Volume XXV, Issue 12 Educating Women to Excel January 23, 2008 ON THE INSIDE: Campus News p. 2 Letter to the Editor p. 3 Editorial p. 4 WEATHER TODAY: Partly Cloudy. Low 34, High 48. Thursday: AM Snow Showers. Low 23, High 41. Friday: Sunny. Low 30, High 41. Saturday: Showers. Low 32, High 51. Sunday: Few Showers. Low 44, High 61. Monday: Mostly Cloudy. Low 41, High 67. Tuesday: Partly Cloudy. Low 39, High 56. Source: www.weather.com Information retrieved Tues. Jan. 22 at 5:30 p.m. New Semester, New Faces to Welcome Chelsea McGlaughlin Staff Writer The start of a new semester brings many unfamiliar faces to Meredith; new faculty and staff members came from near and far to join the Meredith commimity. Aubrey Chapman, Pat Newton and Lisa Wilson are just a few of the new comers and old-timers who have assirniied new positions or been pro moted. Aubrey Chapman, Grounds Chapman comes to Meredith from New Jersey. He's enjoying Raleigh so far, and he loves learning about plants and being in Meredith's "positive envirorunent." As a member of the grotmds staff. Chapman helps to maintain every area of the campus. He says his daily responsibilities include "clearing parking lots, filling work orders and completing extra experiments such as rose clippings and vermicom- posting" (using worms and other such creatures in compost piles). Grounds Manager Aaron Schettler and his crew keep busy, and Meredith's beautiful cam pus showcases their hard work. "Lately we've been working on the design and sourcing for d\e Parents' Fund project and for the graduating class gift," says Schettler. The Grounds staff looks for multiple ways to fund their beautifica tion projects, and they recently foimd a big boost: "One nursery com mitted to donating 100 trees per year for the next 10 years," says Schettler. With endtusiastic mem bers such as Chapman, the Groimds staff ensures Meredith's beauty will remain. Pal Newton, Registrai^s Office Unlike other new fac ulty and staff members, Newton has quite a bit of Meredith experience already. Originally from Fayetteville, Newton graduated from Meredith in 2002, with a degree in history. She also worked in the Registrar's Office and in the Alumnae House. On January 22, Newton re-joined the staff in the Registrar's Office. She says, "I am returning to the Registrar's Office because I love working with stu dents and assisting them with day-to-day issues. I find this particular line of work to be very reward ing." Her time in the Alumnae House was not wasted, however. "I was able to see another side of how the college func tions—I became familiar with more Meredith alumnae, contributors to The Meredith Fund, the Board of Trustees, etc.—all of whom make tremendous contribu tions to the college and keep the college going!" The Registrar's Office is sure to welcome back an important member of its staff. Newton will serve as operations manager for die registrar's office, making scheduling deci sions and working with transfer students. Lisa Wilson, Interior Design Wilson originally hails from-Wilmington, and she received her Masters of Architecture fi-omNCSU. In 1997, she founded Design Collaboration, LLC, which is a residential design firm diat special izes in green building practices. She is also a Licensed General Contractor, and she started Pluta & Wilson Construction Group, LLC in 2000. With so many com mitments already, what attracted her to Meredith? "I have been a guest lecturer (for Dr. Burpitfs interior design classes) at Meredith for the last ten years. I like the college environment and Meredith's commit ment to education," she says. No longer just a guest at Meredith, she now teaches ID 244. Her past inspired much of what she does today, and also what she hopes to pass on to her students. "When I was a student at NCSU, I had an instruc tor who inspired me to pursue my interest in sustainable residential design. At the time, sus tainable principles were not considered a priority in design and were often ignored. My instruc tor empowered me to pursue an educational/ career path that aligned my personal values for tiie natural environment with my design values. I hope to inspire students to learn and to find their passion," she said. Interior Design is lucky to have added such a knowledgeable profes sor to its staff! Those featured here are just a few of the new faces coming from all over to join the Meredith family, so extend a warm welcome to all new fac ulty and staff members. Johnson Hall Photo submitted by Erin Etheridge