SEPTEMBER 23. 2009 | THE MEREDITH HERALD • Educating Women to Excel | VOL XXVI • ISSUE IV Hikers Detained in Iran (SEE PAGE 2) Photo Courtesy http:)/www.meredith.sdu/humres/images/johnson-halljpg ECONOMIC CRISES CAUSE FOR LIFE-CHANGING DECISIONS Anna Turner &taff Writer Given the state of today's economy, Meredith College now is feeling the pressure to cut bacl'and conserve spending. IHowever, this requires substantial major and class cutbacks. During the Student Body Meeting on September 21, this.cnjclal issue was put up for discussion. Preliminary recommendations made by Drs. Hartford and Page will be brought to the executive members ofthe Board of Trustees on Monday, September 26th. The decisions were partly based on Vision 2010’s aim of keeping a 12;1 student/faculty ratio. Eleven of Meredith’s majors have been re viewed, including Computer Science, Dance, Environmental Studies, French, Economics, Music, Religion, Public History, Theatre, and Women’s Studies. However, just because these majors have been reviewed does not necessarily mean that they are going to be cut from the course catalogue: it simply means that many of these majors are being revamped dnd consolidated. The Computer Information Systems major will be cut; how ever, Computer Science Is still going to be an available major. Similar strearrilining will occur In the Dance, Theatre, and Econom ics departments, while other majors are getting renamed completely. Environmental Sustainability has been proposed as the new name ofthe Environmental Studies major and Religion will now be called Religion and Ethical Studies. Unfortunately, there will be some majors that have to be dropped entirely.' Currently, proposals to drop majors In French and Women's Studies have been made, and thp Public History major will be dropped, but a revised minor has been accepted. These changes have raised concern among many Meredith students. One is also discussion of adding graduate Meredith student asked, “What will happen programs, such as an Applied Medical pro to the professors in these fields?" SGA gram, wiiich would allow students to earn President Amy Damone stated that at this a Master's of Nursing degree at Meredith point four jobs could be eliminated, but College. there are no final answers at this point. For- In addition to Meredith's decision on ma- tunately, since many professors do indeed jors, the campus smoking policy and new teach in multiple areas, not all cut positions printing system were two hot topics at the .will necessarily be lost. Dr. Jackson also Student Body Meeting. To help cut down addressed a question regarding students on printing costs, students now have to who have declared one of the majors pay $.06 to print from all public printers oh proposed to be cut. For these students, campus, such as in the litirary and the Cate there is going to be a “teach-out" option so Center. This new policy, though it does help that they can complete their major require- eliminate wasteful printing. Is somewhat ments and earn their desired degree. There of a hassle for students. The new system will be a cessation date of the major, and has glitches that Tech Sen/ices are aware there will be further discussion after that date has been announced. There Is no need for the affected students to panic, because the cessation date would not be set for this year; however, the date could potentially involve currently enrolled fresh- of and are trying hard to sort out. Students need to be patient while the new system is being perfected. Suggestions for solutions are welcome, as are any new problems that arise. The Meredith College smoking policy is men. Unfortunately, the option for majors to once again under review. A campus-wide be turned into concentrations isn't available email will be sent out to alt students asking because under SACS, they both require the whether or not they feel Meredith should be smoke free. Though this email will not determine the air quality on Meredith's campus, the data will be useful to those involved in the decision making process. The email is scheduled to be sent the week same number of faculty members. There were some questions that did not receive definitive answers, such as one regarding how these changes will influence future Meredith enrollment. It is uncertain how these changes will affect student numbers, following fall break, but students, faculty, alumnae, and patrons This student body meeting was full are advised to keep up the p'ro-Meredlth . of new proposals and decisions that will ' mindset. Involve many Meredith students. Any In addition to reducing and consolidating questions, complaints, or concerns should majors, Meredith has discussed other was be emailed to SGA at generate revenue, such renting out the new Every opinion is valid, so if there is some- athletic complex, dining hall and licensing thing you wish to voice, do not hesitate to the Avenging Angels athletic logos. There send an email! ^ - Green Tip for the Week of September 23 By buying vintage clothing or shopping at yard-sales, one will save money and the environ ment from heaps of trash.