Too Many Traditions, Too Little Time If they were going to attempt to make-up this many events, it may have been more efficient to send a survey ask ing students which traditions they would like to make up and prioritize those instead of all 14 of them. While I know that I am not required to attend all of these events, I feel obligated under the guise of “experiencing Meredith.” I have managed to find my place at Meredith in the Meredith community without participating in most traditions. In my opinion, most seniors and juniors have adapted to life at Meredith without these traditions and adding them now just adds stress to our already busy schedules. In the last two years it has been difficult to make connections online, but it was possible. I recognize that to some students traditions have been the backbone of their college experi ence, but I think it adds a lot of pressure on those responsible for making decisions and executing the traditions. Yes, the planning and project management opportuni ties that come with being a chair or co-chair of an event are invalu able. However, similar opportuni ties were created in other ways on campus throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and were available off campus as well. Ultimately, I do think that I am excited to potentially partici pate in one or two more traditions prior to graduation. I look forward to having a formal, even if it is outside, just to dress up one more time with my peers. However, I do not think it was necessary to try and make-up every single missed tradition. Between Formal, Stunt, Tea for Two, Fire and Water, Ring Dinner, 22nd Night, Crook Hunt, Senior Family Night and more, there is way too much to accom plish with less than half of the semester remaining. Letter to the Editors: Why Students Aren't Running for Campus Positions By Charlie Hatch, Contributor Recently, an article titled “Why Don’t Students Run for Campus Positions?” was pub lished on The Meredith Herald’s website. The author expressed frustration that people were not running for positions and how it has negatively impacted campus boards. Although it is understand ably frustrating to have a small board, not once did the author ask students why they weren’t running for campus positions. To have more student leaders, we need to ask: why aren’t students running for campus positions? There is a lack of empathy and understanding for students who don’t run for positions. This attitude towards the student body is extremely similar to the admin istration’s attitude to marginalized students who are advocating for a better Meredith. Rather than seek ing to improve the process, the burden and blame are placed onto students to create an inclusive environment for all students. It makes it seem as though students are lazy or have no logical reason to not run for campus positions, and neither is true. It also makes it seem like Student Government and event positions are the only ones where students can make a difference on campus. Addition ally, it is an extreme privilege to be continuously listened to and treated well throughout one’s term—a privilege that is not af forded to numerous students who run for positions. Serving on multiple cam pus positions requires a time com mitment and emotional capacity that not everyone can maintain. Just because someone can serve in multiple positions does not mean everyone else can, nor is it their fault. My previous Student Government Association (SGA) position was serving as a class representative for the Senate. I applied for the position mostly because I learned about it from the campus-wide email after elections were over. Although I was excited to serve, I did not realize just how demanding being a Senator was going to be. In addition to the two- hour time commitment every oth er week, I had two other positions (with one of them having assigned homework), and I was in class and at work from early in the morn ing until 5:30 p.m. The 30-minute “break” I had in between was most often the only time to myself I had that day. Oftentimes, I didn’t sleep much because of the toll my responsibilities took on me. The more students advocate for the student body, the more it has learned of the percentage of people that are students and employees. The demand for SGA representative positions does not allow much room for students to work, go to school and serve. I recently applied for and accepted the position of the new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Chair. I originally did not run for the position because of the negative experiences I had on other DEI-based boards at Mer edith. However, once I learned the position would be part of SGA and work with the new DEI Coordina tor, I ultimately decided to apply. There were five other applicants besides me applying for the same position which leads me to an other point: just because students are not running for the same posi tions does not mean they are not running for them at all. Students choose positions based on their interests and this position was the best chance to achieve some positive change for marginalized students on campus. During the interview, I learned that not only is the DEI Chair required to attend all SGA meetings every Tuesday from 5:30-7:30 p.m., but they are also required to have their own board meetings during the week. Being that this is a new position, there will likely be additional meetings to lay the foundation for the future of this position. This is essentially a part-time job with no compensa tion. I’m not asking for compensa tion but instead trying to display how demanding SGA executive positions are. The article also criticized the process of applying for posi tions after filing week closes and students can no longer run. The argument was that those who choose the applicant choose their friends and therefore the process is rigged. However, this ignores that this already happens during elections. Those who want to focus on diversity and inclusion and give detailed explanations of how they will achieve that often lose to those who are popular among the class, regardless if those candidates break numerous campaign rules. This attitude of applicants also dismisses the accomplishments of those who are chosen to serve. I would like to think I was chosen because I was the most qualified candidate for the position. Numerous of my friends are stu dent leaders who have held cam pus-wide positions, and I’ve seen how they are treated. I have seen the emails from their classmates aggressively asking for informa tion that was provided in an earlier email. I have seen staff members put more responsibilities on stu dent leaders than their position called for because their original support dwindled as time went on. My friends are not alone in their experiences and I’m sure other student leaders have shared their frustrations with their friends. It takes a special group of people to do the joh effectively while also displaying a positive attitude re gardless of the way they’re treated. Finally, the idea that stu dents not running for positions is “unjust” discounts the true prob lems on campus. It is unjust that students who are Black, Indig enous and people of color (BIPOC) do not have resources on campus to guarantee their success at a predominantly white institution (PWI). It is unjust that Meredith continues to violate the American Disabilities Act (ADA) with little to no consequences. It is unjust that two religion professors were met with hostility when they asked for a small prayer room for reli gions other than Christianity. It is unjust that Meredith’s admission policy for transgender and gender- nonconforming people is similar to “don’t ask, don’t tell.” Just because one perceives something to be unfair does not mean it is unjust. What is unjust is the way Meredith as an institution and its leaders treat their marginalized communi ties. Additionally, it is unjust that all work to improve campus life for marginalized communities is . placed on student leaders who are part of those communities, not that organizations don’t have enough people to be on their boards. Students are not running for positions because “they just don’t want to.” They’re not running because these positions are similar to having a second job, the way our current student leaders are treated and interactions with students who are a danger to marginalized com munities. We need to re-evaluate the way we treat our student lead ers and make sure they are given respect. STAFF Olivia Slack and Elinor Shelp-Peck, Co-Editors in Chief. Rachel Van Horne and Aminah Jenkins, Associate Editors. Ally Cefalu, A&E Editor. Molly Perry, Features Editor. Freya Dahlgren, Opinion Editor. Staff Writers: Maggie Barnhill, Piper Carriere, Shae-Lynn Henderson, Anna Prince, Mia Russell, Evelyn Summers, Hannah Taib, Melissa Taylor, Haileigh West. Podcasting Director: Sofia Gomez. Copy Editor: Cady Stanley. Staff Photographer: Elisabeth Sinicrope.