available for summer and semester programs. Most important, any scholarship or financial aid package that you have at Meredith will be applied to your semester study abroad expenses. If you are interested in any of the study abroad opportunities that Meredith has to offer, feel free to stop by the Office of Study Abroad, located in 124 Joyner Hall. You can also contact Meredith's Director of Study Abroad, Professor Betty Webb, by email at or by phone at (919)-760- 2307. Abroad Cent, on pg. 4