The Female Brain: President Hartford’s Founder’s Day Speech Joy Close, Staff Writer In light of the differences in how men and women think and learn, is Meredith College effectively addressing the edu cational needs of its students? This is a central question in Meredith College president, Maureen Hartford’s lecture for this year’s Founder’s Day Ob servance on February 28th. What goes into educating the brilliant feminine minds of today? In a talk with President Hartford about her upcoming lecture, she said that she will look at some of today’s most successful business women and study how these women, and women in general, learn. Hart ford also plans to analyze the education system today, espe cially higher educational insti tutions, and how women today are taught. In her lecture, Hartford intends to argue for the impor tance of education being built around the intellectual needs of women. Hartford hopes to make more people aware of the significant differences between men and women that stem beyond the physical and into thought processes and learning styles. In order to be effective, she argues, a college must address these differences. Hartford hopes to challenge Meredith College to investigate how the college, as a college for women, can change the way its students are taught and to be aware of and dedicated to ensuring an ideal educational experience for Meredith College women. President Hartford also hopes to make people see the value of a college for women in compari son to a co-ed school. Hartford wants to point out and remind people that co-ed schools were originally geared towards educat ing men, and that women were added much later to higher edu cation institutions, long after the pedagogical methods had been established to suit masculine learning styles and brains. There are many sources that discuss the differences between the male and female brain, and there is one in particular that President Hart ford has resourced heavily for her lecture. The book is called The Female Brain and is written by Luann Brizendine, M.D. Hart ford believes every parent who has daughters should read the book. Hartford further argues that the assembly line method of education utilized in the United States is not working. She plans to point out how children today are forced to complete a list of academic check marks regard less of whether or not the ways in which they complete them is ef fectively learned. The education system does not address a variety of minds but a chosen minority, and when education does not cater to the needs of a variety of learning styles then the majority is not reaching its true potential. In today’s educational system, glimmers of the sexual discrimi nation and misunderstanding of women’s mental abilities that existed so strongly in the U.S. a little over a hundred years ago are still seen. It used to be so prevalent that a Harvard academic named Edward Clark wrote a scientific research book in the late 19th century named Sex in Education. Clark’s book, according to Hartford, claimed that women would not be able to have children if they thought too much. Clark believed that think ing and learning diverted the blood that was used in the fe male reproductive system to the brain, thus injuring a woman’s ability to bare children. Fortu nately people today are quick to recognize Clark’s claim as inane. However, the reality of the exis tence of such a tatement shows how ill-prepared and unreceptive to women the educational system was at its origin. Considering image via how far society has had to come, it is no wonder that the trek to realizing, understanding, and accommodating the female brain has taken so long. Inspired by Maureen Hart ford’s lecture, the Office of Student Leadership and Service and the Major Events Com mittee are coordinating a com munity service project that will donate money and business at tire to Dress for Success. Dress for Success helps unemployed women by helping them prepare for interviewing and then pro viding them with professional work clothes. Be inspired, too, and come to Meredith College President Hartford’s lecture on Febru ary 28th in Jones Auditorium. Doors open at 7:00pm. IN THIS ISSUE- Stcife &Xocal: Egyptian Protests, Raleigh Police Sexual Misconduct, Cupcake Review, 2012 Election Preview ^ Arts & Entertainment: Oscar Preview, Two Art Gallery Openings, Local Beat, Spelling Bee Review Cafr^us Lije: Senior Year Reflections, Waste Audit, Election Results, Fundraiser Ethical Questions Opinion; Different Senior Year Reflections, Comical Essay on Joyner, International Student’s Views