Page -3- And speaking of suggestions, some readers suggested that we might sav^ paper by having the newsletter printed on both sides * Don*t think we promptly forgot this id 3a# Vfe chocfccd vrith our printer who tells us that the type paper used for the neirs- letter is too absorbent to give a clear copy on two sides, BEACON HOUSE on Bridges in Morehead City is a dmig education center which offers a "v;ay out" for drug users as well as courses in drug education, a Help Line tele phone prOf-^.ram, and "alternative high" classes in Kai^iie, painting, crafts, and gU-ltar, froe to aJ_l, Eleanor Thomas, Beacon House Director and Drug Education Coordihatc-r, is a native of IIoreh9c,d City who, as a graduate, worked a whl.l.e for a big drig r.ia.n”afacturer,. became disturbed by the fact that the comp?-ny*s biggest profit in tranquj lizezirr;^ decided she was in the wrong end of the field, and came back hore to deal with dr'^gs at a different level, Diana McDonnell, l‘r?atnient and Rehabilitation Coordiiriator, does counseling in dmg-related problems and ir3 i‘i charge of the Help Line i>ervicc which includes about 27 trained telephone volunteers who are on ca?JL 2A' hours a day to tiy to be of comfort to people in distress cf all kinds* If you feol you can be of ser\’^ce in this area, give Beacon Hoiise a call (726~879^ )c I’^jcidentally, they wcrk on a tight budget, would we?_come donations like the cash gift they received recently from an organization at the Methodist Church when Eleanor Thomas spoke -1 there. Donations to Beacon House will be especially welcome during October and their Fund Drive is underway. Checks may be sent to BEACON HOUSE, 409 Bridges Street, Morehead City, N, C. 28557, It*s BOOKMOBILE time again, hurrahJ For those of you who are new, the bookmobile comes once a month and stops for forty-five minutes in front of William and Nettie Murrill*s, Watch for the schedule in the Carteret News-Times, The next bookmobile stop in PKS will be October 30 from 10*30—11:15 A.M, And once again so none of us will forget: A SPECIAL HEARING ON THE PROPOSED BRIDGE WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, AT 8:00 P.M., AT THE ATLANTIS,